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(7.7) Mimicry details --------------------- If a mimicry-user polymorphs into a certain monster form, stats and some abilities will be averaged between the normal ('@') body and the form. In most cases if the form is performing worse than @-form in a certain field, the '@' form (ie the normal 'player' form) will dominate and the ability will be only slightly worse than normal, if even at all. The averaging is done because the mimic with all his equipment polymorphs into the target form. It's not like the polymorphing is done first and afterwards armour, weapon or jewelry is equipped. So wearing a ring of protection for example won't plainly add to the mimic's AC but just contribute to the @-form AC which is then averaged in the process of determining the final form's AC. How exactly stats are calculated is written below for each case. If a mimic wields a weapon while using a form which usually cannot use weapons the number of blows per round will be set to 1 (regardless of extra attacks). (This only really applies to druids, shamans or perma-cursed weapons (5.12)). If a mimic polymorphs into a form that cannot wear certain pieces of equipment, these will all be taken off and placed into the inventory in the usual sorting order, possibly overflowing your pack if there is not enough room, dropping the bottom-most item from it to the floor for each item too many. An exception are perma-cursed items, which can never be removed except by death. Apart from blows-per-round, all the other resistances and abilities of a perma-cursed item will be applied normally though, so you could wear the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth to get all the resistances and ESP with a form that usually cannot wear any head gear. To find out the special abilities of a monster form, press ~ 7 in game or consult a spoiler file. (See (8.4) for more info about spoiler files.) You can also use Mikael's monster search website under ~R . It's abilities will transform to the mimic's body as follows. Very useful for searching for monster forms with specific abilities is Mikael's monster search website, linked on tomenet.eu and invokable in-game via ~ R (Shift+R in the 'Knowledge' menu, this requires at least client 4.7.3). Form aspects as specified in ~ 7 monster lore: (Make sure to keep your r_info.txt spoiler file up to date, as the lore displayed via ~7 is derived from it.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- W: depth : rarity : corpse weight : experience for kill depth: The depth is also the basic level of these monsters. It tells you how many of them you need to kill to learn mimicking their form. The level has additional use for calculating the mimic's final hit points regarding very high character levels (see 'hit points' below). corpse weight: The weight of the form has impact on its stealth. A huge form that weighs a lot will give a stealth penalty, while small and light forms may give a bonus. Also, the mimic will burn food faster while mimicking a heavier monster. I: speed : hit points : vision : armor class : alertness speed: 110 means normal speed. If the monster is faster, the mimic will receive a speed bonus of 30% of the monster's speed above 110. If the monster is slower, the mimic will receive a speed malus of 20% of the monster's speed malus below 110. So a monster moving at 130 speed will give the mimic +6 speed. hit points: The monster's hit dice xdy are multiplied and then somewhat capped against ~2500, so HP gain might decrease in higher regions. (Cap details: The monster HP is calculated by the following formula before further calculations are made: monster HP = 50000 / ((50000 / hdice*hsides) + 20).) Now, if the mimic's HP are less then the result, the mimic's HP will become approx. 