» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (3.9a) Creating a chat macro for your party
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(3.9) Macros with special keys
(3.9b) Alternative macros: Calling objects by their name
(3.9a) Creating a chat macro for your party                                     
Using public chat for party coordination can prove annoying to other players
and as well confusing to your fellow party members since it's sometimes hard
to read if people are chatting vividly.
On the other hand, entering your chat lines in this format
  <Party name>:<Text>
all the time can get annoying since you have to repeat the party name over and
over, although you can use just the first four letters or so as abbreviation.

There are three different ways to easily talk to your party.
1.) use the party wildcard '!'.
    Simply start your chatline like this !:blabla..., using the '!' in place
    of the party name. The text will be sent to your current party (if any).
2.) Hit ':' key to enter chat, now press TAB to switch to party chat mode.
3.) Create a macro to chat with a specific party, so you can write a
    party-message by hitting a single key, party-chatting becomes as easy as
    hitting ':' for normal chat.
    Enter the macro menu ('%'), enter a new action ('a'), enter the macro
    according to your party name. For example, if your party is called
    'Scarlet Knights', enter this string:
    hit the Enter key to accept it, create a command macro ('c'), choose a
    key you wish to use for party chat from now on, and save your macro ('s')
    to a file which is loaded automatically, like '<Your charname>.prf', for
    example Kinkan.prf.
    Using longer or shorter (at least 4 letters) strings works too of course,
    as long as there isn't a party of similar name which could get confused
    with yours.
The best way in my opinion is to combine the two ways and to set up a macro
which types   :!:   for you on a single key press automatically:
    Enter the macro menu ('%'), enter a new action ('a'), enter the macro:
    hit the Enter key to accept it, create a command macro ('c'), choose a
    key you wish to use for party chat from now on, and save your macro ('s')
    to a file which is loaded automatically, like '<Your charname>.prf', for
    example Kinkan.prf. This way, no matter what your party is called, you
    will always be able to chat to it by pressing a single key.
(3.9) Macros with special keys
(3.9b) Alternative macros: Calling objects by their name