» Contents » (0) Quickstart » (1) Introduction » (2) Installation & setup » (3) Creating a character & starting to play » (4) The world » (4.10a) Player stores
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(4.10a) Player stores --------------------- Players can turn their houses into stores, which run automagically even while they aren't logged on. Other players can enter your store and buy items, but not sell any. You will receive cheques that you can turn in for money by simply reading them with 'r' key, same as scrolls. You can also 'I'nspect them. The prices customers will see listed when they enter your store are at least as high as twice of the item's base value (or in other words half of normal Black Market price, except that prices in player stores do not depend on race or charisma). You can further increase an item's price by inscribing it, if you like: To turn a house into a player-store, simply put an item in it that carries the @S inscription. This inscription means that this item will be put up for sale in your store for the item's default price. (Press '{' key to inscribe an item or '}' key to remove an inscription.) As soon as a house contains at least one item inscribed this way, if a player who does not have access to the house tries to open the door, he will be presented with a store screen where he can buy those inscribed items. The default price (the minimum price) of an item is 2x its base value that it would cost in normal (non black market) town stores. This price cannot be undercut in player shops. However, the following items are exceptions and have a default price of only 1x their base value: - Rings of Speed - Scrolls of Artifact Creation - Random artifacts and spell scrolls even have a minimum price of only 1/2 of their regular value, allowing undercutting the library. To verify the appraised price, just inspect (Shift+I) an item inscribed '@S' while you are inside your house. If you want to set a higher price than the default price, you can inscribe the item with the price like this: @S20000 This will ask for 20000 gold, provided the minimum price isn't actually higher. Instead of setting a price, you can also add to the base price, by using the following inscription syntax: @S+10000 This will add 10000 gold to the default price that is asked for. Another way of increasing the price is by multiplying it with a percentage, which may range from 100 to 1000 depending on the server, like this: @S%150 This will sell the item for 1.5 times (150%) the default price. Note that if you want to put up items with inscriptions longer than just the store-part, you need to terminate the store inscription with a dot or space. Examples: Hello@S10000.Customer @S Good stuff This item will appear in your store with an inscription "HelloCustomer". The "S@..." part is always omitted. This way, you can add short notes to the items you offer. You can use 'k' and 'M' to denote a multiplier of thousand and million respectively: @S3k will sell for 3000, @S1M will sell for 1000000. If you want to keep the last item of a pile of items offered in your store, you can put a 'B' after the '@S', for 'base', eg: @SB @SB15000 (This will always cause 'mass cheques' (those inscribed 'various piled items') to be used for sales of this item, as the pile can never run out.) You can also specify a number after the 'B' to set the exact minimum amount of items to keep (from 1 to 99). It must be terminated by a semikolon, eg: @SB5; @SB5;15000 Depending on the server settings, items inscribed @SB that are running too low, hitting the base stock limit specified via the B-tag and therefore stop being available for purchase in the store will be displayed in dark grey and possibly with the numerical prefix 'no more' and/or a price tag saying 'SOLD OUT'. If you want to display items that are not for sale, eg create a 'museum', you can inscribe the items @S- which will make them unsellable, yet they will be on display on your store. You can also put up 'signs' in your store by inscribing a (non-massive) piece of wood "@S:" followed by the desired sign text. Signs are just for viewing and cannot be purchased by customers. For example inscribe it: @S:Welcome to my store! Items in stores are sorted by their type. Inscribed store signs however are not sorted, and other items that are sorted in will pass them by when checking where they are to be sorted in. This allows you to rearrange the store signs at will, but might need some experimenting and shuffling around all other items till you achieve the desired result. If another player buys your item, there will be a 10% fee that is cut from your profits. The rest of the price the customer paid will be imprinted into a cheque. This cheque is then placed into an available spot in that house. To turn a cheque into money, simply press 'r' to read it like you would read a scroll. You can also 'I'nspect a cheque to find out how much it's worth. There are two types of cheques: Normally, if an item or a whole pile is bought by someone, the item or pile will simply be replaced with a cheque accordingly, for you to withdraw. If however the customer buys only part of a pile of items, then another type of cheque will be used, called 'mass cheque' which uses one extra slot in your house and combines all sales of partial piles of items. While normal cheques are inscribed with details of the item that was sold, mass cheques only say 'various piled items' or something similar. So if you offer piles, make sure that you have at least one free space in your house, or the cheque cannot be generated! In that case the purchase will be cancelled and the customer will see a message: "Sorry, the store is currently not open for sale. Please contact .. the owner!" Usually, player stores may only pop up if a player doesn't have access to that house door. If you want to test your own player store though, you can just press 'h' key or use the /pstore command when standing next to your house door (see (0.2b)). To indicate that your house is a player store, you can use 'h' key or the "/paint" command to paint your house entrance for other players to see! Please see (0.2b) for more information about painting. All items put up in player stores will be listed on the "Player store search" webpage on the TomeNET website: Go to "Official Server Info" and there click "Player Stores". This list is usually updated once per hour, so items you just added to your store might not yet be displayed on the webpage. Similarly, items you already removed might linger there for a bit more.