Server updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

There was an issue with the server not properly compiling due to _GNU_SOURCE function strcasestr().
This has been corrected, if you were affected just download the 4.7.0a source again.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.0b server-side changes:
  • Tree-growing spells had their failure rate reduced.
  • Missing occult spells have been added to tomes.
  • Some occult spells have been adjusted. INT vs WIS fail rate stat usage adjusted.
  • Some races gain intrinsic occult 'Shadow' school bonus.
  • 'Shadow Gate' is now level 26 and split between Shadow and Conveyance school.
  • 'Blindness II' has been changed to 'Darkness'.
  • 'Poisonous Fog' had its level increased somewhat.
  • Increased damage of most bolt spells players can cast.
  • Darkness bolts no longer have blind effect.
  • Spellbook autoretaliation accepts spells with letters past 'i)'.
  • Necromancy/Traumaturgy has been reenabled for most classes.
  • Some monsters had missing resistances, abilities or susceptibilities added.
  • Aura-toggling fixed.
  • Fixed a glitch happening to some clients when they log in with 'big_map' enabled that caused the client to switch back to small map.
  • Source compiles correctly when strcasestr() is missing (when _GNU_SOURCE isn't available).
  • Dungeon bosses spawn more reliably.
  • Resisting an element statically or temporarily correctly cancels any susceptibility.
  • 'Apply poison' accepts mushrooms of poison and of unhealth too.
  • Some artifact weapons had their (+hit,+dam) buffed.
  • '?' displays correct keys for rogue-like keyset users.
  • Fixed (allowed/prevented) remappability of certain monsters (for custom fonts).
  • Pebbles can now be crafted from shards of pottery.
  • Death Knight: Traumaturgy skill fixed.
  • Death Knights have intrinsic fear resistance.
  • Priests can now use blessed weapons as if they were 'blunt' type, getting their Blunt-Mastery skill applied to them.
  • Ego items have less insane level requirements.
  • 'Iron Team' type parties only allow trading with other members of the same party.
  • Improved event reward item generation.
  • New command /dis F[a|b], works same as /dis f but destroys a whole pile of loot at once.
  • New command /ic * to ignore even private messages, if they're not from a party member. Added alias /dnd for this.
  • New command /kifu <your email> that sends you all your new kifus (Go game records, in *.SGF file format) to the email specified, after you played Go in the casino. Note that this command is character-name-based, not account-based.
  • Partying can only be done before entering IDDC now. Cross-mode parties are possible at the entrance worldmap sector.
  • Trading is now only possible with party members.
  • Parties for IDDC must be 'Iron Team' type.
For a list of client-side changes see ... 3859#p3859
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.1 server-side changes:
  • Halls of Mandos: It's possible to use /xo command to receive an extermination order.
  • Halls of Mandos: There is now (like in the IDDC) no more experience penalty on too shallow floors in comparison to your character level.
  • Shamans gain access to Temporal school and lose access to Mana school.
  • 1-h weapons are limited to +1 LIFE, 1.5 and 2h weapons to +2, at most.
  • Deed-based event rewards have been improved.
  • All sorts of character titles are now correctly displayed to others on joining/leaving game.
  • Morgoth now correctly teleports out if a winner enters his floor.
  • Merchants Guild mail warns receipient about expiration.
  • Some 'Curing' prayer tiers are castable while blind/confused.
  • Wands/rods that fire bolts will now really fire bolts only, instead of sometimes 'critically' firing a beam, to ensure you don't accidentally wake up monsters you didn't intend to wake up.
  • Udun's 'Wraithform' spell no longer projects.
  • 'Cleansing Cloud' and 'Forest's Embrace' healing effects have been buffed.
  • 'Cause Wounds' spell is resisted much less often by monsters.
  • 'Shadow' + 'Holy Defense' cross school chaos resistance removed.
  • 'Ethereal Eye' level upped from 20 to 28.
  • Removed 'Poisonous Fog' spell from Occult Shadow school.
  • Damage of 'Chaos Bolt' and 'Nether Bolt' in Occult Shadow school and 'Spear of Light' and especially 'Lightning' in Occult Spirit school have been buffed.
  • New spells 'Meditation' (restoration) and 'Purification Rites' (dispel undead) have been added to Spirit school.
  • Astral's corrupted 'Empowerment' gives at most +2 to LIFE instead of +3.
  • Monsters that reflect will take half damage from any light-based attack even if it was a beam-type attack (which isn't normally reflectable).
  • Brass Lanterns can be /empty'ed too.
  • Added new Maia subclass 'Hell Knight': Alias for Corrupted Paladin with a distinct skill set, a demonic fighter. Also added new skill set for Corrupted Priest, which is now similar to Hell Knights.
  • Added new magic school: Occult 'Hereticism', available to Hell Knights, Corrupted Priests and Adventurers (any race, but note that 'Blood Sacrifice' spell to turn yourself into a Bloodthirster will only be available to Hell Knights and Corrupted Priests). Use /sac command to check Blood Sacrifice availability. If you aren't sure what a Bloodthirster looks like, here you can see one (on the receiving end..)
  • Hell Knights: Heavily cursed items flip their boni from negative to positive while equipped, same as for Death Knights.
  • Throwing enough snowballs at a target dummy will cause it being snow-covered, same as if it was exposed to longer snowfall.
  • Their specific rings of power dropped by Nazgul never have NO_MAGIC flag (antimagic shell).
  • Monsters can no longer disarm you in the Arena Monster Challenge.
  • Dropping your weapon when getting disarmed will scatter it across the level randomly if there was no floor grid available where it would have dropped (eg you were fighting inside forests or on mountains).
  • Rods of Havoc effect changed: Initial blast + lingering cloud, both of new damage type 'Havoc' (see (5.6)).
  • Ordering a spell scroll from the bookstore without specifying a tier will assume tier I.
  • Monsters: NO_STUN flag no longer reduces sound damage, that is only done by RES_SOUND flag now, which has been added to monsters accordingly where it would be missing.
  • Some high demons which didn't spawn in escorts can now spawn in escorts again.
  • Mimicry: To make a monster kill count for form your mimicry skill must now be high enough to match (half the monster level).
  • Equipment that drains hit points no longer prevents Cloaking.
  • More races/classes get more spirit/shadow boni/mali.
  • Unmakers can now only spawn on level generation time, not as a random spawn later on.
  • Resurrecting a player will give a message to everything around him about it.
  • Temporary brands on weapons are now shown in item inspection screen.
