» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (3.4a) Subinventory aka Bags
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(3.4) Inventory and equipment
(3.4b) Start-up equipment
(3.4a) Subinventory aka Bags                                                    
Starting in game version 4.8.0, there are 'container' items, bags and chests,
that provide a small inventory in themselves, thereby extending your total
inventory space.
However, you can only ever use one of each bag type at the same time.

To stow items from your inventory into subinventory, press 'i' first to
invoke your inventory, then 's' to stow an item or stack of items.

Subinventory can be browsed via 'b' (same key as used for browsing books).
While browsing subinventory, you can press 's' to unstow an item or stack,
putting it back into your (normal) inventory.
Alternatively, just for a quick check of contents, you can inspect (SHIFT+i) a
subinventory container. You cannot interact with the contents this way though.

To make your complete subinventory (ie the contents of all your bags) visible
at any time, you can enable a new terminal window for it via  = w  which is
indexed as "Display subinventory". To enable more terminal windows, go to = f
and press 'v' on a selected inactive terminal to toggle its visibility.

If you drop or destroy subinventory container item, all items will be removed
from it and placed into your inventory. Items that don't fit in will be dropped
to the ground instead.
If you carry two containers of the same category, you will only be able to use
one of them.

There are four categories of subinventory containers:

- Chest
  Using chests is not very feasible as their weight is usually very high and
  will hence slow you down, while they at the same time do not provide much
  space really, but anyway:
  When you empty a chest you found, it turns into a 'usable' chest and you will
  be able to store a few of your own items in it.

  In general, you cannot access or do much with items inside chests, for
  example you cannot quaff potions or read scrolls. Only the generic commands
  (listed further below) will be usable.

- Alchemy Satchel
  This satchel stores chemicals and mixtures related to the Demolitionist
  perk acquired via Digging skill (7.2), and allows you to mix chemicals right
  from within it via 'a' key, while browsing the satchel.
  Alternatively you can activate them from the outside as usual with SHIFT+A,
  but for client versions older than 4.9.2, you must then use the '@' feature
  (call by item name) in the prompt, or simply create a macro using the macro
  wizard, which creates call-by-name macros.
  If you pick up chemicals or mixtures they will be auto-stowed into this bag
  unless inscribed (see further down).
  Satchels are sometimes sold by the Alchemy Shop in town.

- Trap Kit Bag
  This bag compactly stores a surprising amount of trap kits and allows you to
  deploy them straight from within.
  (For client versions older than 4.9.2, you must use the '@' feature (call by
  item name) in the prompt, or simply create a macro using the macro wizard,
  which creates call-by-name macros.)
  If you pick up trap kits they will be auto-stowed into this bag unless
  inscribed (see further down).
  Trap kit bags are sometimes sold by the General Store in town.

- Antistatic Wrapping
  This bag can hold magic devices that do not require a directional activation
  (all staves and some rods) and allows you to use them straight from within.
  However, it actually requires decent expertise in magic-device handling,
  so your character will need at least 10.000 in either 'Magic Device' skill
  or in 'Trapping' skill (as trappers are proficient in magic-device-based
  trap kit handling too).
  (For client versions older than 4.9.2, you must use the '@' feature (call by
  item name) in the prompt, or simply create a macro using the macro wizard,
  which creates call-by-name macros.)
  Just pay attention that you use % z J (and not % z k) to create the macro.
  Unknown rods are never eligible to be placed in this bag.
  Note that !C inscription (to alert when charged) on your magic devices works
  just fine when they are inside bags, just as usual.
  If you pick up fitting magical devices they will be auto-stowed into this bag
  unless inscribed (see further down).
  Wrappings are sometimes sold by the Magic Shop in town.

- Potion Belt
  This utility belt can hold potions for you, ready to use on demand, thereby
  alleviating the load on your precious inventory space.
  (For client versions older than 4.9.2, you must use the '@' feature (call by
  item name) in the prompt, or simply create a macro using the macro wizard,
  which creates call-by-name macros.)
  If you pick up potions, they will be auto-stowed into this bag unless
  inscribed (see further down).
  Potion belts are sometimes sold by the Alchemy Shop in town.

For client versions older than 4.9.2:
From outside the subinventory you cannot access any items inside except if you
use the '@' (call by item name) feature in the item prompt.
Since the macro wizard actually creates call-by-name macros anyway, you can
just use it if you are unsure.

A few generic commands are always available from within subinventory:
  - Chat (:).
  - Screenshot (CTRL+T).
  - Inspect item (x).
  - Drop an item (d).
  - Destroy (kill) an item (k or CTRL+D).
  - Inscribe or uninscribe an item ({ or }).
  - Pasting an item into chat via SHIFT+slot.
  - Unstow item, ie put it back to inventory (s).

Also while inside a store you can still 'b'rowse a bag and then directly sell
an item from within it via 'S' (capital 'S' instead the usual lower-case 's').

There are also inscriptions that can be put onto these bags (don't mix them):
  !A  Do not auto-stow items into this bag.
  !A0 ..except if this item can stack with already existing items in the bag.
  !A1 ..except if they are at least similar to existing items.

  !O  Do not auto-stow unowned items (ie new loot) into this bag.
  !O0 ..except if this item can stack with already existing items in the bag.
  !O1 ..except if they are at least similar to existing items.

  !S  Only auto-stow items into this bag when buying from a store.
  !S0 ..and only if this item can stack with already existing items in the bag.
  !S1 ..and only if they are at least similar to existing items.

The inscriptions !d and !s have a special, additional QoL function when used
on bags: They will prevent storing the bag in a list house. Either one works.
This way you can be sure when stashing items into a house that you don't
accidentally 's' a potion belt that is currently in use, resulting in quite
an annoyance etc.
(3.4) Inventory and equipment
(3.4b) Start-up equipment