» Contents » (0) Quickstart » (1) Introduction » (2) Installation & setup » (3) Creating a character & starting to play » (4) The world » (4.13) Extermination orders, events and Ironman Challenge
» (5) Item and flag details, elements» (6) Monster details » (7) Character details » (8) Tactics & strategy » (9) Miscellanous |
(4.13) Extermination orders, events and Ironman Challenge --------------------------------------------------------- Your character will have opportunities to do certain side events for extra rewards, such as carrying out so-called extermination orders or participating in global (as in, open to everyone at the same time) events. An extermination order can be received by a player on demand and infinitely often, and only concerns him personally. Events however are automatically scheduled in regular time intervals, often have strict conditions for what kind of characters are allowed to participate and allow (or even require) multiple players to participate simultaneously. Some events will require you to have zero experience in order to participate. The maximum experience your character ever accumulated counts for this, so make sure you don't gain even 1 point of experience before the event starts! The following actions may reward 1 XP without you noticing: -Eating a bad food ration. -Picking a lock. -Transferring items or money from another player to you. -Picking up/earning more than 300 gold pieces (IDDC-exclusive characters are unable to pick up any gold at all, and in turn start out with 300 extra). Use the /ex command to see how much more gold you may pick up Killing townspeople in Bree however will not give you any experience. Stay clean! Before listing the events, there are the x-orders, which aren't considered real events but rather personal kill quests that can run concurrently (on a timer) to anything you are actually doing in the game: Extermination orders: --------------------- These are basically 'kill quests'. You need to venture out and kill a fixed amount of a certain type of monster. To receive an order, visit the major in the town hall (one of the '+' doors in town), or if you are in the IDDC simply type "/xorder" in the chat. There is a certain time limit which in most cases is easily sufficient, especially if you have the according ESP ability. The time limit is actually two 'in-game days', which in real time lasts somewhat over two hours. (See (4.14) for more information about the in-game time system.) The time will continue to run out even while you're not logged on. If you carry out the extermination order you received, you will be rewarded with a good or great item or sometimes a stack of consumables, depending on the difficulty (monster level) and chance. The item does not depend on your race, class, skills or luck in any way, it's completely random. It's quality is also on average lower than the items obtained from winning events (read further below about events). If you fail to carry out your order in time, the order will be cancelled and you can just get a new one if you want to. There is no penalty. On an Ironman server or within the Ironman Deep Dive Challenge dungeon, the amount of monsters that need to be slain is somewhat lower (especially for low level orders). Also, in the IDDC and in the Halls of Mandos, the monster level of the extermination order will depend on the floor level rather than on the player's level. Inside the IDDC you may only request one order per floor. Events: ------- use /evinfo and /evsign commands to get information and to sign up) Note: Item rewards depend on your character, see (9.5) for more information about item rewards. Make sure that you aren't inside a dungeon or on a position on a dungeon floor or in a certain state regarding your character (eg equipment) that prevents the use use of Word of Recall! If that is the case when an event begins that you signed up for, you will fail to join the event! Such scenarios are for exaple: Ironman dungeons, forcedown dungeons, no-recall dungeons, no-teleport vaults, wearing a no-teleport item. If an event has't started yet you can undo your sign-up again with '/evunsign'. Here is a list of all available events: Highlander Tournament: PvP, there can only be one, requires at least 2 participants. Can provide sort of the strongest reward items of all events. When you see a message, announcing a Highlander Tournament, type "/evinfo" in the chat to find out more, and use "/evsign" followed by the event's number to sign up for participation. It's a deathmatch with 10 minutes of preparation time, and only newly created characters with 0 experience may join it. If you die in this event, your character will get erased, even if it was an everlasting-mode character. The winner will receive a deed that can be 'r'ead, and turned in at Bree's Mayor Office for either an item or a temporary luck bonus. All losers will also receive a contender's deed on the next character they log in with which can be turned in for a very small temporary luck bonus. See "Reward Deeds" further below for details on reward deeds. Detailed course of the event: After signing up, players can kill townies for cash and go shopping. They must not earn ANY experience though, or they won't be able to participate when the event starts. If a player collects more than 300 gold, he will gain 1 experience point, and therefore become uneligible to participate. Picking up items belonging to other players will also give 1 experience. When the event starts, all participants are (if word-of-recall is legal at their current position) teleported