Server updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.9.0b maintenance release:
  • Jail dungeons are now escape tunnels: At the final floor they have another (one-way) staircase in their traversal direction that will actually lead you out. Word-of-recall is not possible/required anymore.
  • Halls of Mandos now comes with 3 of the 4 (otherwise unused) experimental dungeon flags: NO_SUMMON, NO_TELE, LIMIT_ESP (leaving out NO_ESP).
  • Holiness staves dispel undead now instead of evil.
  • Equipment-set-bonus (same-name artifacts) fixed for true artifact power rings (Darkie).
  • Monster curses don't show damage if they get resisted (Spider).
  • Monsters slipping on oily floor may get confused for a little bit.
  • Attempted workaround at fixing display of old 'ghost items' in a freshly picked up subinventory, that don't really exist.
  • Dedicated-IDDC mode (eg slot-exclusive): If you make it through IDDC you can re-enter IDDC (or Halls of Mandos) if you like. (No other dungeon though, or you will auto-retire aka suicide as usual.)
  • Guide /? command catches UI/GUI term.
  • Added @SB variant of @S inscription that keeps a specific amount of base stock not for sale.
  • Inside a player store you can press 'o' to leave a note to its owner (uses same notes budget as /note command).
  • Added /uni (/uniques) command, same as ~3. Renamed /house to /houses and /monster to /monsters.
For a list of client-side changes, see ... 7509#p7509
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.9.0c maintenance release:
  • Player store search on the website now displays correct stock and SOLD OUT tag for @SB items.
  • House list shows coordinates in x,y format same as worldmap sector format, instead of y,x.
  • Fixed a glitch with beam projections that hit the final grid twice sometimes.
  • Ensure that 'Digging' skill is not applied anywhere in the code if digging is performed by magic or KILL_WALL form instead of manually.
  • Archon: Gained HP and some melee damage.
  • Fallen Angel (base monster): Has weight now like all other angels; lost REFLECTING; changed RES_NETH to RES_DARK.
  • Added /ar command to set auto-retaliation and fixed/improved /arm and /arr commands for mimic-power/runecraft auto-retaliation
  • Like school spells, runespells now take 1/3 turn on attempts with insufficient mana, and full turn on antimagic or confusion.
  • Auto-retaliation with magic devices, mimic powers or spells will no longer give messages when out of charges/energy/mana or otherwise currently unable to trigger, to prevent message spam. Will also not consume energy.
  • @Q inscriptions (with optional 't') now work fine on spell books and magic devices (wands/staves/rods).
For a list of client-side changes, see ... 7510#p7510
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

4.9.1 server-side changes:
  • IDDC main towns now have target dummies.
  • IDDC has a small, open 'refuge vault' patch every 500 ft on non-town floors, that offers a bit of respite, allowing you to sell loot at 50% price.
  • IDDC: Money found in chests can now be picked up by any party member, not just the opener.
  • Auto-retaliation won't give messages or consume energy if it's uncastable due to blindness/lack of light/confusion/lack of skill points/own inability to use magic (AM).
  • Auto-retaliation melee-fallback now works for all these hindrances listed in the bullet point above.
  • Iron Teams can now be renamed (in 'P', '2').
  • Trapping: Pseudo-ID hint at 11.000 skill added, pseudo-ID fixed.
  • Magic skill: Pseudo-ID fixed, added rings and amulets.
  • Pseudo-ID: 'broken' removed, it's just 'worthless' now.
  • XP-drain deaths now trigger if we fall below 0 XP, not at 0 XP (includes ghost-fading).
  • 'Cause Wounds' spell: Damage increased.
  • Emptied lanterns are automatically combined in the backpack.
  • Fixed # of amulet flavours.
  • Runecaft: Hellfire rune weight corrected.
  • Characters that can use 'Apply poison' techniques won't trigger poison potion drops if they don't wield weapons.