  • Lesser Black Reaver and Black Reaver now cast 1_IN_2 (was 1_IN_3) and had one of their two UN_BONUS attacks changed to UN_POWER, thereby providing unpower-resistance as mimic form (also see (5.12a)).
  • Having an open mind will prevent the normal saving throw against psi or confusion attacks. (Being a mindcrafter oneself will still provide extra protection.)
  • Aura of Fear gives fear resistance at 20.000.
  • Defensive Stance now reduces combat-related stun effects.
  • Constitution stat now helps to recover from being stunned faster.
  • Fixed a glitch where 'preferred immunity' from monster forms would randomly change.
  • Priests now notice that an (unidentified) weapon is actually blessed when they wield it.
  • Vampire race characters: Having both Necromancy and Traumaturgy at at least 25.000 will increase intrinsic melee vampirism efficiency from 50% by +1% for each further skill point, up to 100% when both skills are at 50.000.
  • Vampires are not immune to cold, but just resistant. They are immune to poison though. All mimic forms and the actual 'Vampire' character race have been changed accordingly and exp% upped from 220% to 270%.
  • High-Elf exp% reduced from 250% to 230%.
  • Ents don't have blood so they cannot use Blood Magic.
  • The enchant shop service that enchants ranged weapons now also accepts boomerangs.
  • Manual targetting wit *p works again.
  • Quarterstaff of Olorin has been renamed/modified to Three Piece Rod 'Ruyi Bang'.
  • New artifacts added: Club 'Smasher', Sling 'Lamfada'.
  • Mimicry: 'previous form' used is now saved/loaded, so macros changing back and forth will work across relogging.
  • Dual-wielding a NEVER_BLOW weapon ('of Nothingness') and a normal weapon will still allow attacking (with the normal weapon).
  • Blindness reduces hit chance for melee and greatly for ranged combat.
  • Some mimic powers that mainly apply adverse status effects no longer trigger fire-till-kill repetition.
  • Inscriptions added: '\\' will append to an existing inscription, '@@' will inscribe an item with all its special powers. '@@' must always stand at the beginning of an inscription, you can add further text after it if you like, which will then be appended.
  • Various serpents and nagas had water resistance added.
  • New command added: /applaud.
  • Running around in a form that has erratical movement will no longer place you into terrain that prevents running nor change the worldmap sector accidentally.
  • Switching targets in ranged combat will cost a tax of 1 shot per round, if the player actually has at least 3 shots per round, same as for melee target-switching when the player has 3 blows/round or more.
  • The One Ring is now easier to activate. But still hard if not proficient.
  • Exploding ammo can no longer be created with 'stun' explosion, instead it's just 'force' explosion, which is practically the same.
  • A glitch with !X inscription on magic devices has been fixed that could cause an interruption after just two attempts sometimes.
  • It's possible to pick up loot of deceased team mates.
  • It's no longer possible to steal from a variety of stores that sell equipment. It's much easier now to steal from the remaining stores (supplies, spells/runes).
  • Sauron can be generated on any level starting at depth 99.
  • The Halls of Mandos theme can no longer occur in the IDDC since it doesn't allow any unique monster at all!
  • Pseudo-identification works faster than usual. Scrolls of Identify/Identify Everything/*Identify* drop more often than usual.
For client-side changes see ... 3970#p3970
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.7.2:
  • Devotion amulets had the BLESSED flag removed.
  • Demonic Strength and Extra Growth both include HP regeneration now.
  • Traumaturgy works vs Angels and extends Boundless Rage duration.
  • Boundless Rage II added for +2 EA.
  • Wielding a 2-handed weapon when only wielding one 1-h weapon or 1 shield with the other hand/arm being vacant will no longer overflow the inventory.
  • Anti-undead/demon HP-drain is now indicated when inspecting an item (if it's *identified*).
  • UN_POWER melee attacks from monsters no longer drain mana.
  • Hellfire is more effective vs GOOD IM_FIRE monsters.
  • Chance for Hellfire to destroy items that don't particularly 'hate' fire has been reduced.
  • Event reward creation improved.
  • Power-inscribing an item will also display the anti-magic field strength. Power-inscriptions improved.
  • BLESSED items will hamper all corrupted Maiar and cause icky_wield instead of suppressing HP regeneration.
  • Skills get correctly refunded on Maia initiation.
  • *Defender* weapons can no longer have 2 high resistances AND an immunity, but only two high res or one high res + one imm.
  • All Maiar gain time resistance at initiation. The Silence Force (enlightenend) now grants mana resistance instead of time resistance.
  • Various spell stats were tweaked a bit.
  • Fixed crashes related to Highlander/PvP-Arena Dungeon generation.
  • Hell Knights greatly resist the mind effects from encountering an Eldritch Horror.
  • Many hounds (Z) can now be slept.
  • Mindcrafter spell crystals are now susceptible to electricity.
  • Handling of spell scroll orders for spells that have the same name but are in different schools has been improved.
  • Behemoths flash fiery now.
  • !X inscription no longer auto-repeats until it succeeds.
  • A glitch that stops shooting when switching ranged target has been fixed.
  • Random artifacts emit the correct colour of light (white vs yellow) depending on their item type and chance.
  • Fixed ambient sound effects inside buildings and when entering/leaving buildings.
  • Quests may call lua functions (see q_info.txt).
  • Attacking Nazgul now correctly checks slay-undead/evil flags, for both weapons and martial arts.
  • Hell Knights can now dual-wield.
  • IDDC: WoR scrolls that drop as loot no longer get turned into ID scrolls at dungeon level 100+.
  • IDDC: Fixed partying and item-sharing.
  • IDDC: No more shop discounts, BM always 50% off, more/better egos in shops, shops buy at 2/3 value.
  • Fixed C-h-h screen glitches (eg intrinsic fear resistance of Death Knights not being indicated).
  • Fire-till-kill for use with runecraft has been fixed.
  • Monster traps now survive detonation/disintegration (experimental).
  • Some hybrid classes benefit a bit more from +MANA items now.
  • An extremely rare case of recalling into no-teleport area has been taken care of.
  • House door colours are no longer shaded at night.
  • Slowdown magic can reverse the speed increase of monsters that have been (self-)hasted.
  • Chaos damage does way less polymorphing of monsters now.
  • Added slash command toggles /hpbar, /mpbar and /stbar that displays these stats as a bar instead of numbers.
  • Vlad Dracula and Mephistopheles drop a random heavily cursed true artifact (if available), except for The One Ring.
  • The Merchants Guild's mail system has been improved, correctly handling player death.