into a specific dungeon that is reserved for Highlander Tournament participants exclusively. All players receive an Amulet of the Highlands which they should not forget to wear, because it gives the character considerable power. They now have 10 minutes to level up in this dungeon. In this highlander dungeon players are randomly teleported when they take a staircase, so even if two players take the same staircase they won't end up next to each other. After 10 minutes, everyone is teleported out of the dungeon and meets on a battlefield where they have to kill each other, because it is well known that THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! When a player is slain and drops his items, other players can pick up his Amulet of the Highlands and 'w'ear it, which will make it fuse with an already existing Amulet of the Highlands, increasing its power! When only one player is left, he will be the designated winner, and teleported back to Bree. He automatically receives a victory deed in his inventory which he can exchange at the Mayor's office in the town hall. Highlander Tournament deeds can create somewhat more valuable reward items than the Dungeon Keeper event. Arena Monster Challenge: No sign-up period, it's immediately active. No losses or gains, no deaths, it's just for testing your abilities. The wizards of Arena Monster Challenge (tm) have prepared a spectacular event on the top floor of Bree's training tower, which will allow any Joe and Jane to experience top-notch fights against creatures that usually pose lethal threat. In this illusonary arena, players will experience a fight that seems absolutely real, but they won't suffer any consequences if they lose, ie 'die'. Test your might against any foe you always wanted to challenge but never dared in real dungeoneer's life! It's also possible to challenge ego monsters (such as veteran archers or holy animals). The arena corners are safe zones and allow for spectating. Note that you cannot die or suffer various hazardous effects in the arena, you won't consume food and monsters cannot summon. Hint: If you want to spice a monster up, try the /scream command while it's in your line of sight. Inventory and equipment cannot be damaged/destroyed or disenchanted in this event, and you cannot get disarmed either. NOTE: PvP mode characters are exempt from safety and can die for real! Dungeon Keeper: Co-op - everyone can win, requires at least 1 participant. (You should enable 'easy_open' option in =9 for this event, which is enabled by default, and lets you open doors simply be moving into them. Light radius of 2 is recommended, eg provided by a Brass Lantern, which you can buy from town store '1', the General Store.) Characters who want to participate must not be of higher level than 14. A character can participate only once in this event. PvP mode characters are not eligible to join. If you die in this event, your character will get erased, even if it was an everlasting-mode character. Running, phasing, teleporting, magic mappping, detection and ESP are disabled in the event. Also, your speed cannot exceed +0 (Normal), and the lava that floods the dungeon will deal irresistible damage even if your character is immune to fire. No items are required for this event. All winners will receive a deed that can be 'r'ead, and turned in at Bree's Mayor Office for either an item or a temporary luck bonus. All losers will also receive an autograph deed on the next character they log in with which can be turned in for a very small temporary luck bonus. See "Reward Deeds" further below for details on reward deeds. Detailed course of the event: When the event starts, all participants are (if word-of-recall is legal at their current position) transported into a labyrinth of rooms made of impenetrable walls but connected by doors or even void jump gates. The goal is to find one of four escape beacons, which are light green '>'. The beacons are self-illuminated and in the center of their room, so you will always be able to easily spot them. Everyone who steps on an escape beacon and presses the '>' key will be teleported to Bree and has thereby successfully escaped the maze and receive a winner's deed they can turn in at the mayor's office in Bree. After about 5 minutes, the dungeon floor however will crackle, and be flooded more and more with lava. Time is running out. Now the players who haven't escaped yet should hurry, before the maze is completely submerged in lava. Doors and the exit beacons will stay clear until the very final push of lava occurs which then completely submerges everything. However, it seems the former keeper of this abandoned maze left behind a horrible guardian, the Horned Reaper. It can sense your presence and if it manages to catch you, there is no hope of survival. It does not matter who the first or last is to find the exit, everyone who manages to get out, wins. Hints: -The Horned Reaper in this maze bashes doors instead of opening them. -If you stand still for a turn, you can 'run' over one adjacent floor grid as quickly as you can double-tap a movement key (maybe create a macro). -Players usually do not start next to rooms that have escape beacons. -Don't OCD this dungeon. Your goal is to pass through as many rooms as possible, not to cover areas "cleanly". -It is known that in a world of squares, moving diagonally has a certain advantage. Reward deeds: ------------- Some events hand out deeds to winners (sometimes dubbed victory deeds) and maybe also to losers (sometimes dubbed contender deeds). If it was an event