Unidentified egos/artifacts sold to shops; expensive items found by chars 1-20

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Unidentified egos/artifacts sold to shops; expensive items found by chars 1-20

Post by C. Blue »

The logging was rather rudimentary until today. Here are the artifacts and ego items that have been sold to shops without undergoing ID previously, oops!
There are "only" 57 arts (randarts and true arts).
The ego item list has been cut down though, it had originally 2262 entries, now only 530. What has been left out are cheap ego rings, scrolls, devices, ammo, single brand/slay weapons, basic resist-xyz armour.
Some weak egos (eg Cloak of Stealth) are still left in because it became too much of an effort to filter all.


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2015-05-25 - Asmoug (33) sold The Mage Staff 'Eriril' {Asmoug,24} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+3) {It}
2015-10-14 - Jason (16) sold Double-Bitted Axe 'Limbslicer' {Jason,21}(2d5)(+22,+15)(+4){special}
2016-01-04 - Cirgo (20) sold The Robe 'Telchar' {Cirgo,25} [2,+18] (+1) {special}
2016-01-11 - Arclight (33) sold Stone of Lore {Arclight,0}{The Wight-King of the Barrow-downs}
2016-03-16 - Rogueboner (32) sold Double-Bitted Axe of Elendur {Rogueboner,44}(2d6)(+2,+19)(+3)
2016-03-21 - Acop (25) sold Dagger of Rilia {Acop,18}(2d4)(+4,+3){good-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-03-21 - Acop (29) sold The Metal Boomerang of Erchamion {Acop,43} (2d5) (+30,+30)
2016-04-05 - Zeneth (21) sold Double Chain Mail of Glirhuin {Zeneth,42}(-2)[16,+11](+3){good}
2016-06-23 - Aleath (15) sold Dagger 'Dagorlad' {Aleath,30}(1d4)(+18,+19)(+4){special-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-06-23 - Kenad (22) sold Dagger 'Nimthanc' {Kenad,15}(1d4)(+8,+12){special-Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2016-07-02 - Colombo (13) sold Robe of Taras {Colombo,42}[2,+18](+3){special-Vort the Kobold Queen}
2016-07-30 - Ethorel (25) sold The Picklock of Bilbo Baggins {Ethorel,21} (+3) (+5)
2016-08-06 - Aleath (22) sold Large Metal Shield of Anarion {Aleath,28}[21%]{special-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-09-12 - Miary (26) sold Ribbed Plate Armour 'Elwe' {Miary,26}(-4)[28,+32](+2){The Sandworm Queen}
2016-09-21 - Nefarian (14) sold The Rapier 'Forasgil' {Nefarian,20} (1d6) (+12,+19) {good}
2016-09-24 - Nefarian (19) sold The Set of Gauntlets 'Paurhach' {Nefarian,17} [2,+15] (+2)
2016-11-17 - Antiarchitect (10) sold Basillard 'Orcrist' {Antiarchitect,13}(1d8)(+10,+16)(+3){good-Smeagol}
2016-11-24 - SaGood (10) sold Double-Bitted Axe 'Limbslicer' {SaGood,16}(2d5)(+22,+15)(+4){good-Smeagol}
2016-12-12 - Viconia (16) sold Brass Lantern 'Dungortheb' {Viconia,20}(0t)
2017-01-25 - Nammu (17) sold The Long Sword of Celeborn {Nammu,40} (2d6) (+18,+14) [+3] (+3)
2017-03-09 - FONZ (25) sold The Set of Gauntlets 'Pauraegen' {FONZ,15} [2,+15] (+2)
2017-03-09 - FONZ.6 (8) sold The Cloak of Thingol {FONZ.6,14} [1,+18] (+3)
2017-04-30 - Seviras (28) sold Large Leather Shield of the Haradrim {Seviras,17}[19%](+2){special-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2017-06-14 - Azazel (18) sold Long Sword 'Elvagil' {Azazel,14}(2d6)(+15,+12)(+2){good-Grishnakh, the Hill Orc}
2017-08-19 - Descape (27) sold The Dagger 'Nimthanc' {Descape,13} (1d4) (+8,+12)
2017-09-08 - Robbie Lynn (4) sold Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' {Robbie Lynn,14}(+8,+8)[1,+15](+3)
2017-09-29 - Iskux (11) sold Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' {Iskux,14}(4d4)(+10,+20)[+15](+3){special-Smeagol}
2017-10-16 - Frun (20) sold The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' {Frun,19} [4,+21] (+4)
2017-11-02 - Frun (28) sold Double-Bitted Axe 'Limbslicer' {Frun,18}(2d5)(+22,+15)(+4){special-The Wight-King of the Barrow-downs}
2017-12-28 - Kikimora (12) sold The Broken Sword 'Narsil' {Kikimora,16} (3d2) (+6,+10) (+2)
2018-01-09 - Zelytic (7) sold Soft Leather Armour 'Soronume' {Zelytic,20}[4,+10]{good-Smeagol}
2018-01-21 - Dolua (17) sold Dagger 'Dethanc' {Dolua,12}(1d4)(+8,+12){special-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-03-21 - Maglor (7) sold The Cloak of Thingol {Maglor,14} [1,+18] (+3) {good}
2018-03-21 - Hasi345 (17) sold The Club 'Smasher' {Hasi345,11} (2d4) (+4,+17) (+3) {special}
2018-04-17 - ZILOT (16) sold Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' {ZILOT,18}[4,+21](+4){special-Smeagol}
2018-04-17 - Pideski (12) sold The Iron Shot 'Ripper' {Pideski,18} (3d4) (+0,+0) {good-Smeagol}
2018-04-17 - Fols (6) sold Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' {Fols,14}(+8,+8)[1,+15](+3)
2018-04-17 - Fols (9) sold The Short Bow of Amras {Fols,16} (x3) (+12,+15) (+1)
2018-04-17 - Fio (18) sold Dagger of Rilia {Fio,13}(2d4)(+9,+11){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2018-04-17 - Fio (28) sold The Full Plate Armour of Isildur {Fio,18} [25,+25] (+1)
2018-09-21 - Sanmalibu (22) sold The Mage Staff 'Eriril' {Sanmalibu,16} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+3)
2018-10-26 - Xakon (26) sold Dagger 'Cuthalion' {Xakon,32}(1d4)(+14,+18)(+2){special-Bolg, Son of Azog}
2018-11-12 - Lodar (26) sold Mace 'Lorellin' {Lodar,32}(4d4)(+30,+25)[+3]{special-Gorbag, the Orc Captain}
2019-04-15 - Bolsunn (15) sold The Dagger 'Narthanc' {Bolsunn,12} (1d4) (+8,+12)
2019-10-12 - Jumo (13) sold The Dagger 'Nimthanc' {Jumo,12} (1d4) (+8,+12) {good}
2019-12-15 - Grechkin (19) sold Dagger 'Nimthanc' {Grechkin,12}(1d4)(+8,+12){special-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2020-05-01 - Bagel (19) sold The Flail 'Totila' {Bagel,14} (3d7) (+9,+14) (+2)
2020-09-14 - Dieregasz (20) sold The Long Sword of Firimar {Dieregasz,40} (2d6) (+15,+4) (+4)
2020-10-13 - Slaytor (7) sold The Cloak of Thorongil {Slaytor,11} [1,+10]
2020-12-23 - Karramba (35) sold Scourge of Repentance of Haldar {Karramba,43}(4d3)(+19,+18)(+2){special-Itangast the Fire Drake}
2021-01-08 - Kaulath (7) sold The Dagger 'Narthanc' {Kaulath,12} (1d4) (+8,+12)
2021-04-20 - Dalimar (25) sold The Cutlass 'Gondricam' {Dalimar,14} (1d7) (+10,+19) (+4) {good}
2021-04-20 - Dalimar (25) sold The Metal Cap of Calaquendi {Dalimar,34} [3,+15] (+2) {good}
2021-11-14 - Sanguinius (32) sold Battle Axe of Balli Stonehand {Sanguinius,23}(4d6)(+8,+21)[+5](+3)
2022-03-18 - Lumas (13) sold Quarterstaff 'Nar-i-vagil' {Lumas,14}(4d4)(+10,+20)[+15](+3){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2022-03-18 - Orcu (19) sold Broad Sword 'Arunruth' {Orcu,19}(3d6)(+20,+14)(+4){special-Mughash, the Kobold Lord}