  • Power-inscriptions (@@/@@@) can now be used anywhere in an inscription.
  • Shaman weapon skills improved from 0.400 to 0.450.
  • Correctly enforce +LIFE limit on randart weapons depending on 1h/others (+1/+2).
  • IDDC: Traps of Thirst consume way less potions now than outside of the IDDC.
  • IDDC: Chasms, Pits and Traps of Sinking deal way less inventory damage now.
  • LUCK blessings won't decay on the world surface anymore (and won't get applied there either).
  • Flicker indicators of magical shields or black breath have had their priorities improved so that you don't miss your Disruption Shield running out because you have Black Breath, etc.
  • Hell Knights and Corrupted Priests can now also access Udun school (experimental).
  • Monsters that emphasize ranged combat drop some more ammunition now.
  • A glitch with Essence of Speed has been fixed that could slow another player down by overriding his already better speed buff.
  • Custom spellbooks (self-made) will sell for more if they contain more expensive spells.
  • Wild towns will spawn inns with FEAT_PROTECTED instead of FEAT_FLOOR now, resulting in correct inn ambient sfx being played.
  • Seduce can no longer take off cursed items.
  • Metallic dragons gained a slight AC bonus.
  • Fixed a glitch that would nullify to-hit/to-dam/to-ac modifiers on special true artifact lights.
  • Blades of Chaos and Infernal Axes have a new flag 'EVIL' that causes them to never receive the BLESSED flag.
  • Trap kits had their base levels reduced.
  • Climbing skill ratios increased.
  • Trance spell works vs vortices now.
  • Magic missile damage of low-level sparkling breeders has been toned down.
  • All troll monsters regenerate strongly now.
  • Treasure Detection now combines old Treasure Detection (locating money) and Object Location (locating items). (Accordingly, Object Location no longer exists on its own.)
  • Super-unique kills are now logged automatically and can be viewed on the website under 'Official server info' -> 'Super-uniques slay list'.
  • Anti-paladins and fallen angels of any kind can no longer occur in 'Chapels' (specific monster nest type), as Chapels disallow 'EVIL' monsters now.
  • Storm Giants now have sound resistance instead of shard resistance.
  • Two trueart trap kits had their base types fixed (catapult and bolt trap).
  • Mindcrafter interception ratio buffed from 0.600 to 0.700.
For client-side changes see ... 6100#p6100
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server/site updates in 4.7.3:

*** Special annoucement: ***
Moltor's Arcade is back! Enjoy a game of 'Tron' lightcycle racing or 'Smash'em'. To play, just join the arcade server. The specific arcade macros will be loaded automatically by your client, press F1 for info. (The latest arcade macros can be downloaded separately on the downloads page too.)

Website: Server:
  • D&D dragon deity Bahamut added (, only shows up in the higher regions of the Cloud Planes.
  • Physical Lore spell 'Extra Stats' grants HP regeneration while active.
  • Holy Curing at 30.000 reduces Disease duration.
  • Dodging, Calmness and Trapping increase Sneakiness more.
  • Missing bolt spells in mimicry powers added.
  • Mimicry users receive correct resistances from BR_ flags.
  • Mimicry ability 'Preferred immunity' cannot be used while under the effect of anti-magic.
  • Nazgul rings are no longer usable for luck bonus from artifact sets.
  • Stealing skill greatly increases Sneakiness skill.
  • Trapping skill now grants pseudo-id for trap kits.
  • Trapping skill improves Searching.
  • Soloists may not receive buffs from other players.
  • Monster traps all produce sound effects now and they can be heard by everyone nearby.
  • Anchor of Space-time now must be activated to create a temporary anti-teleportation field of radius 12. Added Nexus resistance.
  • General Store and Alchemist now buy firestones.
  • Disintegration/Detonations/Rockets now clear monster-traps on the floor.
  • Trap kits with different (+hit,+dam) enchantments can now be force-stacked (Shift+K), averaging it like for ammunition.
  • 2nd Chauve-Souris potion will return the player to his previous form instead of always to @ form.
  • Critical-Strike and Backstabbing now allow the use of (light) polearms too. As usual max weight is 10.0 lbs.
  • 'Backstabbing' now has a chance to stun monsters.
  • Warriors and Archers can now access 'Trapping' skill. Adventurers can now access 'Backstabbing'.
  • Extra Growth/Demonic Strength/Blood Sacrifice now apply +stats and hp-regeneration correctly.
  • All Unlife spells are wisdom-based now.
  • Ring changes: 'Shard Resistance' becomes 'Stone Skin' and gives additional AC bonus.
  • Ring changes: +Stat and +Sustain rings have been combined, and new combinations were added.
  • Ring of Invisibility now also gives +Stealth.
  • Amulet of Charisma now also sustains charisma.
  • The BBS now automatically colours a player's name to indicate his mode.
  • 'Immune to XP drain' trait moved from Necromancy to having both Necromancy and Unlife at 50.000.
  • Necromancy gives +1% chance to resist XP drain per point (stacks with Hold Life).
  • Unlife grants HP regeneration for true vampires and Hold Life for others.
  • Armour weight limit for Martial Arts and rogueish skills increased from 26.0 to 27.0 lbs.
  • Trap kit generation improved for reward item creation (Dungeon Keeper winning deed).
  • Sparkling ego monsters deal correctly toned down damage on low levels now.
  • RES_TELE added to Stability boots, Anchor of space-time and The Boots of Anchoring.
  • Touch of Hunger and Wraithstep should work correctly now.
  • Vampires can now wear the Highlands amulet without penalties.
  • Slash command /colours or /col added, just displays the colour palette.
  • If a non-vampire character gets instant-resurrected while wielding Morgul weapons, the weapons will get destroyed.
  • Fist of Chaos can be activated now (Hellfire brand).
  • In /evinfo an asterisk '*' will indicate when you've signed up for an event.
  • Daggers, spears, tridents and axes will now be thrown especially effectively (fly further, deal more damage). STR increases damage.
  • Treasure veins that are encased inside non-floor terrain and hence hard to find yield more money now.
  • Climbing/Swimming skill ratios increased.
  • 'Demolitionist' perk added for characters that skill Digging to at least 5.000: Able to find chemicals and craft blast charges. Purchase 'Grinding Tool' from alchemist. Use !Fxx inscription to set fuse length. Recipes are sometimes found in Scrolls of Rumour. You may not set charges in town areas.
  • Digging skill spills a bit more into Health skill.
  • PvP-mode characters are not protected from real death in the Arena Monster Challenge.