that erases losers, the contender deed is usually received on the next character you log on with. These deeds can be 'r'ead and turned in at the mayor's office in Bree, the biggest building in town, north-east area of the town center. Winner deeds: Winner deeds can be turned in for an item tailored to the character! The game checks some details like which skills you have trained and also your character sheet and equipment to some degree, to determine the item, so make sure you are prepared before turning it in! For details on how to optimise this, see (9.5) Reward item creation. Alternatively the deed can be turned in for a temporary luck bonus that lasts about 60 min (90 on Ironman server). Usually the item is preferable over the buff. However, you can also trade the winner deed to another character, who can then go and redeem it for luck (not for an item), although the luck bonus that character gets will be smaller than what the owner would have gotten: Just as high as a contender deed's bonus. The buff duration of a traded deed will still be the same as it would have been for the owner though. Loser deeds: Players who didn't win will also (depending on the event) receive a deed on the next character they log in with, which can be turned in for a very small temporary luck bonus that lasts about 30 minutes (45 on the Ironman server); multiple deed buffs do stack in duration up to ~ 1 hour, provided it's the same buff power (ie same tier of deed). Contender deeds are not tradable so they can only be redeemed by the character that received them. Further information: The luck buffs are on hold while on the world surface, so you won't lose buff time from running around in the town area or travelling to dungeons. This also means that the buffs are not applied while on the world surface. For details about luck, see LUCK flag in (5.8). Highlander Tournament rewards can theoretically end up with a higher item value in gold than rewards from other events. A crown of telepathy for example is not obtainable from Dungeon Keeper, but can be obtained here. Reward items cannot be sold to stores though. Asides from extermination orders and events, there is another, permanently available challenge that waits for you to tackle it: Adventure modules: ------------------ These are highly challenging events on hand-crafted dungeon maps, specifically themed environments, and may have hidden bonus treasure and encounters. Created by Kurzel, these events are usually permanently recruiting in the list of global events (use '/evinfo' chat command to check, '/evsign' to sign up). Once a player signs up, there is a short time window of a few minutes during which additional players can sign up, before the event begins. Then, nobody else may join until all players participating are dead or escaped. Event duration is limited. If a player is still there when the time runs out he will usually just get teleported back to Bree. In general, fruit bats, PvP characters and ghosts cannot participate. Under Elmoth: Create a new character and challenge the forbidding dark-elven halls under sunken Nan Elmoth. Once a place of beauty, now its cavernous chambers contain only dread! Triumph over the corruption if you can! -- Restrictions: Zero experience required. 1-6 players. 30 minutes. -- Prohibitions: No Mapping, Detection, ESP. -- Prohibitions: No Summoning, Genocide, Earthquake, *Destruction*. Seasonal events: ---------------- At certain times of the year, some seasonal events will occur for a couple of days each. The exact time of the day when they start or end can vary depending on your time zone, even a date difference of +/-1 day is possible for that reason. The ending date means that somewhen after the beginning of that day, the event will end. These events do not use sign-up and aren't listed in the global events list either, they are just active 'in the background' in the game world, modifying certain aspects of it: Halloween: Running from 26th October till 2nd November. If seasons run at 2x speed, then also from 26th April till 2nd May. The server will recall all players (20 minutes ahead warning will be displayed) and restart. After that, Halloween is live and costumes can be found and stored costumes can be worn again. Townspeople will actually give experience (!) but also have a fear-causing 'touch' attack. They can't really harm you, though. Randomly, the Great Pumpkin will appear on dungeon levels, its hit points varying from 1/3 to full strength depending on the dungeon level. If you cannot beat it on deeper floors you could try leaving the floor to reset it, wait a bit, and then move to a shallower floor and hope to see the Pumpkin respawn there with less HP. The pumpkin will despawn on its own if it doesn't get defeated before one hour has passed after it appeared. It will quickly respawn on another dungeon level in that case. About 5 minutes before it fades away, nearby players will get a warning message, saying that the Great Pumpkin "wails and seems to fade". The Pumpkin is aiming at intermediate-level characters. It can spawn on any dungeon floor from level 1 to 35 (or 40 on Ironman server), except it won't show up on the first 9 floors in the Ironman Deep Dive Challenge. It can spawn in both ways, initial level generation and live. The pumpkin will not spawn for 6 hours for the last two players who killed it, so ideally you are a party of at least 3 and keep creating the next dungeon level with the person who did not one of the last two kills, ie have that player be the first one to enter a new dungeon level. It