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2015-05-25 - Khelben (9) sold Sharp Cutlass of Slay Orc {Khelben,19}(1d7)(+3,+1){good-Smeagol}
2015-05-25 - Sfefnir (12) sold Quarterstaff (Defender) {Sfefnir,19}(4d4)(+5,+5)[+11](+3stl){good-Lagduf, the Snaga}
2015-06-22 - Asaya (16) sold Main Gauche (Defender) {Asaya,18}(1d5)(+6,+9)[+1](+1stl){excellent}
2015-07-17 - Telorast (50) sold Red Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Telorast,40}(-2)[30,+35](+2){good-!}
2015-07-17 - Xxa (23) sold a Long Bow of Extra Might {Xxa,19} (x4) (+4,+8)
2015-07-17 - R1z (7) sold a Spear (Defender) {R1z,19} (1d5) (+8,+6) [+8] (+1 to stealth)
2015-07-17 - Zitz (6) sold a Sling of Extra Might {Zitz,15} (x3) (+4,+13) {good}
2015-07-17 - R|zz (9) sold a Whip (*Defender*) {R|zz,21} (1d4) (+4,+1) [+8] (+1) {good}
2015-07-17 - Telorast (52) sold Bronze Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Telorast,38}(-2)[30,+35](+3){good-!}
2015-07-21 - Riz (13) sold a Trident of *Slay Orc* {Riz,13} (2d7) (+2,+6) (+2) {good}
2015-07-21 - Nallenil (13) sold a Sickle of *Slay Animal* {Nallenil,18} (2d3) (+3,+4) (+1)
2015-07-21 - Riz (21) sold Light War Axe of *Slay Undead* {Riz,19}(2d5)(+8,+8)(+2){good-Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief}
2015-07-21 - Riz (21) sold a Halberd of Slaying {Riz,20} (5d9) (+6,+6) {good}
2015-07-22 - Riz (20) sold Acidic Morning Star of Slay Giant {Riz,22}(2d6)(+2,+2){good}
2015-07-23 - Riz (16) sold a Shocking Flail of Slay Undead {Riz,27} (3d5) (+4,+3) {good}
2015-07-25 - Riz (13) sold a Sling of Accuracy {Riz,11} (x2) (+28,+5) {good}
2015-08-02 - Shunya (37) sold Elven Augmented Chain Mail {Shunya,27}(-2)[17,+15](+3stl){excellent}
2015-08-02 - R1z (21) sold Long Sword of *Slay Evil* {R1z,30}(2d6)(+5,+5)(+2){excellent}
2015-08-02 - R1z (22) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Velocity {R1z,18}(1d4)(+15,+7){good}
2015-08-02 - R1z (22) sold a Sling of Extra Shots {R1z,16} (x2) (+7,+5) {good}
2015-08-02 - Mireranidd (27) sold a Copper Rod of Door/Stair Location of the Istari {Mireranidd,14}
2015-08-02 - Telorast (53) sold Blue Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Telorast,37}(-2)[30,+31](+3){good-!}
2015-08-10 - Telorast (53) sold Blue Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Telorast,34}(-2)[30,+34](+3){!}
2015-08-10 - Yuha11 (12) sold a Cleaver of Aman {Yuha11,23} (1d5) (+10,+6) [+2] (+3) {good}
2015-08-10 - R1z (20) sold Quarterstaff of *Slay Animal* {R1z,19}(4d4)(+6,+9)[+10](+2){excellent}
2015-08-10 - Keldorn (8) sold a Short Bow of Numenor {Keldorn,16} (x3) (+11,+6) {good}
2015-08-10 - Telorast (53) sold Bronze Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Telorast,36}(-2)[30,+32](+3){!}
2015-08-10 - R1z (21) sold a Trident of Aman {R1z,25} (2d7) (+7,+9) [+3] (+3) {excellent}
2015-08-10 - Catalore (25) sold an Iron Helm of Ugliness {Catalore,6} [5,-5] (-4) {cursed}
2015-08-15 - R1z (14) sold Small Metal Shield of Resistance {R1z,18}[17%]{excellent-Smeagol}
2015-08-15 - R1z (19) sold a Hard Leather Cap of Beauty {R1z,7} [2,+5] (+3) {excellent}
2015-08-15 - R1z (21) sold Dwarven Chain Mail of Resist Cold {R1z,19}(-2)[14,+9](+1){excellent-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2015-08-15 - Zai (27) sold Cloth Hat of Intelligence {Zai,15}[1,+9](+1){good-Grishnakh, the Hill Orc}
2015-08-18 - Caschor (35) sold Short Sword of Perfection {Caschor,23}(1d7)(+20,+8)(+4){Vort the Kobold Queen}
2015-08-20 - Gar (15) sold Long Bow of Accuracy {Gar,12}(x3)(+30,+7){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2015-08-20 - Gar (15) sold Metal Boomerang of Slaying {Gar,18}(4d5)(+4,+1){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2015-09-12 - Arelia (7) sold a Cloth Hat of Beauty {Arelia,6} [1,+3] (+2) {good}
2015-09-12 - Hasya (4) sold a Set of Leather Gloves of Agility {Hasya,10} [1,+4] (+1) {good}
2015-09-12 - Hasya (9) sold a Small Leather Shield of Reflection {Hasya,15} [15%] {excellent}
2015-09-15 - Catchine (27) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Slow Descent {Catchine,11}[3,+6]{good}
2015-10-02 - Legolas II (27) sold a Waterproof Scroll "oiv prok ti" of Acquirement {Legolas II,9}
2015-10-03 - Araedan (22) sold Broad Axe of *Slay Undead* {Araedan,22}(2d6)(+11,+3)(+2){excellent}
2015-10-06 - Araedan (26) sold a Light Crossbow of Power {Araedan,36} (x3) (+12,+30) {good}
2015-10-06 - Reimscher (5) sold Dwarvish Flail {Araedan,16}(3d5)(+7,+9)(+1){good-Grishnakh, the Hill Orc}
2015-10-06 - Reimscher (5) sold Cord Armour of Resistance {Araedan,16}[6,+8]{good-Grishnakh, the Hill Orc}
2015-10-07 - Graigoe (5) sold a Cloak of Stealth {Graigoe,6} [1,+2] (+3)
2015-10-11 - Archy (26) sold a Moonwood Long Bow {Archy,11} (x3) (+7,+5) {good}
2015-10-14 - Jason (13) sold Wooden Boomerang of Velocity {Jason,18}(2d4)(+10,+8){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2015-10-21 - Nhgh (14) sold Chaotic Glaive {Nhgh,23}(7d3)(+10,+6){Brodda, the Easterling}
2015-10-21 - Nhgh (22) sold a Vampiric Sabre {Nhgh,20} (1d7) (+6,+6) {good}
2015-10-23 - Pumpkin Bones (32) sold a Sling of Accuracy {Pumpkin Bones,15} (x2) (+21,+13)
2015-10-23 - Riltar (8) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Demons {Riltar,15}(+10,+13)[+1](+3){good}
2015-10-28 - Kiesel (9) sold a Chaotic Whip {Kiesel,19} (1d4) (+8,+5) {good}
2015-10-29 - Tuete (15) sold Short Sword of Perfection {Tuete,20}(1d7)(+22,+16)(+8){excellent}
2015-11-03 - Tank (27) sold an Indestructible Adamantite Ring of Searching {Tank,4} (+4)
2015-11-03 - Hodor_ (17) sold War Hammer of *Slay Demon* {Hodor_,21}(2d5)(+5,+2)(+2){excellent}
2015-11-03 - Hodor_ (20) sold Hunting Spear (Defender) {Hodor_,19}(1d6)(+13,+9)[+5](+2stl){excellent}
2015-11-03 - Hodor_ (22) sold Cleaver (*Defender*) {Hodor_,22}(1d5)(-3,-4)[+15](+2){excellent}
2015-11-03 - Wife (24) sold 18 Mithril Shots of Venom {Wife,21}(3d3)(+13,+10){Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2015-11-03 - Canallio (13) sold Hard Leather Cap of Regeneration {Canallio,7}[2,+5]{excellent-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2015-11-03 - R1z (26) sold an Everburning Torch of Presentiment {R1z,26}
2015-11-06 - Castarcher (30) sold a Broad Sword of *Slay Orc* {Castarcher,21} (2d6) (+7,+6) (+2)
2015-11-06 - Boarlet (16) sold Cord Armour of Resistance {Boarlet,17} [6,+15] {excellent}
2015-11-10 - ZZZ (35) sold an Espadon of Westernesse {ZZZ,29} (4d6) (+11,+14) (+1)
2015-11-14 - Draw (5) sold a Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action {Draw,9} [1,+3]
2015-11-24 - Stibitz (34) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Noise {Stibitz,5}[3,-11]{uncursed}
2015-11-24 - Zanderi (9) sold a Dagger of Slaying {Zanderi,13} (2d4) (+8,+4)
