» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (2.7) Fonts
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(2.6) Installing voice chat
(2.7a) Custom fonts
(2.7) Fonts                                                                     
The Windows client comes with a few default fonts of different size, located
in folder lib/xtra/font.
If you aren't happy with the text size in the game, try switching the fonts
used for the main window and the other subwindows:

Press '=' to enter the options menu. Now you can either press 'f' for the fonts
menu where you can change all fonts in detail with +/- keys, or you can hit 'F'
to automatically cycle through predefined font sizes for all windows at once.
(You could also edit font info manually in your TomeNET config file, which
would usually be TomeNET.ini (Windows) or .tomenetrc (POSIX) if you wanted.)

Logfont (Windows only):
In the Windows client newer than version 4.9.2, the fonts menu (=f) also offers
another choice: Logfont. This can be enabled/disabled via 'L key in the fonts
menu and (at the time of writing) requires a client restart to apply.
The logfont feature uses a windows-internal, freely scalable font, making the
game independant of the .FON font files, which are no longer used while logfont
is active. While logfont is enabled, you can scale width and height freely in
the fonts menu using the -/+ (height) and ,/. (width) keys.
The advantage of logfont is that you no longer depend on .FON files of your
desired dimensions, the disadvantage is that .FON files can offer various font
styles that you might visually prefer, and .FON files can contain custom font
symbols and mappings such as pseudo-graphical font symbols, which the logfont
cannot offer (also see (2.7a) custom fonts chapter below).
Using logfont will disable font_map_solid_walls and solid_bars options as the
required symbol for these aren't supported by the windows-internal font, and
logfont can also be enabled via command-line parameter '-L'.

Fonts can also be pseudo-graphical, some such fonts might come shipped with the
client. Again press = f and then use + and - keys to switch the main window
font. These two keys allow you to switch through all fonts available in the
lib/xtra/font folder.

For the Linux/Mac OS X client, the game doesn't use the lib/xtra/font folder
but instead assumes that some standard fonts are provided by your system and
tries to select those when cycling with 'c' key in the fonts menu.
You can also set fonts manually with = f if you want to choose specific fonts
available in your Linux / Mac OS X installation.

To manually install your own fonts on POSIX, see the instructions for Linux two
paragraphs below in (2.7a), it should be in bdf or pcf format.

Starting in 4.9.2 I added an 'posix_extra_fonts' folder and install script for
more convenience to the lib/xtra folder, which attempts to install fonts in pcf
or bdf format (with optional prf file if they contain custom mappings) on POSIX
It already contains a bunch of POSIX fonts in pcf/bdf format that were made by
Virus, Svechnik and Tangar.
(2.6) Installing voice chat
(2.7a) Custom fonts