» Contents
» (0) Quickstart
» (1) Introduction
» (2) Installation & setup
» (2.1c) Manually editing sound and music configuration
» (3) Creating a character & starting to play
» (4) The world
» (5) Item and flag details, elements
» (6) Monster details
» (7) Character details
» (8) Tactics & strategy
» (9) Miscellanous

(2.1b) Audio controls and config options
(2.1d) "Promoting" TomeNET on Steam ;)
(2.1c) Manually editing sound and music configuration                           
You can easily replace or disable certain sound effects or music, or even
create your own sound and music packs.

All audio files are in the sub-folders 'sound' and 'music' in the folder
TomeNET/lib/xtra/. You can just delete or replace the sound files and it'll
apply as soon as you start/restart the game. To convert your own sound files
to the appropriate format of already existing files, when you overwrite them,
use an audio editor, for example:

'Goldwave' is a good sound editor for Windows OS, which is free to use
  (although it asks for registration, but that's just optional.)
Alternatively, the free open source audio editor 'Audacity' is available
  for Linux, OS X and Windows.

For more specific editing, open the files 'sound.cfg' (in the sound folder) or
'music.cfg' (in the music folder, if a music pack has been installed) in any
text editor that supports unix line breaks (Notepad++ for example) and start
fine-tuning your audio. Both cfg files actually begin with some instructions
on what file types are supported and about the structure of the files aka how
to modify/add entries correctly.

For example if you want to disable a certain sound effect temporarily, open
sound.cfg in your text editor, locate the sound effect, and just put a ';'
symbol at the beginning of the line - that will effectively disable the whole
line. (Of course you could also just rename the actual sound file instead of
editing the cfg file; that way it cannot be loaded by the game anymore.
However, you shouldn't use '#' to disable sounds, because this might make the
server think that you are using an outdated audio pack and send you wrong
audio codes, resulting in hearing the wrong music in a particular dungeon for
example. So it's preferable to use ';' to disable songs or sound effects.)

If you want to edit sound or music configuration files in detail, you will
probably be starting off in one of these two situations:

A) You already have the official sound/music packs installed.

   In this case you can just happily edit the files sound.cfg and music.cfg
   (found in sub-folder TomeNET/lib/xtra/sound and TomeNET/lib/xtra/music
   respectively) if you want to change the actual filenames.

B) You have no packs installed. In this case, you will have pretty bare example
   configuration files in these two folders mentioned in 'A)', which are named
   sound.cfg.default and music.cfg.default.
   What you have to do in this case is either work with these or instead
   download full-fledged cfg-files from the downloads section of the official
   TomeNET website (recommended):

   i)  Downloading full-fledged template files (music.cfg and/or sound.cfg)
       from the official TomeNET website - this is the recommended way:
       Just edit these cfg-files to insert your own music files as you see fit.

   ii) Starting out with bare minimum files *.cfg.default (the hard way):
       1) Do not edit these default files. Instead, make a copy of each, and
          call those copies 'sound.cfg' and 'music.cfg' respectively, and edit
       2) Since they're still pretty empty, you will have no ideas of the sound
          and music event names, save for the sound effects 'page', 'warning'
          and 'greeting' which are specified by default.
          So to find out all the other event names, open the file 'audio.lua'
          in any text editor. This file is found in folder TomeNET/lib/scpt/.
          Now you can just add new lines to your sound.cfg and music.cfg files
          using the event names you see in audio.lua, in the same manner as the
          three already existing entries in sound.cfg.

  MAKE SURE you read the instructions written in the beginning of the files
  sound.cfg and music.cfg. They also tell you which audio formats you can

  Note that the official cfg-files (both, the ones in the actual packs and the
  pure template ones) actually do NOT fully utilize ALL available sound and
  music events supported by the game!
  Randomly picked examples (at the time of writing this here - may change):
  Currently, the official music pack does not contain any songs for the
  character creation screen or the sickbay (among others, these two are just a
  few of the unused opportunities), and the official sound pack for example
  currently has no sound effects for bashing or cloaking.
  Just look through the music.cfg and sound.cfg files for lines starting on a
  '#' character. It means that the line is currently disabled. This way you can
  easily spot all the places where you could add additional sound/music effects
  that are supported by the game but currently unused by the official packs!

  To test your changes live while you're logged into the game, press CTRL+U
  (or CTRL+F if you use rogue-like keymap) and then CTRL+R to reload and
  reset all audio pack information on the fly. Changes to the files on disk
  will be applied immediately to the live client this way.

  Do not forget to fill out the [title] section in your cfg-files so people
  who use your audio pack will know about it and who made it, so you get
  proper credit. :)

  To switch between different audio packs in-game, press = and then X.

Note: Do not MODIFY the file audio.lua, it has nothing to do with editing your
      sound or music. Don't worry though if you accidentally modified it, it'll
      be automatically restored next time you log on to the server.
(2.1b) Audio controls and config options
(2.1d) "Promoting" TomeNET on Steam ;)