2015-12-01 - Kolth (9) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Kolth,13}(9890t)(+1)
2015-12-02 - Riz_ (13) sold Bastard Sword of *Slay Dragon* {Riz_,20}(3d5)(+4,+3)(+2){excellent-Lagduf, the Snaga}
2015-12-02 - Drawfire (9) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Drawfire,13}(2360t)(+1)
2015-12-04 - Rchew2 (6) sold a Sling of Extra Might {Rchew2,15} (x3) (+4,+13) {good}
2015-12-06 - Meuchel (30) sold a Metal Boomerang of Accuracy {Meuchel,19} (2d5) (+22,+16) {good}
2015-12-06 - Archer (11) sold an Everburning Torch of the Eternal Eye {Archer,21}
2015-12-15 - Riz_ (30) sold a Zinc Rod of Trap Location of the Istari {Riz_,12}
2015-12-17 - D'Antoigne (19) sold a Dagger of the Thunderlords {D'Antoigne,14} (1d4) (+5,+8)
2015-12-19 - Riz_ (29) sold an Obvious Fumes Trap Kit {Riz_,1} [-12] (-6) {uncursed}
2015-12-22 - Meuchel (43) sold an Iron Helm of Regeneration {Meuchel,20} [5,+8] {good}
2015-12-25 - Duspistia (24) sold Blessed Double-Bitted Axe {Duspistia,20}(2d4)(+10,+5)(+1){excellent-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2015-12-25 - Medea (7) sold Elven Soft Studded Leather of Resistance {Medea,26}[5,+16](+1stl)
2015-12-26 - Florim (5) sold Heavy Lance of *Slay Undead* {Florim,33}(4d10)(+13,+13)(+2){good}
2015-12-26 - Florim (5) sold a Golden Crown of Concentration {Florim,26} [0,+9] {good}
2015-12-26 - Florim (5) sold a Light Crossbow of Numenor {Florim,27} (x4) (+25,+13) {good}
2015-12-31 - Meuchel (38) sold Gnarled Staff *Destruction* of Plenty {Meuchel,20}(6)
2015-12-31 - Boarlet (43) sold Spectral Executioner's Sword {Boarlet,34}(5d6)(+11,+8){excellent}
2016-01-02 - Sunshine (44) sold Gold Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Sunshine,39}(-2)[30,+35](+2){.}
2016-01-03 - Hufflepuff (11) sold Padded Armour of Vulnerability {Hufflepuff,1} [4,-35] {uncursed}
2016-01-03 - Erarebaen (5) sold a Gnomish Cloak {Erarebaen,12} [1,+9] {good}
2016-01-11 - Kriblender (27) sold Awl-Pike (Defender) {Kriblender,21}(2d9)(+5,+10)[+4](+3stl)
2016-01-11 - Ka-os (32) sold Moonwood Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy {Ka-os,23}(x4)(+23,+11){good}
2016-01-14 - Ibiwin (12) sold Set of Leather Gloves of the Magi {Ibiwin,14}(-2,-1)[1,+12](+6){excellent}
2016-01-14 - Ibiwin (12) sold a Cloak of Stealth {Ibiwin,7} [1,+5] (+1) {good}
2016-01-16 - Whale (37) sold Bronze Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Whale,34} (-2) [30,+32] (+3)
2016-01-16 - Zion (30) sold Iron Helm of Wisdom {Zion,17}[5,+7](+1){good-Angamaite of Umbar}
2016-01-16 - Boarlet (43) sold Aspen Staff *Perception* of Plenty {Boarlet,19}(11)
2016-01-20 - Viriditus (28) sold a Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy {Viriditus,21} (x4) (+30,+5) {good}
2016-01-26 - Boish (33) sold a Quarterstaff of *Slay Evil* {Boish,33} (4d4) (+6,+6) [+10] (+2)
2016-01-26 - Boish (32) sold a Small Metal Shield of Electricity {Boish,17} [17%] {good}
2016-01-27 - Unicef (35) sold Quarterstaff of *Slay Demon* {Unicef,25}(4d4)(+8,+11)[+10](+1){excellent}
2016-01-30 - Hurt (27) sold a Wooden Boomerang of Velocity {Hurt,22} (2d4) (+11,+9)
2016-01-31 - Ufgum (10) sold Smallsword (Defender) {Ufgum,19}(1d6)(+9,+9)[+1](+1stl){good}
2016-01-31 - J'Naught (27) sold a Dwarvish Hatchet {J'Naught,18} (2d3) (+7,+6) (+1)
2016-01-31 - Ufgum (16) sold Dagger (*Defender*) {Ufgum,23}(1d4)(+6,-10)[+10](+3){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-02-11 - Yangerine (19) sold Long Bow of Extra Might {Yangerine,16}(x4)(+7,+6){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2016-02-11 - Caus (15) sold Tomahawk of *Slay Demon* {Caus,22}(2d4)(+4,+5)(+2){Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-02-14 - Unicef (38) sold a Metal Cap of Beauty {Unicef,16} [3,+10] (+4)
2016-02-14 - Unicef (40) sold a Vampiric Claymore {Unicef,33} (2d8) (+13,+12)
2016-02-15 - Muramasa (24) sold Frozen Hatchet {Muramasa,15}(2d3)(+8,+5){excellent-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-02-16 - Raezir (10) sold a Cutlass of *Slay Troll* {Raezir,13} (1d7) (+8,+3) (+1) {good}
2016-02-21 - Pfaffe (20) sold Dwarven Augmented Chain Mail {Pfaffe,22}(-2)[17,+21](+1){good}
2016-02-22 - SkiPer_ (9) sold a Cloth Hat of Stupidity {SkiPer_,1} [1,-3] (-3) {uncursed}
2016-03-07 - Ibiag (8) sold Heavy Crossbow of Extra Might {Ibiag,26}(x5)(+13,+20){good-Rock lizard extermination}
2016-03-07 - DiRaven (13) sold War Hammer of *Slay Dragon* {DiRaven,19}(2d5)(+5,+11)(+1){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-03-11 - Hastur (9) sold a Spectral Cleaver {Hastur,19} (1d5) (+7,+4) {good}
2016-03-16 - Acop (16) sold Acidic Scimitar {Acop,16}(2d5)(+4,+6){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-03-16 - Acop (18) sold Cloak of Protection {Acop,6}[1,+11]{good-Mughash, the Kobold Lord}
2016-03-21 - Acop (23) sold Long Sword of Aman {Acop,28}(2d6)(+10,+7)[+2](+3){Bolg, Son of Azog}
2016-03-21 - Acop (23) sold Fauchard of Spinning {Acop,21}(2d10)(+10,+14)(+1){good-Bolg, Son of Azog}
2016-03-21 - Acop (25) sold Large Leather Shield of Reflection {Acop,20}[19%]{good-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-03-21 - Acop (26) sold Light Crossbow of Extra Might {Acop,20}(x4)(+9,+12){Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2016-03-21 - Galelidric (27) sold Sharp Broad Sword of Slay Demon {Galelidric,26}(2d6)(+7,+3){Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-03-24 - Faraday (27) sold an Everburning Torch of Brightness {Faraday,16}
2016-03-28 - Konfi83PL (6) sold Set of Leather Gloves of Slaying {Konfi83PL,10}(+9,+8)[1,+4]{good}
2016-03-31 - Caschor (30) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Velocity {Caschor,20}(2d2)(+7,+7){good}
2016-04-02 - Zeneth (16) sold a Basillard of *Slay Dragon* {Zeneth,20} (1d8) (+6,+9) (+2)
2016-04-05 - Zeneth (19) sold a Broad Sword of Gondolin {Zeneth,31} (2d6) (+10,+13) (+3) {good}
2016-04-11 - Torvok (10) sold Fiery War Maul of Slay Evil {Torvok,26}(3d6)(+1,+1){good-Smeagol}
2016-04-12 - Flast (4) sold an Elven Frock {Flast,17} [2,+12] (+2 to stealth) {good}
2016-05-02 - MaritalArts2 (42) sold Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action {MaritalArts2,8}[1,+5]{good}
2016-05-02 - Jagar (18) sold Acidic Awl-Pike {Jagar,15}(2d9)(+5,+5){Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-05-02 - Nhgh (15) sold Mace (Defender) {Nhgh,18}(3d4)(+5,+11)[+3](+1stl){good}
2016-05-25 - Nhgh (18) sold a Smallsword of Perfection {Nhgh,20} (1d6) (+24,+4) (+2) {good}
