Client updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.9.0c maintenance release:
  • Meta server list in GCU/commandline mode no longer gets blanked out.
  • big_map can now be toggled, enabled and disabled via = b/M/n keys (instead of just toggled with =b).
  • big_map can also be toggled via /opt commands even though it is not a real option anymore.
For a list of server-side changes, see ... 7511#p7511

This maintenance release doesn't update anything regarding sound or music packs over 4.9.0(a), so if you already had 4.9.0(a) with everything up to date then you only need to update the client binary (the client executable file) and the guide. You can do this easily with the TomeNET-Updater, or manually by grabbing the 5-6MB downloads, for example.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.9.1:
  • Improved guide-searching (via '/?' slash command mostly).
  • Jukebox: SHIFT+ENTER plays music and sfx at maximum boosted volume.
  • 3-way prompts (y/n/ESC) now handle ESC correctly.
  • Skills screen: 's' can now find collapsed skills too.
  • In the options menu (=) it's possible to search for an option with '/' (and continue searching for it).
  • Multiline notes are now stored correctly to "notes-<charname>.txt" file.
  • LOGFONT support, added by Kurzel.
  • (Experimental) It's now possible to wield a spell book (books, spell scrolls, crystals..), which gives boni for all spells inside. (See guide "/? Quirk:".)
  • (Experimental) It's now possible to wield a magic device (wands, staves, rods), which reduces fail rate and has a chance to cast for MP instead of charge/energy. (See guide "/? Quirk:" and skip forward to next result.)
  • Updater fixed to handle servers that have bad IPv6 config.
  • colourize_bignum option now displays drained XP in yellow/lightgrey.
  • Client won't place all windows in 'minimized' state on first startup anymore.
  • Custom fonts now display correct visual mapping after logging in, no more need to re-set the font manually.
  • Enabled two more subwindows (term windows, Term-8 and Term-9, invisible by default).
  • Added new subwindow features: "Player list" (existed but wasn't implemented until now) and "Character sheet boni & resistances" (the last page).
  • POSIX (Linux/OSX) clients: Added an easy-mode installer script for tangar's fonts for Linux, located in folder lib/xtra/:
  • Quitting the client with CTRL+Q is not the only way anymore to save the current window layout. Pressing = T does the same now, without quitting.
  • IDDC partying: Inventory and equipment show the weight of items that cannot be traded to party members in slate (grey).
  • meta server list ping times: Can now handle servers with long hostnames.
  • Artifact lore displays parry% bonus on weapons instead of AC bonus if enabled server-side (current default: yes).
  • Menu = U now allows downloading and updating the guide live, while running the game. On POSIX this requires wget package to be installed. So it's no longer required to run the TomeNET-Updater just to update the guide to its latest version.
  • Chh slay/esp table improved visually: e -> E, with esps being light blue and slays being yellow.
  • Macros can now be saved to '<character name>^<form name>.prf' to automatically load form-specific macros on form change/login, eg "Gandalf^Greater Balrog.prf". To save you typing work, this function is easily accessible via % F.
  • Macros containing multiple \w or \W directives now work correctly.
  • Chat-mode cycling via TAB in chat prompt will now skip party or guild chat mode if we aren't in a party/guild.
  • Auto-inscriptions amount increased from 200 to 500; tag length increased from 16 to 18 characters.
  • Auto-inscription menu: Press w or x to move an entry up or down.
  • In-game guide: New search button 'C' which is equivalent to using the '/?' chat command.
  • Colour #0 can be modified, and also serves as background colour for the whole screen. Changing it in = c requires you to save with 's' and then restart the client, or visuals may be buggy. This allows you for example to play with white background instead of black.
For server-side changes see ... 7539#p7539
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

