I want to play an elven fighter/magician (ranger)

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I want to play an elven fighter/magician (ranger)

Post by darwin »

I want to play a (high-)elven fighter/magician, which in original Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) means elf (as a class) and Advanced D&D (AD&D) and Moria/Angband/ToME2 means ranger--AD&D fighter subclass that gets magic, more so in Moria and classic Angand (where it's more like dual-/multi-class fighter/magician... gets all but one magician spells). I'm used to infinite-time turn D&D & single-player roguelikes (don't have much skill for fast games) but slowly getting used to TomeNet since '0s (when I got to level 20, then quit while in school) and a few times in '10s and '20s (when I got to level 36 but spread points across too many skills). It's easier when general skills, magic spells, professions (AD&D first edition), weapon mastery are separate.
    It's somewhat different in TomeNET. Almost everyone said skill/maximize (besides my archery choice) Earth, temporal magics to get stone prison & magelock 2 & essence of speed (escape/evasion), so I agree (though I never used these nor ever used rune of protection in Moria nor classic Angband).
    People mostly just said skill those three main things. Afterwards I might have 100+ points left, and many people said skill health & sneakiness (or specific types) for more hit points (HP) and speed. Others said master beginners cantrips, which I typically used to do (then always fireball or some other ball). Others said also magic devices (escape/evasion, etc. with rods/staves/wands). After three main things (and to what level... just maximizing archery and temporal but not Earth?) are one or two of health & sneakiness (together), or cantrips, or magic devices best, or would it work to do all these about equally? Kurzel also suggested melee for me, since I don't always shy away from it, but I suspect aforementioned options are best for me (since '20s I eventually carry a couple artifact and/or Gondolin or Westernesse blades).
    Skill builder doesn't help much because I've never reached levels I did this properly nor know much about how they work... for example, when I selected to skill health & sneakiness, don't think it said how much more HP & speed you get... I just haven't played with high-level skills, so almost don't understand what the skill builder says, though everyone says use it. For me, it's not as helpful as well-thought-out suggestions of people who play elven rangers...
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