2016-05-25 - Ufgum (14) sold Long Bow of Power {Ufgum,30}(x3)(+6,+25){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2016-05-25 - Virgo (18) sold Spectral Club {Virgo,21}(1d4)(+4,+1){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-06-04 - Lord Concrete (49) sold Metal Boomerang of *Slay Dragon* {Lord Concrete,35}(2d5)(+17,+13)(+1){good-Morgoth, Lord of Darkness}
2016-06-04 - Lord Concrete (49) sold Metal Boomerang of *Slay Evil* {Lord Concrete,44}(2d5)(+17,+10)(+1){good-Morgoth, Lord of Darkness}
2016-06-21 - Cadilas (8) sold Set of Leather Gloves of the Istari {Cadilas,14}(-2,-5)[1,+8](+3){good}
2016-06-23 - Aleath (18) sold Dwarvish Broad Axe {Aleath,17}(2d6)(+8,+3)(+2){excellent-Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief}
2016-06-25 - Outopallo (4) sold Cloth Hat of Seeing {Outopallo,10}[1,+3](+5srch){good}
2016-06-27 - PandaQueen (15) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {PandaQueen,14}(0t)(+2)
2016-07-16 - Tyron_AM (34) sold a Long Bow of Extra Might {Tyron_AM,23} (x4) (+10,+19) {good}
2016-07-25 - Creepy Priest (46) sold Spectral Basillard {Creepy Priest,30}(1d8)(+10,+11){good-Ahtu, Avatar of Nyarlathotep}
2016-08-06 - Aleath (22) sold Frozen War Maul {Aleath,17}(3d6)(+13,+2){excellent-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2016-08-13 - Karim (8) sold Elven Padded Armour {Karim,17} [4,+3] (+1 to stealth)
2016-08-15 - WeirdWalnut (20) sold Brass Lantern of the Magi {WeirdWalnut,17}(0t)(+3)
2016-08-24 - Argardien (6) sold a Club of Gondolin {Argardien,24} (1d4) (+6,+12) (+1) {good}
2016-09-05 - Karim (24) sold a Dagger (Defender) {Karim,19} (1d4) (+7,+8) [+8] (+1 to stealth)
2016-09-05 - Asure (6) sold a Spectral Ball-and-Chain {Asure,20} (2d4) (+6,+5) {good-Smeagol}
2016-09-05 - Temblores (10) sold Morning Star of Aman {Temblores,27}(2d6)(+10,+7)[+3](+3at){excellent-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2016-09-05 - Lerg (5) sold a Set of Leather Gloves of Agility {Lerg,10} [1,+4] (+4)
2016-09-07 - Dremona (5) sold Filthy Rags of Resistance {Dremona,15} [1,+4] {good}
2016-09-21 - Nefarian (14) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Nefarian,13}(224t)(+1)
2016-10-05 - Azor (13) sold Brass Lantern of the Eternal Eye {Azor,19}(5911t)
2016-10-07 - Daddyscummies (12) sold a Sling of Extra Shots {Daddyscummies,14} (x2) (+6,+7)
2016-10-09 - Limeguard (7) sold Hatchet of *Slay Animal* {Limeguard,16}(2d3)(+3,+3)(+2){good}
2016-10-14 - Azor (18) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Azor,12}(4328t)(+1)
2016-10-14 - Valley (10) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Evil {Valley,15}(+9,+13)[+8](+4){good-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2016-10-16 - Haana (5) sold a Sling of Accuracy {Haana,12} (x2) (+28,+10) {good}
2016-10-21 - Self Checkout (23) sold a Sickle of *Slay Demon* {Self Checkout,22} (2d3) (+2,+3) (+1)
2016-10-21 - Coriolis (15) sold a Fireproof Codex {Coriolis,4}
2016-10-26 - Coriolis (32) sold a Fireproof Scroll "oiv prok ti" of Acquirement {Coriolis,8}
2016-10-29 - Zaxx (17) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Zaxx,17} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+3)
2016-10-29 - Mimicry (7) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Mimicry,12}(10843t)(+3)
2016-10-29 - BarMA2 (28) sold 32 Mithril Shots of Flame {BarMA2,32} (3d3) (+15,+15)
2016-11-06 - Lyko (20) sold a Sling of Extra Shots {Lyko,14} (x2) (+9,+2)
2016-11-17 - Kroniv (15) sold Hatchet of Slaying {Kroniv,14}(5d5)(+2,+4){excellent-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2016-12-12 - Huma (12) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Huma,14}(7187t)(+3)
2016-12-12 - Zeliwin (31) sold Long Sword of Extra Attacks {Zeliwin,21}(2d6)(+4,+8)(+2at)
2016-12-14 - Lightman (38) sold Large Metal Shield of Vulnerability {Lightman,10}[21%]{cursed}
2016-12-14 - Lightman (38) sold a Fireproof Wilderness Map Piece {Lightman,9}
2016-12-19 - Ab1t (16) sold a Long Bow of Power {Ab1t,31} (x3) (+9,+26) {good}
2016-12-21 - Ab1t (19) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Ab1t,17} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+2) {good}
2016-12-21 - Ab1t (20) sold a Dwarvish Mace {Ab1t,15} (3d4) (+7,+5) (+1) {excellent-Smeagol}
2016-12-23 - MaritalArts2 (40) sold 12 Ethereal Mithril Shots {MaritalArts2,19}(3d3)(+12,+14){good}
2016-12-28 - UpWi (9) sold Well-hidden Bolt Trap Kit for Undead {UpWi,36}(+19,+30)[+8](+6)
2016-12-28 - Gwif (7) sold an Automatic Catapult Trap Kit {Gwif,15} (+11,+13) {good}
2017-01-05 - Latinx (17) sold Blessed Lead-Filled Mace {Latinx,19}(3d7)(+7,+4)(+3){excellent-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2017-01-07 - FONZ (8) sold a Gnomish Cloak {FONZ,13} [1,+9] (+2)
2017-01-15 - FONZ (7) sold a Cloak of Protection {FONZ,6} [1,+10] {good}
2017-01-17 - Pew (49) sold Chaos Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Pew,47}(-2)[30,+30](+1){!vk}
2017-01-17 - Lotus (6) sold a Cloak of Stealth {Lotus,7} [1,+6] (+1)
2017-01-19 - W_1 (12) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {W_1,15} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+1)
2017-01-25 - Elenmir (32) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Elenmir,21} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+1)
2017-01-25 - Shkron (12) sold Large Leather Shield of the Avari {Katka,19}[19%](+1){excellent-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-01-27 - Nammu (17) sold a Short Bow of Power {Nammu,36} (x2) (+5,+30)
2017-01-30 - Corwin (26) sold Espadon (Defender) {Corwin,27}(4d6)(+13,+10)[+8](+1stl)
2017-01-31 - Oich (47) sold Platinum Wand Rockets of Plenty {Oich,30}(5){Vlad Dracula, Prince of Darkness}
2017-02-01 - Gvoj (12) sold a Short Bow of Numenor {Gvoj,17} (x3) (+17,+6)
2017-02-03 - Gvoj (15) sold a Short Sword of Perfection {Gvoj,24} (1d7) (+17,+20) (+7)
2017-02-11 - Magnus (5) sold a Club of Gondolin {Magnus,24} (1d4) (+6,+4) (+2)
2017-02-11 - Proud (7) sold a Cloak of the Teleri {Proud,15} [1,+7] {good}
2017-02-11 - FONZ (12) sold a Short Bow of Power {FONZ,26} (x2) (+6,+22)
2017-02-20 - Cunnor (32) sold Aspen Staff *Perception* of Plenty {Cunnor,14}(9){Quachil Uttaus, Treader of the Dust}
2017-02-20 - Saphas (27) sold a Fading Dwarven Lantern {Saphas,20} (with 0 turns of light)
2017-02-20 - AoX (20) sold Hard Leather Cap of the Noldor {AoX,8}[2,+6](+2){good-Grishnakh, the Hill Orc}
2017-02-28 - FONZ (27) sold a Mage Staff of Wizardry {FONZ,36} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+10)
2017-02-28 - FONZ (28) sold a Spectral Short Sword {FONZ,25} (1d7) (+4,+6)
2017-02-28 - FONZ (28) sold Elven Double Chain Mail {FONZ,24} (-2) [16,+13] (+3 to stealth)
2017-02-28 - FONZ (28) sold a Metal Cap of Light {FONZ,15} [3,+6]