TomeNET 4.9.2 client-side changes:
  • Official addition of the first graphical tileset, thanks to Svechnik/EvgenjiK! See new guide chapter (2.5b) (or (2.7b) in newer guide) Graphical tilesets.
  • The '=' menu now has 'g' to manage graphical tilesets, so manually editing config files is no longer needed.
  • POSIX client: A minimal set of X11 "misc" fonts are included with the client. These should get automatically added to X server font path. Thus, the X11 client should work out of the box without needing to install additional fonts. POSIX fonts from Virus, Svechnik and Tangar are also included.
  • Character boni screen, artifact lore screens and monster lore screens now support custom font mappings.
  • Various guide and guide-search improvements, also inscription search heeds lower/upper case now.
  • Windows client: Fixed guide-updating via =U.
  • Windows client: All update/download options (guide/audio packs) changed to support and use https.
  • Some ARM64 compilation fixes.
  • Fixed compilation without SOUND_SDL.
  • Arrow keys, 'home' and 'end' key, can now be used for cursor movement in text input.
  • Macro menu ('%'): Changed 'A' to 'X'. Added 'L', 'A' to load/save class-specific macro files (<classname>.prf).
  • Knowledge menu ('~'): Added 'n' to browse all /notes you have received in the past.
  • Window flags menu (=w) now offers 'subinventory', displaying an overview of all your bags and their contents.
  • New subinventory (bag) 'Potion Belt' added. Has 5 slots for potion stacks, exclusively. Can also hold empty bottles.
  • Subinventory (bag) command 'unstow' is now 's' instead of 't', deemed safer. They allow specifying quantities now.
  • Subinventories: Visuals fixed and improved in general. Fixed directional rod checks, all-in-one command ('/' key).
  • Subinventories: Enabled @<commandkey>[<tag>] inscriptions (aka 'tags', eg "@q3"). Skips charging/empty magic devices on use attempt if usable tagged ones are also available.
  • Added @<commandkey>% inscription (eg "!F%" on oil flask stack) to skip the item prompt and without asking use this item right away if the command key is pressed. So this is for when you have only 1 inventory slot you want to use for a certain command key.
  • Auto-inscriptions ('&' menu) are now also applied on items in bags. You can restrict an entry to bags only via 'b' toggle. And you can now toggle inscriptions via 't' key to temporarily disable them completely.
  • New option added 'auto_inscr_off' which disables all auto-inscriptions.
  • Renamed option 'auto_inscribe' to 'auto_inscr_server' to reflect that these inscriptions are pre-defined on server-side and not from '&' menu.
  • The option 'auto_inscr_server' does not override auto-inscriptions from '&' menu.
  • New options added for when using custom fonts: 'ascii_feats', 'ascii_items', 'ascii_monsters', 'ascii_uniques' which disable custom mappings for their respective aspect: Floor tiles, item symbols, all monsters, or just for unique monsters.
  • New option 'no_flicker' added that disables most fast-animated colour flickering, in case you are in danger of epileptic fits from lots of stuff flickering on the screen.
  • While browsing The Guide or spoiler files in-game: CTRL+K copies current line to clipboard. CTRL+L pastes current line to chat.
  • Windows: Graphical Tile resizing speed greatly increased (thanks, Mikael).
  • Minimap subterminal window got rid of the empty area to the left of the map, saving space.
  • Character sheet cursor can now also be moved horizontally.
  • Stores can now have/display more than 6 actions.
  • In the Mayor's office you can now look at the current guilds roster with 'G'.
  • Macro Wizard -> 'Common commands and functions' expanded with firing/throwing macros and inscriptions.
  • Macro Wizard -> 'Z' chain together existing macros.
  • POSIX: Missing subterm windows added to .tomenetrc, and will be properly saved now.
  • Chardumps now automatically append '.txt' extension to the filename if it doesn't end on it already.
  • Chardumps now include subinventories.
  • Inscription !Gn will now colour inven slot letter yellow if stack size is below the specified amount, !Wn will colour it orange if at or below the specified amount.
  • The all-in-one ('/') command key can now be used on wielded books and magic devices.
  • The 'Window Fonts and Visibility' menu (=f) now allows changing window titles.
For a list of server-side changes, see viewtopic.php?p=7738#p7738
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

The Windows Test Client (and github of course) were just updated with a fix for asian input methods (IME) which should fix japanese/chinese/korean keyboard recognition, thanks to ASCIIPhilia.
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