2/5 of that capped monster HP + 3/5 of the player's original HP. If the mimic's HP in player form (code 0) are higher than the monster HP then the monster HP will not have any adverse effect, instead the normal HP will stay. A specialty: Players in very high character levels can see their hit points 'overtake' the monster form hit points, if the monster form level isn't very high in comparison. Example: While a green dragonrider will provide a great HP boost, if the player himself has reached say level 70 and has lots of HP even in normal form, the green DR hit points won't add much anymore. If however the monster has high hit points and also a very high level, the monster HP will 'stay ahead' of the player hit points ie keep adding a steady bonus that will put him well ahead of his player-form hit points. So players of very high character level who want to retain a large bonus of hit points will want to look for forms of monsters which are also of relatively high level. armour class: Mimicking a monster is already a very difficult task. By changing shape, the usual armour class of the monster will magically influence the armour class of the player. Depending on the body parts of the monster, its AC has different influence on the player. The following formula helps: body_influence = 0. if the monster has a head, body_influence is increased by 1. if the monster has a torso, body_influence is increased by 3. if the monster has arms, body_influence is increased by 2. if the monster has legs, body_influence is increased by 1. calc_ac = monster_AC * 14 / (7 + body_influence) Now if calc_ac is smaller than the player's AC, the final AC will be (3/4 player_base_AC) + (3/4 player_magical_to_AC) + (1/4 calc_ac). Otherwise, the final AC will be (1/2 player_base_AC) + (1/2 player_magical_to_AC) + (1/2 calc_ac). vision: Searching ability of the player = (player_searching / 2) + (monster_vision / 10) Perception of the player = (player_perception / 2) + (monster_vision / 10) E: hands : torso : arms : finger : head : leg These values indicate how many pieces of equipment the player can wear while using this form. For example snakes can only wear a helmet (E:0:0:0:0:1:0). NOTE: Mimics can never wear MORE items than in their normal form. So even a form with 8 legs would allow only 1 pair of boots to be equipped! In the monster lore (~7) some monsters may show 'tentacles'. These count for three limb-types together: Hands regarding wielding a weapon, fingers (can wear rings) and arms (can wield shields). Tentacles are not fit for wearing gloves though. B: attack method : attack effect : damage attack effect: POISON,DISEASE,FIRE,COLD,ELEC,ACID: If the monster poisons or infects with disease, this will result in a poison brand. Similar it's for fire/cold/lightning/acid attacks. BLIND won't work on monsters that have NO_SLEEP, otherwise the target will be confused. HALLU and CONFUSE won't work on monsters that have NO_CONF, otherwise the target will be confused. TERRIFY won't work on monsters that have NO_FEAR, otherwise it'll scare the target. PARALYZE won't work on monsters that have NO_STUN, otherwise it'll stun the target. EXP_xx means the monster drains life on attacking. The player will receive HOLD_LIFE (resist life-draining attacks) from this form. (It doesn't matter how strong the attack is, all of the variations, EXP_10, EXP_20, EXP_40, EXP_80, have the same effect.) SHATTER will result in a bonus to player's STRength attribute. LOSE_xxx will give the according sustenance, or even all sustenances for LOSE_ALL. All other variations give single sustenance each: LOSE_STR, LOSE_INT, LOSE_WIS, LOSE_DEX, LOSE_CON, LOSE_CHR. SEDUCE will grant charisma sustenance. Monster effects (like poisoning or paralyzing) are applied to the player's attacks with a probability that corresponds to their rarity over the up to 4 monster attacks per round. Example for 'Ghoul' form: If the monster has 3 blows per round and one of them is poisoning, the other two are paralyzing, the mimic will have 1/3 chance to do a poison branded attack and 2/3 chance to do a stunning attack. These effects won't be applied if one of the following conditions is met: a) The player is doing a ranged attack. (Effects only work with melee attacks!) b) The player uses a weapon but the monster doesn't have an equipment slot for melee weapons, because it has no arms or is immaterial. Melee to-damage bonus also depends on the monster form: The monster damage dice for each attack are multiplied and the products are all added up, the result is divided by 4. The result is now capped against 200, the closer this graph comes towards 200 the flatter the curve will become. Let's call the resulting monster damage value 'monDam': This value is now compared against the player's melee to-damage bonus. If (monDam > meleetoDam) then newToDam = 1/2 meleetoDam + 1/2 monDam. If (monDam < meleetoDam) then newToDam = meleetoDam. So, very similar to how HP are averaged, the monster damage has no influence if it's lower than the player's melee to-damage bonus, but it may provide a great boost if the monster is more powerful than the player. F: flag list The flags are translated to mimic abilities as follows: RES_xxx Gives the mimic the specific resistance. IM_xxx Gives the mimic the specific immunity! If a form offers more than 1 immunity, the immunities will be checked against the preferences you set, if none match or if you set it to none then one will be picked randomly. The remaining ones will turn into resistances. Potions of self-knowledge are helpful here to find out which one you got, or you could just suffer damage of the according type on purpose to test it out. You can set the desired immunity in 'm' menu -> 'Use innate power' -> 'Set preferred immunity'. It will be picked if the form you polymorph into can provide it. If you are already using a form that can provide the immunity that you switch to, that immunity will become the active one immediately without the need for re-polymorphing. Note that two immunities are actually exempt and don't translate directly: IM_TELE gives teleport resistance (like RES_TELE) instead. IM_PSI gives insanity reduction (like EMPTY_MIND) instead. PASS_WALL Will allow the mimic to pass walls like a ghost. These immaterial forms also drain the hit points of their user. KILL_WALL The mimic will dig *easily* through walls. REGENERATE Faster hit point regeneration (same as item ability, doesn't stack with regeneration obtained from item flag). REFLECTING Gives 'REFLECT' passive ability to the player, see (5.8). Also gives resistance to light. (Side note about monster reflection in general: The 'REFLECTING' flag on monsters gives them a flat 50% chance to reflect physical or magical projectiles and resistance to any light-based attacks.) CAN_SWIM The player can swim in water, provided he isn't carrying too many/heavy items. CAN_FLY The player can levitate. STUPID -2 intelligence. SMART +2 intelligence. NO_CONF Confusion resistance. NO_FEAR Fear resistance. NO_SLEEP Free action. NO_STUN Sound resistance. NO_CUT The player can't be cut and won't bleed continously from wounds. This will also render the player immune against cause wounds ("Monster points at you and curses/incanting terribly/screaming the word 'DIE'"). DISBELIEVE Will provide (or increase an already existing) anti-magic field by ((monsterlevel / 2) + 10) percent. The range of the field is set to (or increased by) ((monsterlevel / 50) + 2) fields. The usual limits of the Anti-Magic skill apply, see (7.2) for details. ARROW_1, ARROW_2, ARROW_3 The player will receive an extra shot per round with slings or bows since the monster seems to be good at shooting. If the monster shoots 1_IN_3 or better (better means faster, ie higher frequency, that is 1_IN_2 or 1_IN_1), the player will receive an additional extra shot (with crossbows too). HURT_ROCK Means that this creature has a rock-like skin and body. Takes damage from Stone-To-Mud and takes more damage from 'disintegration' attacks, but at the same time resists shards! WILD_WOOD The player (like the monster) can pass trees. WILD_MOUNTAIN or WILD_VOLCANO The player (like the monster) can climb mountains. WILD_TOO without any other WILD_xxx flags: Combines all WILD_xxx effects (such as WILD_WOOD and WILD_MOUNTAIN)! INVISIBLE The player becomes invisible (see (5.14) for details). AURA_FIRE or AURA_ELEC The player receives an aura. SUSCEP_FIRE/SUSCEP_COLD/SUSCEP_ELEC/SUSCEP_ACID/SUSCEP_POIS The player is susceptible against these attacks. Dangerous! WIERD_MIND/RES_PSI Insanity attacks are reduced a little bit. See (7.6). EMPTY_MIND/IM_PSI Insanity attacks are reduced somewhat. See (7.6). AQUATIC Cuts down damage from water-based attacks against you to 1/4, overriding 'normal' water resistance (if you have it). Prevents your items from getting harmed by water in any way and completely prevents stun and confusion effects from water-based attacks. Allows you to swim freely and at maximum running speed. However, since you cannot breathe air in aquatic form, you will suffer from Anoxia and can get stunned and even die from it if you aren't in deep water, or - if your mimicked form weighs at