  • Quest framework: Added chat placeholders $$e/$$Efor trait-/class-affected race, eg 'Enlightened'/'Corrupted'/or just same as race in other cases; $$G for guild members.
  • Heart of the Earth: Now gets more and more lavary the deeper you go, also has mountains and dirt, main filler is not granite anymore but magma.
  • Depending on branding method, Martial Arts users can now get their fists branded.
  • The 'm' menu now also shows interception chance and dodge chance (/ex command doesn't anymore).
  • Item orders can no longer overflow the inventory.
  • Vampiric "light" was changed to be "Darkvision", doing essentially the same thing. Darkvision can now also be acquired by skilling the occult "Shadow" school.
  • Fixed some bugs with utility spells that could have wrong effects under certain circumstances such as wraithform.
  • Ents no longer automatically stop resting when they reach 'full' food state.
  • Removed a problematic call to global_lite_room() that could cause house placement to go wrong.
  • Improved the Mirror Image fight in the Death Fate - can now convert more of the player's abilities to some sort of monster spells; Martyr/Sacrifice and traps are no longer usable.
  • Melee sfx fixed for when wielding a digging tool as a weapon.
  • Berserk rage actually improves PSI-effect resistance.
  • Glass walls are transparent again.
  • Weapons taking damage cannot take more damage than what the weapon's dice could actually deliver on average.
  • Fixed compilation on ARM64 (char is unsigned by default).
  • Server (and console/accedit/preproc) no longer needs SDL/USE_SOUND_2010 or X11 to compile.
  • Giant Turtle: AC increased.
  • The Black Goat of the Woods is now actually black.
  • Reduced some ultra-long effect durations (eg hallucination).
  • Backpack safety lock now also helps against more traps that try to steal/drop your items or money.
  • On death/instant resurrection/pseudo-death, clear the command buffer in case the character was paralyzed when it died and had actions queued up.
  • Reworked shop pricing for when shops are buying, no longer dips insanely low under certain edge conditions.
  • Alchemist now sells scrolls of Vermin Control sometimes.
  • Town elder inventory hints further improved.
  • Fixed a glitch where a player leaving a store could land on the same grid as another player, 'overwriting' him.
  • Experimental: An AC bonus on any weapon now is instead a parry bonus (in flat percentage added).
  • 'jail dungeon' music event added, for custom music packs.
  • Cyberdemon received NO_CONF and NO_FEAR flags.
  • Crafting fireworks from a scroll of fire guarantees a 'big' fireworks scroll result.
  • Divination 50 bonus: Looking at a 100% clone monster displays its name in dark colour (same as already killed uniques).
  • Fixed flint behaviour, having the equipped light source inscribed !F no longer prevents the flint from working.
  • Thanks for graphical tiles fixes to EvgenjiK and jezek.
  • Thanks for boomerang and ammo break chance and damage calculations improvements/fixes to ArtDuck.
  • Spilling oil on the floor now has a slightly lasting effect and will build up even for small amounts of oil, so no oil is wasted when stacking to achieve an effect.
  • Oil spilling on the floor is now light umber coloured if it's sufficiently much, and can be set ablaze. For non-burning oil, DEX (player) and also stature (monsters) helps to not slip.
  • Some effects such as Firestorm Charge now correctly hurt players too.
  • The Mental Intrusion crystal now correctly contains Charm III instead of Charm I.
  • Wrathflame level lowered from 12 to 8, and fire-res tier also lowered accordingly. Hellfire stays at same skill requirement.
  • Icy floor can be melted by fire. Shallow water can be frozen to become icy floor.
  • Remote Vision on very crowded floors should no longer kill weaker network connections.
For client-side changes see ... 7540#p7540
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

TomeNET 4.9.2 server-side changes:
  • Fixed various artifact usage turn info (some were slightly off).
  • More low-level monsters can already drop poison potions (for rogues).
  • Town elder advice improvements.
  • No more 'X' marker in player list (was indicating active extermination order).