2017-02-28 - FONZ.5 (15) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {FONZ.5,11}(13276t)(+2)
2017-02-28 - FONZ.5 (15) sold a Rhomphaia of Slaying {FONZ.5,19} (5d5) (+5,+5)
2017-03-04 - FONZ.5 (18) sold Brass Lantern of *Brightness* {FONZ.5,16}(3432t)
2017-03-04 - FONZ (29) sold a Long Sword of *Slay Giant* {FONZ,19} (2d6) (+7,+5) (+2)
2017-03-06 - FONZ.5 (20) sold a Tulwar of *Slay Giant* {FONZ.5,14} (2d4) (+5,+3) (+2)
2017-03-08 - HessuHobo (5) sold a Sling of Power {HessuHobo,30} (x2) (+6,+25)
2017-03-14 - GatHazar (9) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {GatHazar,13}(1007t)(+2)
2017-03-14 - GatHazar (14) sold a Sling of Extra Shots {GatHazar,15} (x2) (+4,+8) {good}
2017-04-05 - Crililath (8) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Demons {Crililath,26}(+11,+22)[+2](+3){good}
2017-04-05 - Aristotel (28) sold Blessed Small Wooden Boomerang of Accuracy {Aristotel,20}(2d2)(+30,+9)(+3)
2017-04-05 - Nialdric (5) sold a Sparkling Cloak {Nialdric,12} [1,+2]
2017-04-08 - Ethirer (32) sold a Fireproof Astral Grimoire {Ethirer,15} {It}
2017-04-08 - Zimon (9) sold Hard Studded Leather of Resistance {Zimon,18}(-1)[7,+15]{excellent-Smeagol}
2017-04-13 - Sauron (11) sold Elven Hard Leather Armour {Sauron,18}(-1)[6,+9](+2stl){good}
2017-04-13 - Sauron (12) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Sauron,17} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+1) {good}
2017-04-13 - Frun (22) sold Shocking Trident {Frun,16}(2d7)(+5,+6){excellent-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-04-15 - Fastlaner (29) sold Aspen Staff *Perception* of Plenty {Fastlaner,14}(6){Uvatha the Horseman}
2017-04-17 - EfreetAdv (23) sold a Trident of Westernesse {EfreetAdv,19} (2d7) (+13,+11) (+2)
2017-04-25 - Guppy (50) sold Fireproof Tome of the Impenetrable Earth {Guppy,25}{Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss}
2017-04-25 - Farm (42) sold a Gnarled Staff of *Destruction* of Plenty {Farm,21} (7 charges)
2017-04-25 - Sunspire (29) sold an Indestructible Garnet Ring of Cunningness {Sunspire,24} (+4)
2017-04-25 - Coinin (32) sold a Blessed Smallsword {Coinin,18} (1d6) (+5,+6) (+3) {good}
2017-04-30 - Frun (26) sold an Indestructible Jet Ring of Slaying {Frun,9} (+10,+6)
2017-05-08 - Malomalsky (14) sold Long Bow of Accuracy {Malomalsky,12}(x3)(+30,+3){Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2017-05-08 - Malomalsky (14) sold Spectral Bastard Sword {Malomalsky,23}(3d5)(+1,+5){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2017-05-08 - Papa Petro (18) sold Fireproof Astral Grimoire {Papa Petro,13}{Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-05-08 - Gesfil (32) sold Aspen Staff *Perception* of Plenty {Gesfil,14}(8){Strygalldwir}
2017-05-13 - Zurstar (33) sold a Fireproof Tome of Physical Lore {Zurstar,17} {Strygalldwir}
2017-05-13 - Zurstar (38) sold a Large Leather Shield of Insulation {Zurstar,19} [19%]
2017-05-26 - Sassafras I (7) sold a Hard Leather Cap of Concentration {Sassafras I,8} [2,+4]
2017-05-26 - Baram (3) sold a Cloth Hat of Concentration {Baram,6} [1,+5] {good}
2017-05-26 - Lunistin (40) sold Double-Bitted Axe of Spinning {Lunistin,22}(2d4)(+16,+11)(+1)
2017-06-04 - Etherratha (23) sold a Short Bow of Extra Might {Etherratha,17} (x3) (+5,+6)
2017-06-04 - Kilrogg (26) sold a Tunic of Resistance {Kilrogg,17} [2,+10]
2017-06-12 - Miyama (58) sold a Tortoise Shell Amulet of Telepathy {Miyama,41} {!Uk}
2017-06-12 - Lunistin (47) sold Fireproof Tome of Holy Support {Lunistin,20}{Atlach-Nacha, the Spider God}
2017-06-12 - Nessis (17) sold Elven Padded Armour {Nessis,18} [4,+16] (+1 to stealth) {good}
2017-06-14 - Argureos (47) sold Metal Cap of Regeneration {Argureos,20}[3,+13]{good-Kronos, Lord of the Titans}
2017-06-21 - Darkins (13) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Darkins,13}(9624t)(+2)
2017-06-21 - ZilK1ll (46) sold Black Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {ZilK1ll,39}(-2)[30,+30](+2)
2017-06-21 - Devices (35) sold a Sling of Power {Devices,30} (x2) (+10,+25) {good}
2017-06-27 - Frodo Baggins (10) sold Well-hidden Catapult Trap Kit {Frodo Baggins,15}(+17,+13)[+2](+6){excellent}
2017-06-27 - AZAZELv64 (20) sold Blessed Cutlass {AZAZELv64,16}(2d4)(+5,+3)(+2){Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-06-27 - AZAZELv64 (20) sold Broad Sword (*Defender*) {AZAZELv64,23}(2d6)(-6,-9)[+11](+3){good-Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2017-06-27 - AZAZELv64 (24) sold Frozen Small Wooden Boomerang {AZAZELv64,14}(2d2)(+6,+4){excellent-Angamaite of Umbar}
2017-07-15 - Justtodie (20) sold a Lance of Gondolin {Justtodie,28} (4d9) (+8,+14) (+3)
2017-08-19 - Yoas (20) sold a Sling of Extra Might {Yoas,15} (x3) (+4,+4)
2017-08-19 - Leliah (13) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Leliah,14}(3529t)(+2)
2017-08-19 - Villot (9) sold Brass Lantern of the Eternal Eye {Villot,18}(5081t)
2017-08-19 - Yaewin (8) sold a Fumes Trap Kit for Dragons {Yaewin,9} [+5] (+3) {good}
2017-08-19 - Kaish (23) sold a Metal Cap of the Noldor {Kaish,14} [3,+7] (+2)
2017-08-19 - T.I.C.H.M.A. (6) sold a Fiery Club of Slay Demon {T.I.C.H.M.A.,19} (1d4) (+5,+6)
2017-08-19 - Da (6) sold a Brass Lantern of *Brightness* {Da,15} (with 0 turns of light)
2017-08-19 - Kaish (25) sold Dwarven Metal Lamellar Armour {Kaish,23} (-3) [23,+13] (+3)
2017-08-19 - Adreriwyr (15) sold Frozen Dagger {Adreriwyr,12}(1d4)(+6,+10){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-08-19 - Kaish (26) sold Flamberge of Extra Attacks {Kaish,27}(4d7)(+5,+5)(+3at)
2017-08-19 - Lerg (5) sold a Sharp Dagger of Slay Dragon {Lerg,21} (1d4) (+2,+3)
2017-08-19 - Dalimar (42) sold a Fireproof Tome of Holy Curing {Dalimar,21} {Hoarmurath of Dir}
2017-08-29 - Slash (38) sold a Long Bow of Power {Slash,36} (x3) (+13,+30)
2017-09-20 - Shriek (26) sold Heavy Crossbow of Power {Shriek,32}(x4)(+10,+27){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2017-09-20 - DarkenZ (18) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of *Slay Undead* {DarkenZ,20}(2d2)(+2,+4)(+2)
2017-09-20 - Oakroar (15) sold an Everburning Torch of *Brightness* {Oakroar,17}
2017-09-29 - Iskux (2) sold a Set of Leather Gloves of Agility {Iskux,11} [1,+3] (+3)
2017-09-30 - Iskux (8) sold Wooden Torch of Brightness {Iskux,13}(3977t)
2017-09-30 - Puppet (31) sold a Trident of *Slay Orc* {Puppet,16} (2d7) (+4,+9) (+2)
2017-10-04 - Induriel (10) sold a Small Leather Shield of Resistance {Induriel,17} [15%]
2017-10-16 - Aazh (16) sold Spectral Broad Sword of Aman {Aazh,34}(2d6)(+3,+6)[+2](+3at){good-Vort the Kobold Queen}
2017-10-16 - Ringo (18) sold a Club of the Thunderlords {Ringo,15} (1d4) (+8,+6)