  • New commands /ppage and /gpage, will alert you if a party/guild member logs in while you are AFK.
  • Slash commands are now case-insensitive. (The command itself, not necessarily the parameters.)
  • Prayer 'Holy Light' renamed to 'Call Light'.
  • Amulets of Reflection and REFLECTING flags now also give resistance to light.
  • Mindcrafters' /snbar behaviour fixed.
  • Arena Monster Challenge: Unresisted elemental attacks no longer drain your stats.
  • Boomerangs cannot be deflected by monsters' REFLECTING flag, throwing weapons are harder to deflect depending on weight.
  • The correct anti-quake inscription is !Q, not !E.
  • It's now possible (except in towns) to hit the floor below you (direction '5') to try and cause an earthquake with a weapon or digger that causes quakes.
  • Morgoth Grond and Crown now have level 40 instead of 45, as 40 is the minimum level where you can get credit for killing him.
  • Flasks now have a smash effect like potions when being thrown.
  • Martyr protects from Black Breath infection.
  • Lower level of Ignore Fear and Terror II.
  • Town elder can give a few more tips now.
  • Boomerang pseudo-id depends on Combat skill, not on Archery skill.
  • Spell scrolls of holy scrolls are now named Prayer scrolls instead.
  • Blood Bond will fail if target has us on ignore list. Successful Blood Bond will cause 2 paging beeps.
  • The 'slay dragon' brand will also work on dragonriders now.
  • Hellfire brand will override cold brand.
  • 'Charm' and 'Possess' spells fixed.
  • Removed HOLD spell from newbie killer 'Spectral' ego monster.
  • Dark Swords can no longer be Spectral, as they cannot be activated anyway.
  • 'Recognition' level reduced from 20 to 15.
  • Some spells should no longer wrongly wake up monsters.
  • Rune repositories removed, runes can only be found now or (rarely) purchased from the black markets. The Magic Shop now buys runes.
  • Double-ego armour should no longer turn out 100% redundant in powers.
  • Auras of contradicting element (cold vs fire) will now alternate, same as for brands.
  • Randarts that grant invisbility will not grant auras.
  • Spiders can correctly pass web grids.
  • Wall Creation now removes traps, runes and monster traps on floor grids.
  • Auto-retaliation: The '/ar' command is now split into '/arr' for runecraft and '/arm' for mimicry.
  • Inspecting a light-providing item will tell if it's white light.
  • Istari gloves now also give +MANA.
  • Dungeon bosses that do not drop a final artifact (either don't have one or if the artifact is already in existance) will drop a random stat potion instead.
  • Monster traps that have XTRA_SHOTS: Even in case of magic arrows they might require multiple of them to match the amount of shots.
  • taciturn_messages now also covers tunneling and most server join/leave messages.
  • When playing cards a message will now indicate when there is only one card remaining.
  • 'Detect Invisible' spell level increased from 3 to 8.
  • Store item orders can now be cancelled (type 'cancel' when asked what to order).
  • Probability Travel now allows running into a wall too, instead of just walking into it.
  • Crystal DSM: Added cold resistance.
  • Mirkwood: Final boss added (Saenathra).
  • UN_POWER attacks will no longer drain an infused mimic form while we aren't actively using the form.
  • Filling a bottle will now correctly apply remembered pseudo-id state and also trigger !X inscription.
  • General Store now buys empty chests and bottles, the Alchemist buys bottles.
  • Restoration in the Valarin temple now also restores XP.
  • Food items can be pseudo-id'ed by both Combat and Magic, instead of just by Magic.
  • Magic Device skill buffed, it's now possible to reach 100% activation chance.
  • Hell Knights can now dual-wield.
  • Yeti/Sasquatch form gains +1 STR bonus.
  • Since GF_PSI attacks (Psionic Blast) deal damage, they no longer cause sleep effects.
  • 'Dispel Magic' spell level lowered from 18 to 10.
  • New inscription '!B', will beep when failed to activate a magic device (roll failed, out of charges, still recharging).
  • Monsters can no longer 'jump' thin wave-effect spells.
  • Heavy-curse boni flipping now allows stats to often flip +1 higher than before.
  • Chance to '/undoskills' is forfeit on entering a dungeon/tower.
  • 'Trapping' skill will also improve your Searching ability.
  • Added '!D' inscription for magic devices: It automatically discharges a magic device first when attempting to recharge it.
  • Money Belts and Devices of Theft Prevention now have a 100% chance to prevent theft.
  • Raal's Tomes of Destruction have a slim chance again to drop a spellbook. It will be randomly picked from 1) Udun, 2) Elementalist, 3) Destroyer.
  • Half-Troll player race is now affected by troll-slaying flags in PvP.
  • Unlife school has a new spell 'Siphon Life', which is the same as 'Drain Life' but with lower MP cost.
  • Spell Scrolls drop more often.
  • The Warp Spear now activates for Tele-to.
  • Potions/flasks that get destroyed by terrain effects (eg dropped into lava) no longer cause smash effects, to prevent nasty surprises from deto/death potions.
  • High-Elves get a bonus to Light and Mana runecraft, Draconians to Nexus runecraft.
  • Sky/Solar/Star Blades no longer kill items they walk over.
  • Winners of level 80+ will always share XP among each other without any level limits imposed.
  • Added Handbook of Manipulation (Mindcraft), Handbook of Alleviation (curing/dispelling/healing).
  • Aura of Fear gives melee fear brand at 20.000.
  • Monsters can no longer summon onto themselves when out of maximum range (18) yet still having line-of-sight.
  • Anti-magic fields no longer hinder party members, at all.
  • Fireworks get launched if the fireworks scroll gets burned.
  • Mimicry: Monsters of +3 speed will give +1 speed now (Kamikaze Yeek, Gold Ant).
  • Books acquired from 'Rare Books' trap are no longer level 0.
  • Mephisto and Dracula drop a randomly picked, available, heavily cursed true artifact.
  • Killing Morgoth with at least two partied players will result in an extra randart drop.
  • Killing Morgoth with at least three partied unworldly players will result in one extra Artifact Creation scroll per extra player above two (3 -> 1, 4 -> 2..).
  • Level 100 artifacts won't get their remaining duration halved when their owner defeats Morgoth.
  • Amulet of Grom and Soul Reaver buffed somewhat.
  • Shadow school: 'Shadow Walk' perk added, active while on dark grids.
  • 'Shadow Shroud': Added extra melee defense while on dark grids (and without light source).
  • Mimicry: Monster versions of the same name are now shown correctly unified in ~2.