  • Extermination orders that are low/mid level can sometimes grant consumables instead of weapon/armour.
  • Added 'Gift Wrappings' (available in the General Stores).
  • Mushrooms of Restore STR/CON now cheaper than potion counterparts.
  • Scrolls and spell projections of Blessing/Holy Chant/Prayer reduced from 8/14/20 to 6/10/16. (Spell caster still gets the higher boni.)
  • Holy buffs (blessing, pfe) cease when shape-changing into an evil/undead form except if we were the caster, then they persist. This is done in accordance with D&D lore research >_>.
  • Holy Offense/Curing school slaying boni are disabled while shapechanged to conflicting (evil vs slay-evil, undead vs slay-undead, demon vs slay-demon) monster form.
  • Demonic Strength: No effect when used in GOOD form.
  • (Experimental) Clairvoyance no longer displays filler (wall) grids but only the dungeon layout outlines (passage/room walls).
  • Guardian Spirit and Protection from Evil can now both be active together. MP cost reduced for all of them.
  • Nether Sap spell stops early if out of MP.
  • Charming spells fixed to consume the correct amount of MP.
  • Shadow school: Nightly world surface: Increase running speed, decrease terrain speed impairments (dem ninjas).
  • Shadow school: Level reductions: Darkness 17->16.
  • Shadow school: Shadow Gate MP cost greatly reduced 20->6.
  • Shadow school: Darkness Storm fail rate reduced.
  • Shadow school: Spells added: Retreat, Shadow Stream, Dispersion.
  • Shadow/Mental Intrusion schools: Tier I fear spells affect all adjacent creatures instead of just a single target.
  • Shadow/Psycho-Power schools: Duration of levitation spells increased.
  • Unlife school: Permeation, Nether Sap, Siphon Life, Touch of Hunger, Wraithstep, Subjugation fail rates reduced. Wraithstep MP cost reduced.
  • Unlife school: Touch of Hunger duration extended.
  • Unlife school: Added spell 'Mist of Decay' that prevents intrinsic HP regeneration of enemies.
  • Air/Water schools: Added 'Mirage Mirror' shared spell that grants REFLECTING.
  • Physical Lore: Herbal Tea cost decreased from 20 to 15 MP. Various failure rates reduced.
  • Arcane lore: CotF MP cost reduced. Various failure rates reduced.
  • Wraithstep modified: Short non-wraith duration during which the player must step into a wall. Can now also run into a wall instead of just walking. Gets cancelled automatically on attempts of physical interaction (eg 'walking into' a target to attack it).
  • Fatigue spell causes slowness by means of life force impairment. That means it does not affect certain monsters such as undead or nonliving ones.
  • Wings of Wind: Level reduced from 16 to 15.
  • Tome of Spirits now contains the correct Possess III tier instead of I.
  • Inscriptions renamed: !K to !F, !M to !K, !S to !A, !g to !b.
  • New inscription added: !G prevents stacking of items or allows stacking up to a certain amount.
  • New inscription range: !L now works on all weapons, aiming at throwing weapons specifically.
  • New inscription added: !W to warn you when running low on supplies (eg use on healing potions).
  • New inscription added: !S for bags, to complement !A and !O: Don't auto-stow items bought from stores. Added !A0, !O0, !S0 and !A1, !O1, !S1 variants.
  • New inscription added: !g to force pick_one (if you try to pick up from a pile of this on the floor, you will only pick up one at a time, as if you pressed CTRL+G / CTRL+Z (rogue-like)).
  • Inscription '!+' no longer implies '!v' so it can be used on throwing weapons.
  • Inscription !X (auto-attempt-ID) now accepts an optional parameter 0 (only flavoured items) or 1 (never flavoured items).
  • Deflected shots of a player can no longer hit and thereby wake up sleeping monsters.
  • 'Enchanted' lamp ego now combines infra-vision and searching. Pure 'infra-vision' ego power can no longer spawn for lamps.
  • Demolition charges can be armed to 0s fuse timer for instant blast (!F0).