most 700 lbs - in shallow water. You are also safe from this effect if your mimicked form is actually UNDEAD or while you are in wraithform. NEVER_MOVE Using this form, the player won't be able to move (except for teleportation/phasing/recalling). RAND_25 The player has +10% chance of moving randomly. RAND_50 The player has +20% chance of moving randomly. OPEN_DOOR This form can open doors. Note that forms can open doors even if they don't have this flag, provided they have fingers and are able to wield weapons (a good example are Minotaur/Maulotaur forms of druids). BASH_DOOR This form can bash doors (useful to forms that cannot open doors, see OPEN_DOOR flag). HURT_LITE This form will take 2x damage from light attacks. HAS_LITE If this monster either doesn't have a torso or can actually breathe light, it will give you +1 light radius. POWERFUL Gain +1 radius when using monster's ball or breath attacks. For all racial flags such as ANIMAL, SPIDER, EVIL, DEMON etc please see the list of racial abilities further below. S: spell list These spells can be cast by the monster. Most of them are available to the mimic too, called 'mimic powers', some of them may have slightly different effects when used by the mimic. For a list of all available mimic powers see (7.8a). The chance to successfully use such a monster power is affected by the mimic's intelligence (INT). Depending on how frequently the monster is able to cast spells, the player gets boni on mana and on intelligence or wisdom stat! This only applies if the spells are in fact magic spells, not if the monster cannot do anything except firing missiles, shrieking or shooting arrows (etc). If the creature is able to cast 1_IN_3, the player receives +1 stat and +20% Mana bonus (of base mana, same way +MANA items work). If the creature is able to cast 1_IN_2, the player receives +3 stat and +35% Mana bonus (of base mana, same way +MANA items work). If the creature is able to cast 1_IN_1, the player receives +4 stat and +50% Mana bonus (of base mana, same way +MANA items work). About specific spells: BR_xxx (breathing) will give the according resistance to the player (if that specific attack CAN be resisted at all). BR_PLASMA gives fire immunity and resistance to electricity and sound. BR_GRAVITY gives feather falling. BR_INERTIA gives free action. MIND_BLAST Insanity attacks are reduced a little bit. See (7.6). BRAIN_SMASH Insanity attacks are reduced somewhat. See (7.6). The mana costs of mimic powers are fixed, the success chance is relatively fixed too although it benefits somewhat from 'Magic' skill. Especially interesting spells of mimics are 'Blink' (Phase Door) and 'Teleport'. These usually cost very little mana and can be very helpful, so you might want to create macros for them. Further, certain races get additional fixed abilities (even if they are not explicitely mentioned in ~7): ----------------------------------------------------- Bats Feather falling. Elves Resist light. Dark-Elves Resist darkness. Hobbits Dexterity bonus of +2 for not wearing shoes. (Or 'Halflings'.) Gnomes Free action. (Dwarves Blindness resistance, climbing at level 30.) (High-Elves Resist light, see invisible.) Yeeks Feather falling. Pass trees (from their ANIMAL flag). (Ents Slow digestion, speed - 2, sensitive to fire, see invisible at level 4, can swim easily, pass trees.) All animals Able to pass trees. All spiders Able to pass spider webs. All orcs Resist darkness. All trolls Sustain strength. Extraordinary HP regeneration (2x as fast as from 'REGEN' flag, doesn't stack with items. 1.5x as fast for Half-Troll form). They even continue regenerating while suffering open cuts. All giants Sustain strength. (Note that all Ogres also count as giants.) All hydras Extraordinary HP regeneration (2x as fast as from 'REGEN' flag, doesn't stack with items), as they regrow their heads! They even continue regenerating while suffering open cuts. All monsters with stone skin (HURT_ROCK flag) Shard resistance. All dragonriders ESP_DRAGON at level 5, feather falling, levitation at level 30. All hobbits Suffer less often from black breath infection and consequences. All evil creatures Becomes susceptible to certain 'good' or 'holy' effects. All undead creatures Resist darkness, blindness, poison (usually immunity, depends on ~7 flags), time and nether; can't