  • Mimic powers: Breaths' damage increased.
  • '/tag' now overwrites 'on sale' inscriptions and allows '@@'/'@@@' power-inscriptions (which will always overwrite the existing tag, never add to it).
  • Monsters can no longer disarm the secondary weapon while the character is in main-hand mode.
  • Druids' level 50 form 'Spectral Tyrannosaur' has been replaced by 'Gorm' to stay consistent with druids not using undead forms. The forms are pretty similar.
  • Magic schools in general: All elemental bolt spells including spirit 'Lightning' and 'Disenchantment Ray' have been increased in damage.
  • Randarts cannot gain the 'reduced weight' mod (around -10% weight) more than three times (around -30% weight reduction). If you had randarts that got reduced even more (very unlikely) their powers may have changed now.
  • It's no longer possible to fill up the inventory completely with unremovable (cursed no-drop) items to prevent ruining a character.
  • Repairing armour at the Armoury in town now gives more leeway for very light armour, crowns can be repaired too now.
  • Nightwalker/Nightwing/Nightcrawler have been adjusted to D&D 5e lore: Removed fire+electricity immunities, but since it's considered to be 'resistant to magic' these two are kept as resistances.
  • If 'Probability Travel' fails with a discharge, the player will no longer lose view.
  • Fixed IDDC item trading glitch that made items untradable.
  • IDDC black markets now also sell Amulets of Weaponmastery/Rage/Speed.
  • IDDC party/trading system improved and fixed. Prevents cheezing lots of loot to a single character, but should be as lenient as possible.
  • IDDC: On level-up, one drained stat is randomly restored.
  • IDDC discounts in Bree are now correctly displayed in stores.
  • Hidden Library (IDDC) now has no discounts but in general sells cheaper and has greatly increased stock size.
  • Players in IDDC can always see depths of everyone else in @ screen.
  • Inside the IDDC, chances for magic devices to break on recharge reduced to 1/3 of the usual chances.
  • IDDC store '9' offers an Identify-All service again.
  • Staircases inside the IDDC will be coloured white to indicate that there is already someone on the subsequent floor.
  • '/xo' reset conditions fixed. See '/xo' command in the guide.
  • IDDC-exclusive mode characters now receive a stacking +25% bonus on their high score.
For client changes see ... 6566#p6566
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side updates in 4.7.4:
  • (experimental) Night duration reduced from 10 to 8 hours, from 8pm-6am to 9pm-5am.
  • The town hall in Bree now has a function to list all alive 70+ players.
  • Compilation without sound support (USE_SOUND_2010) fixed.
  • Training Backstabbing spills 15% into Critical-Strike skill.
  • easy_disarm_montraps bug fixed.
  • Boomerangs are "one-handed" and hence aren't negatively impacted by wielding a shield.
  • New boomerang type added, damage in general buffed. Boomerangs can ricochet (!R to disable).
  • Red Lineage gains regen flag (faster HP regeneration).
  • All trolls and hydras (head regrowal) regenerate at 2x regen, half-trolls at 1.5x regen. Overrides regen flag.
  • Some undead forms gain more infra-vision.
  • !M inscription added for keep_bottle option users to limit the bottle stack.
  • Bottles from keep_bottle will no longer overflow the inventory.
  • PvP mode levels go from 20 to 30 now.
  • Morgoth's crown and hammer can no longer be destroyed by monsters.
  • Some equipped items can now be thrown (note that they don't return unless they have the new RETURNING flag.)
  • Disarming a monster trap now places the trap items directly into your inventory/add to quiver if you were the owner.
  • PvP mode free mimic transformation is re-usable now, in case the mimic gets un-polymorphed.
  • New quick search shortcuts: Enter /?r or /?c slash commands to jump directly to your race or class description.
  • Jail now holds players for the correct duration of their punishment instead of letting them out immediately. Hint: Use a certain 3-letter swear word for lower jail time than a certain 4-letter swear word.
  • Some jails now have a more or less short ironman dungeon that provides an escape route. A word of recall will be needed to recall out at the final floor though.
  • Fruit bat istari now start with an amulet of mana-charging.
  • Auto-retaliation will now prioritize awake monsters over asleep ones.
  • It's now possible to probability-travel onto floors of non-partied player ghosts, to make rescueing them easier.
  • Nether Sap spell fixed.
  • Aspect of Peril now auto-projects on friendly players.
  • Various shadow and unlife spells had their fail chance and mp cost reduced.
  • Shadow school: Shadow Shroud's 'blur' is now a school passive perk, it and 'shadow walk' perks now work on lit grids too.
  • Shadow school now gives another passive bonus: Every 10.000 points the character gains +10 ft of infra-vision (aka +1 pval).
  • Unlife school: 'Nether Feedback' perk added at 50.000. Character will receive a flat 10% less nether damage, which will be fed back into his own MP pool as mana.
  • /dress will no longer equip unfitting ammo types.
  • /seen command fixed.
  • Magic device ability: Mimics same as shamans now. Death knights increased to Rogue/Mindcrafter level, Hell Knights increased to Priest level.
  • The town elder now has additional advice for 'equip' and 'inven'/'prepare' depending on character level range.
  • Draconians take significant damage from void gates now (depending on the gate distance) at any character level (armour mitigates somewhat).
  • PvP mode: Mimicry monster body boni for hp/speed/damage reduced somewhat for balance.
  • DG_CURSE: Monster level reduced for non-high-level characters.
  • DG_CURSE is now inactive in town areas too, instead of just in towns, so house management isn't disturbed.
  • Reduced racial xp% penalty of Dunadan, High-Elf, Ent, Draconian, Dark-Elf and Vampire. Existing characters are automatically updated.
  • Mimicry: Bears, trolls and giants give +2 STR instead of +1.
  • GF_STOP, GF_STASIS and GF_OLD_SLEEP work in PvP now.
  • Device of Theft Prevention renamed to Backpack Safety Lock. Money Belt removed, Backpack Safety Lock does that too now. 85% efficiency.
  • At Trapping 10.000 or Digging 10.000 the character acquires a new fighting technique 'Steam Blast' that consumes a fumes trapkit and a potion of any kind to reliably blast open a door by pneumatic pressure after a few seconds.
  • Hell Knights and Death Knights gain very slightly more MP than Paladins from their INT/WIS.
  • Kobold xp% reduced slightly and Trapping and Digging skills as well as Saving Throw increased.
  • New Holy Offense spell 'Ray of Light' added (light beam).
  • Runemasters: Critical-strike skill ratio increased from 0.4 to 0.6.