will usually be quite tough and might require teamwork to beat. Players who are too high level (above 30 on main, above 35 on Ironman*) will not be able to hunt him, they will see a message: "A ghostly force drives you out of this dungeon!" The IDDC is the only exception: Players of any level may enter a floor that already has the Great Pumpkin on it, without getting teleported away. The Great Pumpkin does not cause any damage but still has a few annoying spells at its disposal. It is level 127 and therefore can drop quite high- level items and usually drops very good stuff. Please share fairly. ;) When a player defeats the Great Pumpkin, everyone will get a message about it. The Great Pumpkin will randomly respawn again some time later. During Halloween, it will stay deep night on the world's surface and magic that lights up the world surface won't work. Christmas: Running from 23rd December to 26th December. If seasons run at 2x speed, then also from 23rd June till 26th June. The server will recall all players (20 minutes ahead warning will be displayed) and restart, after which the event is live. During christmas, costumes can be worn again and you might even find Santa Claus costumes. Also, Santa Claus will spawn in Bree and drop great stuff when you uh.. kill him. :) New year's eve: Running from 31st December to 1st January. If seasons run at 2x speed, then also from 31st June till 1st July. Fireworks will be launched into the sky of the town of Bree. While it's night and fireworks are being launched, magic that lights up the world surface will not work. Ironman Deep Dive Challenge (IDDC): ----------------------------------- This is a permanent, special, gigantic ironman dungeon (or tower) that you may attempt to conquer by reaching the final floor or killing Morgoth and then recalling out. It allows traversing only in one direction and if you die you die permanently even if you are everlasting! Originally there was a specific "RPG Server" I created as a stand-alone server for a few years, which was then abolished and inspired this single dungeon instead. For those who wish to play more 'ironish' even outside of the IDDC, there are character modes available such as no-ghost or soloist. The IDDC accommodates different dungeon themes, suggested and implemented by Kurzel, and dungeon towns, I implemented based on Kurzel's suggestions, and it comes with a specific ruleset, to which IDDC goers contributed such as the IDDC top dog Pondos and many others. Structure, getting out: The IDDC dungeon consists of 127 floors (-50 ft till -6350 ft, or positive if it happens to be a tower) and does not allow recalling in between, except for in the two 'dungeon towns' which will be generated at dungeon level 40 (Menegroth) and 80 (Nargothrond). There are two additional dungeon towns at level 20 and 60 but these won't allow recalling. If you recall from a town it counts as withdrawing from the challenge and you won't make it on the leaderboard that can be viewed at the mayor's office in Bree. (Note that 'IDDC-exclusive' characters can NOT recall out at static towns. If they try, they are just 'killed by indetermination' and erased.) Starting after 4.9.0c, the IDDC will also spawn refuge areas - depending on the server settings (you can check by pressing ~ i) either at 500 ft, or at 350 and 700 ft, within every 1000 ft interval in the IDDC - which offers a possibility to sell loot albeit at not so great prices, and also allow for basic shopping for spells and supplies. If a player logs out within this refuge, next time he logs back in he will spawn inside the refuge again, no matter its location on the dungeon floor. Monsters cannot spawn in the wilderness sector of the dungeon entrance, so you can just stay AFK at the entrance safely, waiting for team mates. Monsters cannot spawn in any dungeon town either. The towns, as well as any other IDDC floors, remain static for (only) 5 minutes after dying, giving other players a chance to loot items and money. An exception are floors 50ft..350ft which only stay static for 2 minutes, still giving you a chance to reconnect if you get disconnected without the floor turning 'stale' (see much further below). Since you cannot recall out except from the two towns Menegroth and Nargothrond, except if you reach the 127th floor (the final floor) of the dungeon, it is extremely likely that you will die before making it through all those floors. So this dungeon serves as a challenge of how far you can make it before death! The level reached will be recorded in the mayor's office in Bree ('n' key inside the office, to view the records). For servers running 'strict_etiquette', meaning that a player will lose all true artifacts after winning (the official server does NOT run use this): If Morgoth is defeated, players on his floor will be allowed to use Word of Recall to leave the dungeon if they wish! Requirements to enter, exclusive mode: The Deep Dive dungeon requires your character to have zero experience points in order to be eligible to enter. To fulfil that requirement you may not collect more than 300 Au (gold pieces) or pick up any items or money of other players. Also, if you eat a ration of food and you are unlucky enough that it's gone bad you will get 1 xp for that. Note that you are allowed to pick up items on the world surface (those that are dropped by townies in Bree for example). If you sell these items to shops, the money you get will be subtracted from the remaining amount of gold your character was allowed to pick up (check with /ex command). Use the /ex command