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(5.3a) Martial Arts, brands --------------------------- The "auto-retaliator" (see (4.1a)) also works if you fight bare-handed. Training Martial Arts will give you (see (7.2) for details on these)... -a bonus to-hit and to-dam. -special combat moves which your character will use automatically. These moves do a lot of extra damage and often additionally stun or slow your opponent. -special abilities and resistances (like Free Action, see (7.2) for details). -extra speed and stealth bonus. -extra AC bonus for each part of armour that is NOT worn. Increasing your Martial Arts skill lets you wear light and even medium armour and still benefit from its AC. -a chance to grab your enemies to prevent them from casting or teleporting. (This chance adds to your interception skill.) -extra attacks. However, to use the full potential of martial arts you will need to take care of several points.. -a very light backpack will give martial artists a small additional speed and stealth bonus. (No warning message here.) -a very heavy backpack will nullify the abilities and resistances, as well as the speed and stealth bonus! You will see a red warning message, telling you about weight encumberment: "You can't move freely due to your backpack weight." -using too heavy armour will cut your number of blows per round to half, and nullify your to-hit, to-dam, speed and stealth bonus from MA. -using a melee or ranged weapon or carrying a very heavy backpack will nullify the AC bonus from Martial Arts, and greatly reduce your number of blows per round. -using a melee or ranged weapon or a shield will nullify the special combat styles, reducing your damage. -using a melee or ranged weapon or a shield or wearing too heavy armour will reduce additional interception bonus gained from Martial Arts skill to zero. -using a heavy shield, melee or ranged weapon will nullify your speed and stealth bonus. The backpack weight limit includes the weight of your equipment and is depending on your strength and Martial Arts skill. It is 10.0 lb + (str_wgt * 2.0 lb) + ((str_wgt + 5) * rounddown(skill * 0.1 lb)). Here's a table to tell you the values for str_wgt: (Warning message is: "You can't move freely due to your backpack weight.") str_wgt STRength of str_wgt STRength of the character the character ------------------------- ------------------------- 5 3 16 14 6 4 17 15 7 5 18 16 8 6 19 17 9 7 20 18/00-18/09 10 8 22 18/10-18/19 11 9 24 18/20-18/29 12 10 26 18/30-18/39 13 11 28 18/40-18/49 14 12 30 18/50-18/220+ 15 13 The armour weight limit is 5.0 lb + Martial Arts skill level * 0.44 lb. So for MA 50 it is 5.0 + 22.0 = 27.0 lb. If your armour becomes too heavy, you will see this warning message: "The weight of your armour strains your martial arts performance." Here's a table, for those who prefer this view: Equipment/inventory | +hit/dam abilities styles spd/stl +AC grab blows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light backpack | + Heavy backpack | 0 0 0 0 Heavy armour | 0 0 0 50% Any melee weapon | 0 0 0 0 Any ranged weapon | 0 0 0 0 Any shield | 0 0 Heavy shield/weapons | 0 Martial Arts special combat moves have certain dice, similar to normal weapons. These dice are also effected by brands and slays same as normal weapons but the additional damage is reduced to 1/3. Example: Ring of Acid will usually add 1x your base damage. For MA it will add 1/3 of your base damage, so multiply your base damage by 1.33 instead of by 2 to get your total damage output. See (5.3) to get an easy overview. You cannot use special moves while stunned or confused. Here is a list of Martial Arts special moves: A move is picked randomly, then kept in mind if random(1..MA_Skill)>chance. There are MA_Skill / 7 such tries to find moves, for each attack you perform. The highest level move of those passing this random check will then be used. If no eligible move was found in all tries, you will just hit without using a special move. There is always at least 1 try to pick a move. Move | Min.level | Chance | Damage dice | Effects --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punch 1 0 1d4 - Kick 2 0 1d6 - Strike 3 0 1d7 - Knee 5 5 2d3 Stunning & increase chance to stun again Elbow 7 5 1d8 - Butt 9 10 2d5 - Kick 11 10 2d5 Slowing (PvM) Uppercut 13 12 4d3 Stunning Double-kick 16 15 4d4 - Cat's Claw 20 20 6d3 - Jump Kick 25 25 3d9 Stunning Eagle's Claw 29 25 7d4 - Circle Kick 33 30 4d9 - Iron Fist 37 35 6d6 Stunning Flying Kick 41 35 5d8 - Dragon Fist 45 35 6d8 Stunning Crushing Blow 48 35 8d7 Stunning For winners, ie kings/queens only: Titan's Fist 48 45 8d5 Stunning Phoenix Claw 48 45 5d9 Slowing (PvM) Depending on your MA skill, you have a fixed number of barehanded attacks per round, independent of your character class, your strength or your dexterity (unlike characters that use weapons): (The attack number can be increased further by items like rings of extra attacks or by magical influence like priest prayer 'Zeal'.) Note that EA effects (like EA ring or Zeal prayer) won't work on characters who fight barehanded without having Martial Arts skill at 1.000 or higher! Martial Arts skill level Attacks per round ------------------------------------------------- 2 2 10 3 20 4 30 5 40 6 45 7 50 8 Martial Arts users have a higher risk of being infected with Black Breath from high undead monsters than weapon-users. Also, they have a high risk of being badly cut if a monster uses a disarming attack against them.