  • ST cost of Perceive Noise reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Demolitionist: Firewall and Cascading charges fixed.
  • Anduril adjusted to match lore.
  • Consumables (potions/scrolls) can be inscribed !Q to suppress the message how many you have left. Eg useful to combo on identify scrolls: !XQ
  • Demolition charges can now be thrown, which will attempt to auto-arm them.
  • Demolition charge fuses now correctly burn for n seconds instead of n dungeon-turns.
  • Sandwall strength reduced from 250+5 to 300, so it's always tunneable.
  • Added message when it's impossible to tunnel through a material due to insufficient digging power.
  • The commands /who, /seen and /val are no longer case-sensitive.
  • Demolition: Now possible to create acid from vitriol + (salt) water and fixed the current way of crafting acid flasks.
  • Demolition-crafting: Mixture->mixture reactions now keep an existing inscription on an old mixture.
  • Magic shop now offers Staff of Light again.
  • You can now insta-logout in the IDDC world surface sector.
  • You can now hit someone standing on impassable terran with a snowball.
  • Since the general maximum sight range in game in all cases is 20 (MAX_SIGHT), infra-vision has been capped to 200 ft to reflect this.
  • '/ex' command shows your open shop order.
  • Seeker Bolts level reduced; Mithril Shots, Seeker Arrows and Seeker Bolts are now closer to each other in level.
  • Monsters that get stuck in terrain or between other monsters and cannot move will no longer be able to cast at unlimited speed (1/fps) but retain their normal casting frequency.
  • '/tym rsw' added, which waits until your first attack instead of immediately starting to count.
  • '/tym rsx' added, which waits with counting until you land your first successful hit and automatically stops counting when you don't hit anything for 5 seconds and displays the results (correcting the time measured by these 5 seconds of course).
  • There will always be a warning now when a player dies who has 'limit_chat' option enabled, in case he doesn't realize nobody can hear him.
  • Chat from players using limit_chat option will no longer be forwarded to other servers or to IRC.
  • Treasure veins that are completely encased by terrain will now correctly yield extra money.
  • Soloists are slate-coloured now instead of dark grey, the 'Soloist' tag in @ has been removed in turn.
  • Seraph casting speed was adjusted from 1_IN_12 to the same value almost all other A have, 1_IN_3.
  • Armoured target dummy has now 200 AC (up from 170).
  • Status indicators are correctly coloured after taking a void gate.
  • Fireworks-launch-sound related crash fixed.
  • Monster traps are harder for monsters to disarm now.
  • Havoc rods IGNORE_MANA now.
  • Gorlim drops his helmet at 50% instead of 30% chance. Artsi can now drop Fist of Chaos at 33% chance.
  • Anti-Magic can somewhat reduce continuous exp-drain effects.
  • /undoskills will keep current monster form if user is anti-magic.
  • Energy cost of impossible actions reduced greatly.
  • Dungeon boss music no longer stops completely in strange ways.
For client changes see ... 6998#p6998
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.8.0:
  • Night time reduced to 9pm-5am from 8pm-6am (4.7.4a).
  • Wraithform now cuts damage taken by earthquakes in half. (Stacks with damage reduction from 'Earth' magic school.)
  • Probability travel into broken no-tele vault fixed (disallowed).
  • Snowballs and Potions of Blood will go bad over time correctly.
  • Heavily cursed randarts flip into new non-cursed randarts when equipped by vampires or hell knights.
  • Randart amulets and rings had their levels reduced on average.
  • WINNERS_ONLY items no longer have a minimum level of 51, but can be lower.
  • Increased chance of monsters who pick up items to drop them again on death.
  • Broken items can no longer be ego or randart, except if you create one yourself.
  • Bronze Golem: IM_FIRE instead of IM_COLD.
  • (EvgenijK/C.Blue) Fixed floor-striking (to cause quake) for KILL_WALL forms.
  • Auto-pickup/Auto-destroy no longer triggers inside houses.
  • New guide quick look-up slash command: /?t for own trait (similar to /?c and /?r).
  • Command "/dice" improved, allows eg "/die 20" or "/dice 3d6".
  • "/characters" (/chars) command added to view a list of your own characters.
  • /tym command now also counts damage you have taken and attacks (pysical melee/ranged) you attempted vs attacks you actually hit with.
  • Demolitionists can suppress ingredient drops via '/demo' command toggle.
  • !U inscription works on equipment too.
  • Mimic HASTE spell can now overwrite an existing speed buff which is not faster.
  • Halls of Mandos: Characters of level 50+ will receive floor-dependant exp (as usual from yellow/grey depth indicator).
  • Halls of Mandos: Layout design changed, permanent filling and rooms with columns, now spawns many types of stores, including stores seen in the IDDC.
  • Halls of Mandos can now be alternatively entered by IDDC-only characters too. Location is auto-known to IDDC characters if the Halls were already discovered on this server.
  • Death Fate: Design extended, special stuff happens. Deaths are like in Training Tower (no 'true' death aka no title loss or turning into a ghost), combined with the additional random inventory damage from 'normal' deaths, all equipment is safe though.
  • NO_TELE dungeon flag implies NO_MAGIC flag to prevent wraithform and probability travel too.
  • Tele-To will never move the player onto a CAVE_ICKY grid (vault grids mainly).
  • Mimicry: RBE_SEDUCE grants charisma sustenance.
  • Player ghosts cannot be auto-recalled, either by server update or by traps or by enlightened Gateway.
  • Spells Charm and Possess have been split into tiers with different targetting methods.
  • Fixed a bug with newer versions of libgcrypt that rendered certain account names unable to login.
  • Merchant mail: Fixed a glitch when sending an artifact that the receipient should be unable to pick up.
  • Merchant mail: Fixed a bug that would cause an invalid receipient after a server restart.
  • QoL: Heavily cursed items that are flipped (vamps/HKs) will retain *ID* state and get an existing power-inscription reapplied for their flipped state.
  • Vampire gains bonus in Mind school. Vampire istar gains access to occult Shadow school (experimental).
  • Mana school ratio reduced to 1.700 from 1.900 to be less superior to other school skill ratios (1.600).
  • Probability travel failure no longer pseudo-blinds the player by removing his light radius on that turn.
  • Power-inscribe now also lists spells for Tomes and Handbooks.
  • 'Bash' (B/f) can now be used on an opponent, and won't just cause a normal attack but instead a shield-bash that stuns the target. This is now a fighting technique, must therefore be learnt and costs stamina to perform. As a specialty, shield-bBash can be either performed via bash key (B/f) in which case you can designate direction or target, or via Fighting Technique call (m) in which case it automatically uses your current target.