bleed (no_cut), infra-vision +2, insanity attacks are reduced by a little bit (see (7.6)). Drowning damage taken is halved. Becomes susceptible to 'life', which concerns some healing or cleansing effects mostly. However, at the same time they become gorged less quickly when for example quaffing lots of healing potions quickly. Take 2x damage from holy orbs or holy fire and suffer from many 'good' effects/spells. Suffer less often from black breath infection and consequences. All ghosts See 'All undead creatures' above, but ghosts gain +5 Infra-vision instead of just +2. See invisible. Ghosts are susceptible to light. Almost all ghosts can pass solid walls. NOTE: Player ghosts (aka when your character died) get somewhat different boni instead, see (3.11). All greater undead creatures See 'All undead creatures' above, but greater undead gain +5 Infra-vision instead of just +2. All demons Take 2x damage from holy orbs or holy fire and suffer from a couple of 'good' effects/spells (similar to undead). Drowning damage is halved. All greater demons (capital 'U') See 'All demons' above, and in addition they resist poison (usually immunity, depends on ~7 flags), time and chaos. All non-living creatures Resist poison (usually even immune, depends on ~7 flags) and fear; insanity attacks are reduced somewhat (see (7.6)). All vampires and vampiric monsters (vampire bats and others) Vampires are susceptible to light. Chance to drain life on attacking in melee. Vampire bats and mist have 100% chance to do a vampiric attack, real vampire forms (and vampiric ixitxachitl) have 50% chance (half their attacks are hits, the other half is biting). For details see '(5.13) Vampirism'. All angels Resist light, blindness and poison (usually immunity, see ~7 flags), resist fear, resist confusion, free action, some resistance to insanity-inducing attacks (see (7.6)), see invisible. Note: 'Fallen Angel' doesn't get light resistances. Mist and fume Feather falling. All cold-immunes Do not slip, but walk steadily on icy floor. Keep in mind that by changing forms you can potentially lose abilities that you had in player form, because they were bound to your normal form. Example: An ent mimic won't drown in water, but if it polymorphs into an orc, it loses the intrinsic ability to swim in water since orcs aren't made of wood. Attributes and miscellaneous abilities can also be affected by certain aspects of the monster form you use: ---------------------------- (Note that all bonus aspects stack, so a troll might get much more than just +1 to strength, because he's also quite heavy and therefore gets another bonus.) STR Melee damage: -1..+4 (-1 won't apply if creature is very heavy though) Earthquaking melee hits: +1 each Body weight: +1..+3 Bears: +2 Yetis and cousins: +1 Trolls: +2 Giants (Ogres are giants too): +2 Dragons (mature and higher): +1 INT Cast speed (1_IN_1 to 1_IN_3): +1..+5 (will also give up to +50% base mana) STUPID creatures: -2 SMART creatures: +2 DEX Halfling forms when no boots are worn: +2 Rogues: +1..+2 Monks/Master warriors: +1 Ninjas/Mystics: +2 Cats: +2 CHR Dragonriders: +1 Small, non-nasty animals: +1 Spiders, orcs: -1 Trolls, giants (Ogres are giants too): -2 Nonliving/evil creatures: -1 Undead/demons: -2 GOOD creatures: +2 Stealth Body weight: -4..+3 Infra-Vision Undead in general: +2 Ghosts, Wraiths/Wights, Liches, Vampires : +5 Intrinsic abilities that aren't kept when changing forms: --------------------------------------------------------- Characters keep certain racial abilities even if they change form, while some other abilities might not persist through polymorphing. The following abilities will NOT remain active when changing shape, ie are not "polymorph-proof": Hobbit: +DEX bonus from not wearing shoes. Dwarf: Climbing. Yeek: Pass trees. Ent: Speed malus (will be reduced), swimming, pass trees. (Note that Ents KEEP racial water resistance and fire susceptibilitiy.) Draconian: Feather falling, levitation. Intrinsic breath weapon - you can only use it if you're actually in dragon form (including dragonriders) or in any reptilian form (including Hydras). Abilities acquired from traits (such as 'enlightened' or 'corrupted' trait for Maiar or draconian traits) are also considered intrinsic abilities and therefore polymorph-proof if they aren't on the list above.