to see how much more gold you may pick up. When you haven't collected 300 Au yet and step on a money pile that would exceed 300 Au, your character will only collect as much gold from it to exactly hit 300 and leave the rest on the floor. From now on you must not step on any other money pile (including this remaining one) or you will gain 1 xp and thereby disqualify for IDDC. Note that unlike for items, it is allowed to collect gold in a dungeon or tower too. If you make a 'slot-exclusive' IDDC character, it will start out with 300 extra gold, get at least a 50% discount in all shops in Bree, and in turn will automatically be unable to pick up any more gold or items of other players outside of the IDDC, and it won't get experience from eating bad food either. (It cannot buy houses either, which are useless for IDDC.) Note that the /convertexclusive command works on the Ironman server too, to convert your character to a dedicated (slot-exclusive) IDDC character. As IDDC-exclusive character you will get no experience when you kill a monsters outside of the IDDC. As a little extra bonus, slot-exclusive IDDC characters will also randomly gain knowledge of some item flavours on entering the IDDC dungeon. (Flavoured items are: potions, scrolls, rings, amulets, magic devices, mushrooms.) All characters that enter the IDDC will also get 20 scrolls of identify for free, which will automatically be placed into their inventory. Exclusive-mode characters cannot recall out of the IDDC at towns. They also will automatically be no-ghost mode and will receive an extra +25% score bonus (stacking with the no-ghost score bonus and a potential hard-mode bonus should the player choose hard-mode aka 'hellish'). An IDDC-slot-exclusive character that makes it out of the dungeon will be restricted to the world surface. If it attempts to enter any dungeon or tower it will automatically retire instantly. Note that it cannot buy any houses, but it won't need those anyway. You can use the command '/convertexclusive' to convert one of your characters into a dedicated IDDC character, moving it to a specific IDDC-only-character slot and freeing up the generic character slot again. This of course only works if you still have a free IDDC-exclusive character slot available. Usually (depending on the server, but it's the default setting), IDDC- exclusive characters may alternatively enter the Halls of Mandos instead! Experience, items, shops: Players in the IDDC receive a 20% experience gain bonus in addition to the usual 15% experience bonus all ironman dungeons provide, so overall you gain +35% more experience in IDDC than in a normal, generic dungeon. You could decide to 'abuse' IDDC to level up your character, and then leave the dungeon when you reach -2000 ft. This might be especially interesting for mimicry users (see further below). The IDDC does not enforce a minimum depth in regards to player level in order to gain optimal experience. On average the experience gained in IDDC is high enough, that even a character of a highly penalized race/class combination can still obtain at least level 46 before he reaches Nargothrond at -4000 ft, even if he skips all floors that give a "terrifying" feeling - if he clears out all other floors completely. This number is an average and may therefore vary. To further bring your character up to snuff on deeper levels, when you hit -3000 ft you will have a very high chance to find one very useful ring of speed. This high chance will stay in effect until you actually find it. This does not have to happen on -3000 ft, it can be on deeper levels too. As soon as you find it, your chance to find further rings of speed will revert back to normal. Shops in the IDDC offer especially powerful items, and there are additional special shops that are not found elsehwere. Starting at dungeon level 8 (aka -400ft), a hidden library may appear randomly (that's a bookstore with a red '9' as an entrance), allowing you to purchase magic spells you might be missing. It also offers a special service to identify all items you are carrying. The chance to find at least one library on your way down is around 1/2 up to dungeon level 10, 2/3 up to 13, 3/4 up to 15, and 4/5 up to 17. The Herbalist can also spawn in the IDDC (on lower/mid level floors). On very deep floors (ie after Nargothrond), a seasoned alchemist store may appear, allowing you to resupply, at a 20% generation chance on each floor. Rogues should be aware that it's not possible to steal from general store, weaponsmith, armoury, temple, magic shop, black market and the special potion store in the dungeon towns. This leaves only the hidden Library, herbalist, alchemy shop and the library to steal from. If you use stolen enchant scrolls on an item while you are in a town, then the item will get a 100% off discount. If you want to use stolen scrolls to enchant your items and keep the items sellable, then you have to take the staircase to leave the town, and read the scrolls in an actual dungeon level instead. Recharging wands and staves in the IDDC has a considerably lower chance for them to break (aka disappear in a bright flash of light) than usual. Layout, dungeon types and bosses: The IDDC is randomly using themes of all the other dungeons, the selection is randomly rerolled every 24 hours. The final floor of each theme might spawn the according dungeon boss if you are lucky. The chance for a boss to spawn is even somewhat higher than in normal dungeons. Further, you will receive an feeling "You feel a commanding presence.." that indicates a dungeon boss