  • Death Fate dungeon will immediately unstatice (reset) if you leave it.
  • Razor boomerangs can get 'Sharp' ego power.
  • Digging tools can now be wielded as weapons via SHIFT+W (alt wield).
  • Improved the <advice> the town elder can give you.
  • QoL: Trap/door destruction (eg scrolls from shop 5) now disarm chests in your inventory too.
  • Luck buffs from event deeds now stack in duration up to about 1 hour, if the applied power is not higher than the power of the active buff (otherwise the buff is replaced).
  • Winner deeds now give 60 minutes (90 on Ironman server) of luck buff instead of 20 (30) min and also give a slightly stronger luck buff.
  • Chests can now be ground to obtain wood chips or metal powder.
  • An item can be inscribed !% to make it unsalable. The inscription is not actually applied, the item's inscription (if any) remains unchanged.
  • Those of nurgle's kind are damaged by healing magic.
  • Heal monster will heal at least 10% of the monster's max hp.
  • Getting jailed will now have the character discover the prison's worldmap sector.
  • Drowning in cold water will deal cold damage to your inventory.
  • Mindcrafter titles for level 80 and 90 have been swapped.
  • /dis f can now destroy level 0 items inside inns; CURSE_NO_DROP items and some generally unusable items cannot be put into inns anymore.
  • /dis i <inscription> command added, can also be used with f/F: Destroy items inscribed exactly <inscription>.
  • Experimental: Hell Knights learn 'Berserk' fighting technique (at 35).
  • Seasons pass at double speed now, so we get all seasonal events twice per real year. Basically all the (winter) events now also happen in the summer.
  • Yellow traps are strictly all inven/equip-affecting traps.
  • Reveal Ways spell has been lowered from level 9 to level 6.
  • Poison (and disease) drains a small percentage of max HP instead of a fixed amount and cannot be healed by Healing potions.
  • Curing and Holiness cure poison and diseases too.
  • Cuts drain a very small percentage of max HP instead of a fixed amount. Mortal Wounds cannot be healed by light/serious/critical potion level heals, but require healing or curing potions or magic.
  • Player: Half-trolls, trolls and hydras continue regenerating even while cut.
  • Mushrooms of Hallucination now restore a little bit mana. (Note that they don't affect you negatively if you resist chaos.)
  • Rings of Ready Wit renamed to Prowess.
  • New polearm 'Dragon Lance' added, intrinsic KILL_DRAGON.
  • Scythes of Slicing can gain 'Slay Animal' or 'Slay Dragon' ego power.
  • Polearms: Weight/dice modified on some; Trifurcate Spear renamed to Great Spear as it was redundant with Trident.
  • Store signs no longer cause a visual glitch.
For client-side changes see ... 7222#p7222
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Small ninja-update to the source code download, to fix two issues:
  • firestone feeding, they no longer feed you again, now.
  • fixed using staves inside antistatic wrappings
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

4.9.0 server changes:
  • PvP mode starts at level 20 now instead of 10.
  • IDDC now allows Herbalist store, and the Deep Supply store is more common.
  • IDDC: Guaranteed floor staticing for 2 minutes minimum on relog or death now works.
  • Mimicry: Vampires, Angels and forms that can seduce give a CHR bonus.
  • The temple priests (towns) now also cure disease.
  • The Picklock of Bilbo Baggins now also unlocks chests in inventory.
  • PvP: Fear resistance helps against enemy fear aura brand.
  • True artifacts constantly lose value over time, linear to their progressing timeout, approaching 0 Au the moment they do timeout.
  • Seasoned Traveler trap: Saving Throw has an increased chance to prevent item loss and to lose less items.
  • It's now possible to fully reset one skill of your choice (with certain path-defining skills not being eligible), once per character's lifetime, when the character is exactly level 35, at The Mirror in Lothlorien. See '/? the mirror' or '/? lose mem' for details.
  • /guild_adders command added (not to be confused with existing /guild_adder), showing a list of all current guild-adders.
  • Added mushroom of fast metabolism: Temporarily adds a small, flat heal-over-time. (Note to server owners: Existing food might get 'randomly' changed to other food types, sorry about that.)
  • Level-0-artifacts are no longer dropped on suicide, as they are unusable by anyone else.
  • Similar to "\\a" etc. item-paste codes, typing "\\_" in a chat message will replace it with the item currently on the floor (top-most, if piled).
  • 'Regeneration' and 'Nether Sap' spells now add a flat heal-over-time instead of a factor.
  • Fixed '@@' power-inscription's collision with '\@' replacement/deletion-inscription feature.
  • Fixed Herbalist and IDDC Black Market stock regarding food-type items.
  • Herbalist store can show up earlier on already.
  • Rogue/Demolitionist: The '/demo' command is now called '/ing' since it also applies now to characters that have 'Apply Poison' technique (rogues) which allows them to acquire poison potions from poison breathing monsters.
  • OoD spawns: Dungeon levels below 50 will have a stricter OoD-spawn limit, down to +10 levels on dungeon level 20 and easier, scaling back to the usual +40 at dungeon level 50. This will for example prevent Nazgul in the Orc Caves.
  • '/forms [minlev]' command added: Displays all learnt mimicry forms.
  • Potions of Life/Death restore stamina (if they don't hurt/kill you).
  • All (true) spiders have CAN_CLIMB flag now, to climb mountains.
  • Submerged Ruins is now filled with salt water, not freshwater.
  • Temples also sell potions of slow poison now.
  • 2 Shopkeepers in special stores had gold limit 0, these have proper gold limits now, so they will buy eligible wares.
  • Drop-item and steal-item traps will no longer cause bags (sub-inventories) to get dropped from your main inventory, but instead may drop items within those bags.
  • Weak light (only hurting susceptible monsters) may now also apply blindness (on susceptible monsters only).
  • Death item destruction no longer destroy a subinventory bags, but instead an item inside it.
  • Cold immune forms no longer slip on icy floor.
  • 8ball's responses are now cross-server readable just like player chat.
  • /ex command now also shows fee for instant-resurrection from your current dungeon floor, if enabled, or max depth for current funds if in town.
  • !X inscription now also works for staff/rod of perception/*perception* inside an antistatic wrapping.
  • Server has more verbose startup log info about tomenet.acc and config file access and state, in case something is wrong.
  • Low tier temp luck buffs last 30 (45 ironman) min instead of 20 (30 ironman).