  • Crickets avoid volcano fumes!
  • Throwing weapons (daggers, axes, spears): Deal more damage; reduce effective target AC for the trow-hit calc (higher throwing weapon weight helps to beat AC, target fleeing in fear halves its effective AC); reduced break chance.
  • If a throwing weapon in inventory and also an equipped one is eligible for a throw, prefer the one from inventory.
  • Fixed rogue-like keymap regarding audio mixer menus, CTRL+X no longer exists in rogue-like audio menu as it is already used for ghost powers and we're out of keys.
  • Anti-undead/-demon effects on players: Now hamper MP instead of HP in case the item is worn on head or hands.
  • Temporary spell indicators added: Yellow 'MB' for melee brand (only one can be active at a time, so one indicator is sufficient); light-green 'HP+' for HP regeneration effects; slate 'Dis' for Dispersion spell; light-blue 'Charm' for any charming spell.
  • Temporary spell indicators: 'Shl' colour now depends on type of magic shield active.
  • Adjusted weights of all weapons, boomerangs, mage staves and shields to be consistent in fantasy-reality (mostly in relation to each other).
  • Rod of Detection: Level and price increased from low to medium, as it makes a bunch of lesser rods obsolete.
  • Weapon suffix-ego 'of Life' buffed: Added flags BLESSED, REGEN, KILL_UNDEAD, ESP_UNDEAD and a random high resistance. They can no longer occur as double-egos with powers 'CHAOTIC' or 'SPECTRAL'.
  • Weapon prefix-ego 'Corrupted' added: Nastily cursed (always HEAVY_CURSE), degree and more adverse effects vary randomly, decreases stats and LIFE, and has some more abilityes. Since these mali will flip due to HEAVY_CURSE, it's the way for vampires/hell knights to gain +LIFE mod on ego weapons.
  • (Experimental): Shamans can access runecraft, except for Mana.
  • DM modules (D&D adventure modules) by Kurzel: Event maps that are up in the form of permanently running events, see /evinfo, quite a challenge! Debut module 'Under Elmoth' (Nan Elmoth, home of dark-elves) allows up to 4 participants but may even be solo'ed if you pull all the strings, have a fitting character and some luck.
  • Blade of Chaos and Infernal Axe can no longer have 'of Life' ego power as it contains BLESSED.
  • Dark Sword and Shadow Blade can no longer have ego powers implying BLESSED flag.
  • Weapon ego power '*Slay Evil*' no longer has BLESSED flag.
  • Tunneling: Hacking wood/fibre now applies correct extra power from higher digging tool weight.
  • Players in demonic form take half drowning damage, same as undead.
  • Greater demons have intrinsic chaos resistance (like undead have nether). Consequently, Blood Sacrifice's Bloodthirster form also gets chaos resistance now.
  • Scroll of Artifact Creation no longer gets used up if the actual creation failed.
  • The Mirror: Praying now shows the remaining required XP and Au for rekinging.
  • Stamina ('ST') is now always displayed for all classes, even if they cannot use it for anything.
  • Price of item 'Fur Cloak' greatly reduced.
  • Super low-cost item price rounding fixed so races hated by shopkeepers won't pay double anymore for ammunition for example.
  • Fireworks is usable by IDDC chars without fear of gaining XP for 'use-identifying' the scroll.
  • Martial Arts: First extra attack at 2.000 skill instead of 1.000.
  • Custom fonts: Allow K-lines, for mapping objects in k_info.txt, and U-lines, for mapping unknown flavoured items based on their tval alone.
  • Command '/empty' now allows specifying '+' as item, for 'newest item', eg if you just picked up a flask of oil.
  • QoL: Vampires who can use mist form can pass their house walls without having to explicitely shapechange.
  • Rings of Polymorphing of monster forms sell for much more Au at NPC stores now (magic shop).
  • When inspecting weapons/shooter/ammo, the damage estimates now factor in critical-hit potential (thanks Cass!).