2017-10-16 - Druidic Rite (40) sold a Waterproof Handbook of Piety {Druidic Rite,18}
2017-10-16 - Jo (12) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Jo,12}(0t)(+1)
2017-10-16 - Tarkus (5) sold a Gnomish Cloak {Tarkus,12} [1,+12]
2017-10-25 - Soren (37) sold a Fireproof Astral Grimoire {Soren,18} {Eol, the Dark-Elf}
2017-10-31 - Junebug (8) sold a Fumes Trap Kit for Demons {Junebug,21} [+3] (+4)
2017-11-01 - Frun (17) sold Everburning Torch of Infravision {Frun,14}(+1){Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2017-11-21 - Tesarion (15) sold a Magic Trap Kit for Dragons {Tesarion,10} [+7] (+1)
2017-11-23 - FONZ.E (28) sold a Sickle of Spinning {FONZ.E,19} (2d3) (+9,+16) (+2)
2017-12-23 - Vasyan (8) sold a Short Bow of Accuracy {Vasyan,12} (x2) (+19,+5) {good}
2017-12-23 - Oberon (32) sold Set of Elven Gloves of Free Action {Oberon,14}[1,+8]{good-Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain}
2017-12-23 - Vasyan (25) sold Mace of *Slay Dragon* {Vasyan,19}(3d4)(+4,+5)(+2){good-Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief}
2017-12-23 - Rat (25) sold a Set of Leather Gloves of Charming {Rat,5} [1,+3] (+1)
2017-12-28 - Leshiy (33) sold Sling of Accuracy {Leshiy,15}(x2)(+30,+13){good-Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings}
2018-01-21 - Zelytic (14) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Zelytic,17} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+2)
2018-01-21 - Merlinius (27) sold a Fading Everburning Torch {Merlinius,13} (with 0 turns of light)
2018-01-21 - Tendrin (23) sold Small Metal Shield of Electricity {Tendrin,15}[17%]{good-Brodda, the Easterling}
2018-01-21 - Tendrin (25) sold a Shovel of Digging {Tendrin,6} (1d2) (+6,+4) (+1) (+1) {good}
2018-01-21 - Branch (11) sold a Shovel of Digging {Branch,4} (1d2) (+4,+4) (+1) (+4) {good}
2018-01-21 - Dolua (3) sold Wooden Torch of Brightness {Dolua,12}(1719t)
2018-01-21 - Dolua (8) sold Hard Leather Cap of Seeing {Dolua,10}[2,+2](+2srch){good-Smeagol}
2018-01-21 - Dolua (17) sold Mage Staff of Power {Dolua,21}(1d4)(+0,+0)(+5){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-01-21 - Dolua (20) sold Light Crossbow of Accuracy {Dolua,16}(x3)(+22,+10){good-Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2018-01-23 - Qwip (15) sold Sabre of Perfection {Qwip,21}(1d7)(+16,+9)(+5){good-Mughash, the Kobold Lord}
2018-01-23 - Qwip (19) sold Quarterstaff of *Slay Dragon* {Qwip,20}(4d4)(+8,+9)[+10](+1){excellent}
2018-03-03 - Kris (19) sold a Fading Everburning Torch {Kris,10} (with 0 turns of light)
2018-03-03 - ZenDoe (11) sold an Everburning Torch of Brightness {ZenDoe,15}
2018-03-03 - Grif (27) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Grif,14}(0t)(+3)
2018-03-03 - Po (14) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Po,13}(0t)(+1)
2018-03-03 - Goonie (21) sold Sling of Extra Shots {Goonie,15}(x2)(+16,+9){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-03-03 - Hessu (44) sold a Fireproof Naturalist's Handbook {Hessu,19}
2018-03-03 - Leorean (7) sold a Short Bow of Accuracy {Leorean,11} (x2) (+29,+9) {good}
2018-03-03 - Ethur (22) sold an Everburning Torch of Presentiment {Ethur,26}
2018-03-03 - Computation (16) sold Dwarven Partial Plate Armour {Computation,21}(-3)[22,+12](+1){good}
2018-03-03 - Igroglaz (27) sold a Metal Cap of Infravision {Igroglaz,12} [3,+4] (+4) {good}
2018-03-03 - Computation (10) sold Frozen Dagger of *Slay Undead* {Computation,22}(1d4)(+9,+2)(+2){good}
2018-03-03 - Gat (12) sold Elven Cord Armour {Gat,18} [6,+15] (+1 to stealth)
2018-03-08 - Mira (13) sold Augmented Chain Mail of Resistance {Mira,19}(-2)[17,+7]{good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-03-21 - Shamuser (31) sold 13 Ethereal Mithril Shots {Shamuser,20} (3d3) (+12,+9) {good}
2018-03-21 - Gromazeka (5) sold Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action {Gromazeka,9}[1,+4]{good}
2018-04-17 - Zatoichi (16) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Zatoichi,13}(12348t)(+2)
2018-04-17 - Lavas (5) sold a Cloak of the Teleri {Lavas,14} [1,+8] {good}
2018-04-17 - Igoodwill (10) sold Sling of Power {Igoodwill,30}(x2)(+9,+25){Cave spider extermination}
2018-04-17 - Ziratyl (25) sold Frozen War Maul (*Defender*) {Ziratyl,30}(3d6)(-2,-1)[+4](+1){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-04-17 - Ziratyl (25) sold Long Bow of Accuracy {Ziratyl,15}(x3)(+27,+9){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-04-17 - Steelknot (1) sold Obvious Catapult Trap Kit {Steelknot,1}(-6,-14)[-16](-17){cursed}
2018-04-17 - Dalimar (43) sold a Cursed Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {Dalimar,16} (-1) {cursed}
2018-04-17 - Meldok (26) sold a Fireproof Astral Grimoire {Meldok,13} {It}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (18) sold Lead-Filled Mace of *Slay Orc* {Delanarious,18}(3d7)(+4,+7)(+1){good}
2018-04-25 - RunieTest (13) sold Main Gauche of *Slay Demon* {RunieTest,18}(1d5)(+5,+2)(+2){good-Mughash, the Kobold Lord}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (23) sold a Light Crossbow of Extra Shots {Delanarious,21} (x3) (+21,+6)
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (22) sold Short Sword of *Slay Troll* {Delanarious,14}(1d7)(+4,+4)(+2){good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (24) sold a Robe of Permanence {Delanarious,21} [2,+10] {good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (24) sold a Cloak of Protection {Delanarious,8} [1,+10]
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (24) sold an Elemental Basillard {Delanarious,23} (1d8) (+3,+5) {good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (26) sold a Pick of Digging {Delanarious,8} (1d3) (+6,+7) (+1) (+3) {good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (27) sold Spear (Defender) {Delanarious,21}(1d5)(+5,+8)[+2](+1stl){good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (27) sold Frozen Small Wooden Boomerang of Slay Giant {Delanarious,20}(2d2)(+6,+3){good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (28) sold Ball-and-Chain of *Slay Giant* {Delanarious,17}(2d4)(+5,+7)(+2){good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (29) sold a Spectral Morning Star {Delanarious,25} (2d6) (+3,+7) {good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (29) sold Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Jumping {Delanarious,17}[2,+6]{good}
2018-04-25 - Delanarious (29) sold Scythe of *Slay Evil* {Delanarious,31}(6d4)(+6,+3)(+2){excellent}
2018-05-20 - Delanarious (29) sold a Moonwood Long Bow {Delanarious,14} (x3) (+9,+7) {good}