  • Aura of Death now gives true plasma/ice melee brand bonus (at 40.000, randomly alternating).
  • Enlightenment potions also remove hallucinations.
  • Priest: Four holy schools had their ratios slightly reduced.
  • Bows, crossbows: Weights reduced to more "correct" values.
  • Spell levels: Blessing 1->3, Sanctuary 3->6, Tainted Grounds 17->13, Detect Monsters 3->4, Detect Evil 3->4, Detect Lifeforce 13->11, Scare II 15->10, Confuse II 18->14, Hypnosis II 20->18, Cause Fear II 18->14, Darkness 18->17.
  • Meteor damage is more destructive to items (like disintegration).
  • Paladins start with Remove Fear prayer instead of Blessing.
  • Town Elder in Bree has even more suggestions for keywords 'inv' (aka 'prep') and 'eq'.
  • Level 0 artifacts are no longer dropped on ghost-death.
  • Command '/uptime' usable by players.
  • Stormbringer won't drop for winners.
  • Unidentified items won't be auto-stowed into bags.
  • Fixed a glitch where artifacts would lose their timeout when being thrown or bashed.
  • Ranger and Druid: Boomerang ratio slightly increased.
  • Focus spell split into tier I and II and auto-projects now.
  • Halls of Mandos has BIG flag now, resulting in max sized levels.
  • Thunderstorm spell no longer hits sleeping or charmed monsters.
  • Wizardry school 'Mind' abolished and its spells moved to Conveyance (Telekinesis I), Divination (Sense Minds), Udun (Confuse/Stun).
  • Moved 'Remove Curse' spell from 'Mana' school to 'Nature' school.
  • School 'Divination' grants auto-probing (traps, fountains, monsters, players) of sorts at 50 instead of auto-ID. School 'Earth' no longer grants shard resistance. School 'Fire' no longer grants fire immunity. School 'Air' no longer grants poison resistance. School 'Water' no longer grants water immunity.
  • Items that can be shared cross-mode (for rescuing someone, eg torches, food, recall scrolls) can now also be level 0 and still work.
  • Activation of The One Ring has been buffed somewhat.
  • Activation chance of equipped magic devices has been fixed.
  • Magic devices that cast bolts no longer have a chance to cast a beam instead as it might wake up monsters you don't want to wake up (yet).
  • All orcs correctly have darkness resistance.
  • Refilling an equipped empty lamp immediately activates its magical boni again.
  • IRC commands improved, working on Discord too now, in the 'game-discord-bridge' channel of the 'TomeNET' discord server (
  • Trap kits now support @@ and @@@ inscriptions too.
  • Wings of Wind spell is now Air school only, not shared with Conveyance anymore.
  • The cost of various bolt spells other than Manathrust has been reduced.
  • Fixed auto-stowing an item into a bag, so it correctly applies ownership, auto-id, charge-division, etc.
  • Dense forest worldmap sectors are now dark green '#' on the map instead of grey '*'.
  • Looking at another player character displays its name coloured depending on his mode, to indicate party-compatibility (white = you can form a party).
  • When a monster points at you and curses (cause wounds) the damage it deals is now displayed.
  • Beating your mirror image in the death fate will grant the effect of about two experience potions on first time win.
  • Thunderstorm spell checked monster presence wrongly, leading to a server crash, this has been fixed.
  • /dress command with a tag specified will now equip the item even if the target equipment slot already contains an item, and allows dual-equipping of wield- and arm- (secondary wield) slots. Use this for dual-wield-equipment macros.
  • Reduced fail rate of Charm spell.
  • The Living Lightning is now considered a super unique, for the sake of appearing on the super uniques slain list.
  • (QoL) Slash commands taking an acount name or character name auto-convert the first letter to upper-case for you.
  • Runemaster ego monsters can now drop any type of demolitionist-related chemical.
  • Subinventories now correctly drop their contents when the player dies, like normal inventory does.
  • Bahamut drops a rod of healing of the istari in addition to his normal loot.
  • Time damage done by player (runemaster mainly) to monsters drains their speed instead of energy.
  • Herbal Tea spell now cures poison at level 8.
  • Wands/Staves damage buffed in general.
  • Raal's tomes may now drop a book on death.
  • Artsi may drop Fists of Chaos on death.
  • Special bags (wrapping, chests, satchel, trap bag) allow inscriptions !S to prevent auto-stowing anything and !O to prevent auto-stowing unowned items (aka new loot).
  • When disruption shield is on, the player will turn into a number also if his hit point ratio becomes worse than his mana point ratio, so the player can notice if his HP are dropping badly for some reason, while disruption shield is still active (cut/poison/disease). The two numbers (HP based and MP based) will alternate quickly, with the HP based number displayed in yellow to be distinguishable from disruption shield colour.
  • Guild Halls (that are not suspended due to lack of ownership) are now always lit.
  • Shamans in forms that grants exclusively them to wield all items will now get full BpR with weapons, instead of being reduced to 1 BpR (eg Air Spirit).
  • Forms with elemental breaths correctly provide the according resistance.
  • Forms with EMPTY_MIND or IM_PSI now correctly display tier 2 insanity reduction in character chart (Chh).
  • On death, if magic devices or spellbooks/grimoires are lost, the amount will be only 1/3 and 1/2 respectively instead of the whole stack. Also, the chance to lose very expensive devices at all is reduced by half.
Again thanks to all contributions on github: ... s%3Aclosed

For a list of client-side changes see ... 7489#p7489
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.9.0a maintenance release:
  • Healing now prints the actual mounts, much like damage messages print the damage done.
  • Fixed a situational healing spell glitch for certain healing spells when used during active wraithform.
  • Fixed a spell glitch for stasis-inducing spells when used during active wraithform.
  • Another little (consequence-less, ie no effect) easter egg and some fluff added >.>
  • Some wilderness glitches fixed regarding placement of existing houses around existing items inside them (under very specific and relatively rare conditions).
  • Firework scrolls added to the list of items that are shareable cross-mode.
  • Monsters may slip on icy floor too, same as players.
  • Pouring oil onto the floor makes it slippery temporarily.
  • Added messages specifying the actual amount of damage when taking damage from own items in some way (eating/reading/quaffing/activating).
  • Event reward items: Istari will no longer receive martial arts armour of piety.
  • Added Handbook of Wind and Weather.
  • Fixed/improved misleading error messages for failed house access regarding party functionality.
  • Shivering Aura now also grants cold resistance at level 30 (while aura is enabled).
For a list of client-side changes, see ... 7505#p7505
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