  • Rods now properly recharge while being wielded.
  • Rod of Recall has slightly longer recharge duration.
  • The Long Sword of Angmar has been buffed somewhat.
  • When weak or fainting from hunger, your strength is reduced by 1 or 2 respectively.
  • Price of Scroll of Vermin Control halved.
  • (Experimental) Alchemy Satchel space expanded from 7 slots to 9.
  • Checking your chance to dodge/intercept now shows you two numbers: Vs a monster of the same level as you, and vs a monster of twice your level (caps at level 100).
  • Randart creation: Fire-based light sources can never get WHITE_LIGHT flag (such as Feanorian lamps have).
  • Wands/rods that modify floor features (light, stone-to-mud, trap/door destruction) now allow targetting your own grid by specifying '5' for direction.
  • Maiar start out with a Spell Scroll of Power Bolt I now.
  • Temple and Valarian Temple sell potions of boldness now.
  • It's now possible to relogin from a different IP address/host and override an existing connection.
  • Codices and Spellbooks drop more often.
  • Mining Supply Store max. stock size doubled.
  • Yeeks, Ents, Draconians and Vampires had their height and weight corrected.
  • Drowining/swimming code was completely rewritten. Any wooden items now help. Dragon Scale Mail now has neutral buoyancy (it's the only item type that has this feature).
  • A bag-related dupe bug was fixed (thanks, Clouded!). No more free Stones of Jordan.
  • Shamans got Divination school ratio slightly increased.
  • Istari got Divination and Udun school ratios slightly reduced.
  • Vampire Istari can now use Shadow and Unlife schools (and start with 1.000 in Shadow too, besides in Mana). These are not affected by Sorcery.
  • Blood Magic: Active Shivering Aura at 30+ turns pure cold-damage spells to ice damage type. Active Aura of Death at 40+ turns pure cold- or fire-damage spells to ice and plasma damage respectively.
  • Commands /tag and /untag now also handle subinventories (bags).
  • Subinventories (bags): Now possible to perform all eligible actions on items inside them, mainly recharge, identify, *identify*, telekinesis.
  • Recharging an item which will become unidentified in the process will trigger any item inscribed !X for an attempt to re-identify the recharged item.
  • Ranger class: Cannot be picked by Vampires. Starts with 1.000 in Nature and with a Spell Scroll of Healing (instead of a mage starter book).
  • Monsters breathing Disintegration will instantly wipe out low- and low-mid-level monsters (below level 40).
  • Ego/Artifact ales have been fixed and work properly now.
  • Mana breath damage cap increased from 250 to 350 (monsters and players).
  • Sprint: Reduced stamina cost from 7 to 6.
  • You can now 'B'ash a non-hostile player to switch places with him.
    However, it depends on your STR vs the other player's weight whether you succeed. ( ' _` )
  • Command added: /dN to roll one N-sided die quickly. Eg '/d20'.
  • Use the /quit (or /bye, /logout, /exit, /leave) command with any parameter (eg a dot: '/quit .') to quit completely. Otherwise you are going back to the character list screen.
  • Unmakers cannot spawn in the Ironman Deep Dive Challenge or the Halls of Mandos.
  • Runecraft 'Nova' buffed: No longer drains 100% MP.
  • Runecraft 'Shot' bolt count reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Wielded magic devices are always 2-handed.
  • Phial of Galadriel: Level reduced from 20 to 10.
  • All tier I elemental bolt spells had their levels reduced.
  • When a player discovers a new dungeon, there is a public announcement message about it to everyone.
  • IDDC refuges now appear on -350 and -700 instead of -500 (every -1000 ft), now listed in the server rules (~i).
  • The General Store offers more lanterns and many more trapping kits now on average.
  • Again, Mikael managed to fix various buffer overflows and some deeply hidden code issues. The code has never been this polished before. :)
For a list of client-side changes, see viewtopic.php?p=7737#p7737
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