» Contents » (0) Quickstart » (1) Introduction » (2) Installation & setup » (2.1c) Mac OS X (custom/compilation)
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(2.1c) Mac OS X (custom/compilation) ------------------------------------ Mac OS X (using pre-compiled binary; tested with Snow Leopard 10.6.6): ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Run the file 'TomeNET.command' to start the game. If TomeNET starts only in console mode (or even not at all if you're not within a terminal but just clicking it from within a file manager window) that means that TomeNET didn't find X11. In this case, install XQuartz and run TomeNET.command from within it. TomeNET should now launch correctly with a GUI, ie various game windows. If you're tech savvy and want to manually edit the TomeNET configuration file, see "Configure TomeNET on Linux" further above. Otherwise skip down to (2.4) to continue reading. Mac OS X (compiling from source; tested with Snow Leopard 10.6.6): ------------------------------------------------------------------ Basically use the same instructions as for Linux above. Additionally: -You probably want to have XQuartz (which provides X11) installed to run TomeNET not just in console-only mode. -To actually install gcc you will need to install the 'xcode' package, which contains gcc. Download the correct xcode version for your Mac OS X version from developer.apple.com. For this you will first need to create a developer account (choose the free account version of course). -Download the required packages (tar.gz/tar.bz2 files from ftp.gnupg.org, ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu and www.libsdl.org) listed in the Linux installation instructions above and extract, compile and install them each via the usual ./configure make clean make sudo make install command chain from a terminal window. Note: libsdl2_mixer can be found on www.libsdl.org too, by clicking on the "Libraries" menu and searching for "mixer". Note that sdl2_mixer must be at least version 2.6! If you have trouble installing those source packages, you could try to simply use MacPorts to fetch them, at https://www.macports.org/. Dependencies: -libgcrypt depends on libgpg-error, which you will need to install too. -libsdl2_mixer may complain about missing dependencies (at least Ogg Vorbis is required for TomeNET, since it's the official audio format - the rest is only needed if you add custom audio files in the according file formats): -Ogg Vorbis library (www.xiph.org -> libogg and libvorbis) for OGG file support, which is what the official TomeNET audio files are. -SMPEG library (icculus.org/smpeg) for MP3 file support. (libsdl2_mixer's configure script May also list additional notes regarding the environment variable SMPEG_CONFIG, don't miss them.) -MikMod library (mikmod.raphnet.net) for various module music support. -FLAC library (flac.sourceforge.net) for FLAC file support. -If you mess with compiler-related environment variables and paths and for whatever reason get a 'compiler cannot create executables' error when trying to ./configure packages, just close the terminal and re-open it, to reset all vars. It is recommended to use the makefile called 'makefile.osx' for compiling. If for whatever reason you try to use an unmodified Linux makefile to compile then you might run into the following problems: -ncurses starts hiding some internal properties at v5.7+ which causes a dereference error when trying to compile main-gcu.c. This seems to be a Mac OS X specific problem since only the ncurses shipping with Snow Leopard has NCURSES_OPAQUE set to 1 while the Linux version has not. To fix it, add -DNCURSES_OPAQUE=0 to CFLAGS compiler options in the makefile. -For preprocessing LUA files the 'cpp' variant does not work, the 'gcc' variant must be used instead: Edit the makefile, locate 'cpp' and comment out the two cpp-related lines and uncomment the two gcc-related lines, if it's not already like that by default. -If the LIBS linker flags in the makefile say '-lcrypt' that will cause an error about library not being found if using libgcrypt. In that case change it to '-lgcrypt' to fix it. -If the LDFLAGS are empty the linker will throw a not-found error 22. Fix this by moving (or copying) the -L... library search-folder parameters from LIBS to LDFLAGS so it contains all lib paths. When you have successfully compiled TomeNET, see the paragraph above about "Mac OS X (using pre-compiled binary" for additional information on running it regarding X11 aka XQuartz. If you get an error that libraries are not found, try setting your library path to your TomeNET folder before running TomeNET: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./tomenet Configure TomeNET on Mac OS X: ------------------------------ Most things can be configured by in-game menus or by dragging/positioning the game windows with the mouse, and do not require manual editing. See 'Configure TomeNET on Linux' above, it's basically the same, including all the available POSIX command-line options. Mac OS X also uses the ".tomenetrc" configuration file which should be in your home folder, same as Linux.