spawn. Like yellow feeling messages, this too requires you to have stayed on the previous floor for about 2 minutes (until your depth indicator gets a light blue star attached). Although Sauron is the final guardian of Mount Doom, he may spawn in any theme in the IDDC, provided the floor depth is at least level 99. As in any other dungeon, Morgoth will only spawn if all players on a floor have already defeated Sauron. He may spawn in any theme, on floor depths of level 100 or deeper. Usually unique monsters may not spawn in two or more places in the game world at once, but the IDDC is actually an exception. In here, a unique monster is allowed to spawn (once) on a floor even though another instance of it already exists right now elsewhere in the world. This means that you don't have to worry which uniques other players are currently fighting - they can still spawn for you just fine. If you make it through the IDDC, the title of "Iron Champion" will be bestowed on you. If you even manage to defeat Morgoth you will instead acquire the title of "Iron Emperor" or "Iron Empress" respectively. You are allowed to re-enter the IDDC (and depending on server version) and also the Halls of Mandos after you made it through. However, if you are on a dedicated-IDDC character, you will automatically force-retire (aka suicide) if you enter any other dungeon. Specialties: Mimicry users gain +9 extra kill credit on each kill, effectively learning forms TEN TIMES as fast. (However, if that character decides to withdraw from the challenge at a static town, it loses 2/3 of those extra kill credits again, still not a bad deal.) Darklings and Candlebearers for Maiar spawn slightly earlier, from dungeon level 10 to 20 in the IDDC, instead of from 12 to 20 anywhere else in the world. Unmakers cannot spawn in the IDDC at all (same as for Halls of Mandos). After the first fixed town at -2000 ft, Menegroth, all further floors you enter will give you a progressively increasing (with floor depth) luck bonus, making it more and more likely to obtain better items. Monsters cannot spawn 'live' in the IDDC, but only at the time of creation of each dungeon floor. Summon staves cannot be recharged in the IDDC and polymorphing magic does not work. Since for this reason it is important to get the most XP out of every floor the server may run an experimental feature: A staircase will look white instead of dark grey to indicate that someone else is currently on that next floor. So you might decide to wait until he left in order for the floor to reset and thereby get monster spawn again before you enter it. Inside the challenge dungeon you can acquire an extermination order via /xorder command at level 1 already, instead of the usual minimum level 5. On average, extermination orders in here require less monsters to be slain. Also, the monster level of the order will depend on the floor level instead of the player's level. You cannot take up another extermination order if you haven't taken at least three staircases since acquiring the previous one. Partying and trading: IDDC allows partying and trading between everlasting and non-everlasting characters. To form a party, everyone must be inside the IDDC dungeon and the person to be added must be on at least the same depth as the currently deepest party member, or deeper. You cannot have more than one character in the same IDDC-Party at a time. However, gold cannot be traded, and items can only be traded if both players are in the same party and the item was found when the finder was already in the party and after the player who wants to receive it joined the party, otherwise you will get the message "You cannot take items from outsiders." (same message as for iron team trading restrictions actually). Items purchased from shops cannot be traded at all in the IDDC, only found items can be traded. Items cannot be traded on stale floors. Level requirements on items are not in effect while inside the ironman deep dive challenge either, so item levels are meaningless. However, when a character picks up an unowned pile of money from the floor, it will be evenly split between all party members on the same floor. Party bonus experience is higher than outside of IDDC. This means that the experience you get per killed monster is much closer to the experience you would get for playing solo, making partying more attractive since you do not need to worry about 'loss' of experience compared to going solo. If the party leader dies inside the IDDC, the party isn't disbanded but ownership of the party is transferred to another party member. (Same as on Ironman server.) Stale floors: In case you need to go offline you'll just have to log out inside the dungeon. Keep in mind that your character will stay in the game for about 30 more seconds during which it could be killed if in an unsafe place. Dungeon towns in general however are free of any monster spawns, so they are safe. If you log out in the IDDC and log back on before the level has changed, you can continue business as usual. However, if you log off and wait until the level has reset, then the level will be "stale" for you, the next time you log on, which will prevent you from getting any experience, items or gold until you move on by taking a staircase to the next floor. You cannot trade with other players on stale floors either. Therefore, if you need to log out and stop playing, you should first clear as many monsters as you can on your current floor before logging out. That way you won't "waste" any experience points. Dungeon towns never turn stale.