2018-05-20 - Jivchik (36) sold a Fireproof Handbook of Deception {Jivchik,18}
2018-05-20 - Tilad (45) sold a Magic Trap Kit for Undead {Tilad,19} [+6] (+3) {good}
2018-05-20 - Hyde (3) sold a Cloak of the Teleri {Hyde,14} [1,+9]
2018-05-30 - Cherokee (19) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth {Cherokee,11}[3,+6](+2){good}
2018-05-30 - Slaytor (5) sold a Cloak of Protection {Slaytor,6} [1,+12] {good}
2018-05-30 - Matsukiro (13) sold a Wooden Boomerang of Power {Matsukiro,36} (2d4) (+9,+30) {good}
2018-06-02 - Ufgum (12) sold 9 Ethereal Mithril Shots {Ufgum,17} (3d3) (+10,+11) {good}
2018-06-02 - Gradir (37) sold an Iron Crown of Sickliness {Gradir,15} [0,-12] (-4) {uncursed}
2018-06-28 - Vax (4) sold Dagger of Extra Attacks {Vax,14}(1d4)(+4,+7)(+2at){good}
2018-06-28 - Narussell (11) sold a Blessed Tulwar {Narussell,16} (2d4) (+3,+2) (+2) {excellent}
2018-06-28 - Lothelac (17) sold Short Bow of Power {Lothelac,31}(x2)(+15,+26){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-06-28 - Asteras (27) sold Shocking Scimitar {Asteras,18}(2d5)(+5,+4){good-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2018-07-08 - Xmypblu (8) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Xmypblu,12}(12695t)(+1)
2018-07-09 - DieSoon (27) sold a Waterproof Scroll "oiv prok ti" of Acquirement {DieSoon,8} {It}
2018-07-12 - Xmypblu (6) sold Complicated Catapult Trap Kit for Animals {Xmypblu,19}(+26,+16)[+22](+2){good}
2018-07-19 - Xmypblu (9) sold Brass Lantern of the Magi {Xmypblu,16}(14403t)(+2)
2018-07-19 - Katerina (5) sold a Sling of Numenor {Katerina,15} (x3) (+13,+10) {good}
2018-07-19 - Xmypblu (14) sold Brass Lantern of the Eternal Eye {Xmypblu,18}(5178t)
2018-07-24 - Elidon (45) sold a Golden Crown of Might {Elidon,35} [0,+11] (+3)
2018-08-12 - K0nfig (5) sold Well-hidden Catapult Trap Kit {K0nfig,9}(+12,+8)[+5](+4){good}
2018-08-12 - YouLoveAnime (9) sold Padded Armour of Resistance {YouLoveAnime,15} [4,+10] {good}
2018-08-12 - YouLoveAnime (14) sold an Elemental War Maul {YouLoveAnime,22} (3d6) (+1,+6) {good}
2018-08-12 - Kalancha (18) sold Mace of Slaying {Kalancha,14}(4d5)(+7,+7){good-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-08-12 - Kalancha (18) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Power {Kalancha,24}(2d2)(+4,+20){good-Lagduf, the Snaga}
2018-08-12 - Solvig (20) sold a Fading Everburning Torch {Solvig,10} (with 0 turns of light)
2018-08-20 - Scarecrow (9) sold War Maul of Westernesse {Scarecrow,20}(3d6)(+8,+8)(+1){excellent}
2018-08-25 - FastCastI (6) sold a Sling of Numenor {FastCastI,15} (x3) (+9,+4) {good-Smeagol}
2018-09-10 - Mimimishka (5) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Mimimishka,12}(12392t)(+3)
2018-09-10 - Shoma (10) sold a Rapier of *Slay Troll* {Shoma,13} (1d6) (+4,+6) (+2)
2018-09-13 - Slagar (4) sold a Cloak of Aman {Slagar,15} [1,+23] (+3 to stealth) {good}
2018-09-21 - Leshiy (5) sold a Cloak of the Teleri {Leshiy,14} [1,+16]
2018-10-09 - Slaytor (17) sold Small Wooden Boomerang (Defender) {Slaytor,18}(2d2)(+6,+4)[+8](+2stl){good-Smeagol}
2018-10-26 - KarhuMimic (8) sold a Shovel of Digging {KarhuMimic,7} (1d2) (+6,+6) (+1) (+4)
2018-10-26 - Regyl (11) sold Wooden Torch of Infravision {Regyl,13}(3852t)(+1)
2018-11-12 - Ghod (9) sold a Hard Leather Cap of Naivety {Ghod,1} [2,-6] (-3) {uncursed}
2018-11-12 - Maglor (16) sold Acidic War Hammer {Maglor,15}(2d5)(+2,+5){excellent-Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman}
2018-11-20 - F2P (11) sold a Rapier of *Slay Giant* {F2P,15} (1d6) (+3,+1) (+2) {good}
2018-12-05 - Hasi2 (28) sold Dwarven Metal Scale Mail {Hasi2,20}(-2)[13,+17](+1){excellent}
2018-12-05 - Klarissa (14) sold Brass Lantern of the Eternal Eye {Klarissa,20}(14370t)
2018-12-05 - Meladon (22) sold a Small Leather Shield of Reflection {Meladon,17} [15%] {good}
2018-12-05 - Ponga (43) sold a Gnarled Staff of *Destruction* of Plenty {Ponga,21} (6 charges)
2018-12-07 - Globlin (4) sold a Sparkling Cloak {Globlin,11} [1,+6]
2018-12-10 - Grawrst (31) sold a Catapult Trap Kit for Animals {Grawrst,10} (+9,+9) [+8] (+4)
2018-12-26 - Randevu (7) sold an Iron Helm of Beauty {Randevu,19} [5,+6] (+2) {good}
2018-12-26 - Randevu (7) sold a Magic Trap Kit for Evil {Randevu,19} [+9] (+3) {good}
2018-12-26 - Randevu (7) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Power {Randevu,33}(2d2)(+7,+28){good}
2018-12-26 - Randevu (7) sold a Moonwood Sling {Randevu,17} (x2) (+15,+11) {good}
2018-12-26 - Nibs (34) sold a Heavy Crossbow of Extra Might {Nibs,24} (x5) (+7,+10)
2019-01-02 - Ortu (7) sold a Cloak of Stealth {Ortu,7} [1,+1] (+1)
2019-01-02 - Jivchik (41) sold Iron Helm of Seeing {Jivchik,20}[5,+8](+2srch){good}
2019-01-02 - MadRunie (26) sold a Waterproof Handbook of Revelation {MadRunie,14}
2019-01-02 - Jivchik II (29) sold a Dwarven Steel Helm of Light {Jivchik II,30} [6,+5] (+1) {good}
2019-01-04 - Kronos (16) sold Club of *Slay Dragon* {Kronos,16}(1d4)(+7,+1)(+2){good-Smeagol}
2019-01-04 - Enlil (22) sold Small Leather Shield of Resistance {Enlil,18}[15%]{Robin Hood, the Outlaw}
2019-01-04 - Enlil (27) sold Elven Rhino Hide Armour {Enlil,23}(-1)[8,+13](+3stl){Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2019-01-06 - Onrush (8) sold a Tortoise Shell Amulet of Telepathy {Onrush,24}
2019-01-08 - Grodak (46) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Power {Grodak,36}(2d2)(+8,+30){good}
2019-01-12 - Tikovka (15) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Free Action {Tikovka,11}[3,+7]{good}
2019-01-13 - Cheroky (43) sold Fireproof Tome of the Impenetrable Earth {Cheroky,19}{Baphomet the Minotaur Lord}
2019-01-22 - Stick (5) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Demons {Stick,10}(+18,+9)[+9](+3){good}
2019-01-22 - Istarkins (1) sold a Dagger of Perfection {Istarkins,19} (1d4) (+15,+10) (+7)
2019-01-22 - NASRALVASTRAL (9) sold Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action {NASRALVASTRAL,8}[1,+4]{good}
2019-01-22 - Haaotha (43) sold an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {Haaotha,23} (+3)
2019-01-22 - Dok (14) sold Mace of *Slay Undead* {Dok,19}(3d4)(+3,+4)(+2){good-Vort the Kobold Queen}
2019-01-22 - Gesfil (21) sold Whip of *Slay Evil* {Gesfil,27}(1d4)(+6,+11)(+1){good-Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2019-03-03 - Tikovka (7) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Tikovka,13}(5068t)(+2)
2019-03-03 - UserJ (11) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of *Slay Giant* {UserJ,15}(2d2)(+1,+7)(+2){good-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2019-03-03 - BEN (36) sold Espadon of *Slay Undead* {BEN,27}(4d6)(+8,+7)(+2){Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2019-03-03 - Kir (12) sold Small Leather Shield of Resistance {Kir,16}[15%]{excellent-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2019-03-03 - HolySing (34) sold a Light Crossbow of Power {HolySing,25} (x3) (+11,+21)
2019-04-15 - HolySing (45) sold a Blessed Broad Sword {HolySing,25} (2d6) (+10,+11) (+1)
2019-04-15 - Arnold (27) sold a Sling of Accuracy {Arnold,14} (x2) (+21,+12) {good}
2019-04-15 - Eiaene (6) sold Set of Leather Gloves of Slaying {Eiaene,12}(+8,+10)[1,+4]{good}
2019-04-15 - Jiles the Tree (46) sold Steel Helm of Intelligence {Jiles the Tree,31}[6,+12](+2){good}
2019-04-15 - Lothelas (28) sold a Wooden Boomerang of Power {Lothelas,24} (2d4) (+10,+20) {good}
2019-06-21 - Gorgoth (7) sold an Automatic Device Trap Kit {Gorgoth,14} {good}
2019-06-21 - Borat (30) sold a Fur Cloak of Protection {Borat,13} [3,+11] {good}
2019-06-21 - Grodak (34) sold a Cloth Hat of Regeneration {Grodak,11} [1,+8] {good}
2019-06-21 - Norilot (15) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Annoyance {Norilot,1}[3,-3](-7spd){cursed}
2019-06-21 - Norilot (15) sold a Scourge of Earthquakes {Norilot,24} (3d2) (+9,+20) (+1)
2019-06-21 - Grodak (55) sold a Fireproof Tome of the Impenetrable Earth {Grodak,32} {tome}
2019-06-21 - Oakierie (3) sold Set of Leather Gloves of the Magi {Oakierie,15}(-4,-4)[1,+6](+7)
2019-06-21 - Ishtar (16) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Ishtar,14}(8267t)(+1)
2019-06-21 - Sigurd (14) sold a Wooden Torch of Immunity {Sigurd,27} (with 1259 turns of light)
2019-06-21 - Norilot (17) sold a Chaotic Tulwar {Norilot,20} (2d4) (+4,+2)
2019-06-21 - Dolua (14) sold a Martial Arts Frock of Resist Cold {Dolua,19} [2,+9] (+2)
2019-06-21 - Ebyss (6) sold a Sparkling Cloak {Ebyss,11} [1,+5]
2019-06-23 - Dalimar (11) sold Small Wooden Boomerang of Power {Dalimar,36}(2d2)(+9,+30){good}
2019-07-08 - Dalimar (46) sold a Fireproof Unholy Tome of the Hellflame {Dalimar,22}
2019-07-08 - Chuck (6) sold a Tulwar of *Slay Undead* {Chuck,17} (2d4) (+7,+3) (+1)
2019-10-12 - Sose (4) sold a Sling of Extra Shots {Sose,15} (x2) (+9,+10)
2019-10-12 - Cyrene (26) sold a Beaked Axe of Spinning {Cyrene,20} (4d6) (+9,+9) (+2) {good}
2019-10-12 - Kine (14) sold a Cloth Hat of Light {Kine,9} [1,+3] {good}
2019-10-12 - Maks (8) sold a Sling of Power {Maks,34} (x2) (+5,+29)
2019-10-12 - Maksvel (12) sold Sabre of *Slay Demon* {Maksvel,19}(1d7)(+4,+3)(+1){excellent-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2019-10-12 - Elenmir (25) sold a Sling of Accuracy {Elenmir,12} (x2) (+20,+9)
2019-10-12 - Mara (46) sold a Fireproof Greater Crystal of Mental Intrusion {Mara,21}
2019-10-12 - Kir (20) sold a Flail of *Slay Evil* {Kir,27} (3d5) (+3,+9) (+2)
2019-10-12 - Eyent (47) sold Runed Wand Annihilation of Plenty {Eyent,21}(3){Eihort, the Thing in the Labyrinth}
2019-10-24 - Pianwan (30) sold a Metal Boomerang of Accuracy {Pianwan,18} (2d5) (+30,+13) {good}
2019-10-31 - Valtor (45) sold an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {Valtor,20} (+1)
2019-11-02 - Shamash (10) sold 23 Mithril Shots of Flame {Shamash,30} (3d3) (+15,+15) {good}
2019-11-14 - Saredan (27) sold Metal Boomerang of *Slay Orc* {Saredan,19}(2d5)(+5,+7)(+1){good}
2019-11-14 - ArtuomPA (7) sold a Sling of Power {ArtuomPA,36} (x2) (+6,+30) {good}
2019-11-19 - Marcoleric (4) sold Filthy Rags of Resistance {Marcoleric,14} [1,+9] {good}
2019-11-19 - Speedbeard (47) sold Indestructible Serpent Ring Nether Resistance {Speedbeard,18}
2019-12-15 - Enki (13) sold a Smallsword of Westernesse {Enki,17} (1d6) (+11,+6) (+2)
2019-12-15 - Night (45) sold a Fireproof Handbook of Deception {Night,20}
2019-12-15 - Grodak (25) sold a Wooden Boomerang of Power {Grodak,36} (2d4) (+6,+30) {good}
2019-12-15 - DTracy (20) sold Dwarven Metal Brigandine Armour {DTracy,20} (-3) [19,+10] (+1)
2019-12-15 - Broib (38) sold an Aluminium Wand of Drain Life of Plenty {Broib,20} (9 charges)
2019-12-15 - Karla (24) sold a Gnomish Cloak of Protection {Karla,20} [1,+20] (+1)
2019-12-15 - Khaas (15) sold a Long Bow of Accuracy {Khaas,12} (x3) (+25,+10) {good}
2019-12-24 - Fedus (25) sold a Chaotic Main Gauche {Fedus,18} (1d5) (+6,+4)
2019-12-24 - Skhan (41) sold Silver Dragon Scale Mail of Defense {Skhan,39}(-2)[30,+30](+2){Hoarmurath of Dir}
2019-12-28 - Amg (4) sold a Sharp Main Gauche of Slay Troll {Amg,21} (1d5) (+2,+2) {good}
2019-12-28 - Lizatyan (13) sold Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Slow Descent {Lizatyan,5}[2,+3]{good}
2020-01-16 - Gothmog (16) sold a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Mirkwood {Gothmog,16} [3,+8]
2020-01-16 - Dareak (18) sold Tulwar of *Slay Demon* {Dareak,19}(2d4)(+5,+5)(+2){excellent-Brodda, the Easterling}
2020-02-14 - Lothian (25) sold a Light Crossbow of Extra Might {Lothian,21} (x4) (+8,+14) {good}
2020-03-17 - Meep (9) sold a Smallsword of Slaying {Meep,15} (4d6) (+5,+2) {good}
2020-03-19 - Dain Ironfoot (14) sold Cutlass of Life {Dain Ironfoot,17}(2d4)(+8,+11)(+1life){good}
2020-04-03 - Legobat (35) sold an Elemental Katana {Legobat,30} (3d4) (+6,+7)
2020-04-10 - Greedling (27) sold a Halberd of Aman {Greedling,29} (4d8) (+8,+10) [+2] (+2)
2020-04-10 - A Lone Sorcerer (7) sold a Shovel of Digging {A Lone Sorcerer,3} (1d2) (+6,+1) (+1) (+4)
2020-04-10 - A Lone Sorcerer (7) sold Short Sword of Perfection {A Lone Sorcerer,20}(1d7)(+30,+10)(+6)
2020-04-11 - Levy (17) sold Soft Studded Leather of Resistance {Levy,17} [5,+9]
2020-04-14 - Greedling (45) sold Gnarled Staff *Destruction* of Plenty {Greedling,19}(6){Eol, the Dark-Elf}
2020-04-18 - TMBG (36) sold a Fireproof Tome of Shadows {TMBG,18} {Saruman of Many Colours}
2020-04-20 - Cala (34) sold a Metal Boomerang of Velocity {Cala,25} (2d5) (+7,+8)
2020-04-21 - Xakon (28) sold Scimitar of *Slay Animal* {Xakon,21}(2d5)(+8,+4)(+2){Angamaite of Umbar}
2020-04-21 - Cala (39) sold 20 Mithril Shots of Lightning {Cala,23} (3d3) (+12,+11) {good}
2020-04-24 - Crag Kek (14) sold Sickle of *Slay Undead* {Crag Kek,18}(2d3)(+5,+3)(+2){good-Lagduf, the Snaga}
2020-05-05 - Aranuir (8) sold Dagger of the Thunderlords {Aranuir,15}(1d4)(+3,+10){good-Bullroarer the Hobbit}
2020-05-07 - Bagel (16) sold a Scorching Cloak of Stealth {Bagel,17} [1,+3] (+3)
2020-05-23 - Druid (33) sold a Light Crossbow of Power {Druid,25} (x3) (+15,+21)
2020-05-23 - Gec (22) sold Frozen Scythe {Gec,15}(6d4)(+4,+8){excellent-Boldor, King of the Yeeks}
2020-06-17 - Neril (25) sold Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Stealth {Neril,12}[2,+10](+2){good}
2020-06-17 - Kiash (25) sold a War Hammer (*Defender*) {Kiash,27} (2d5) (-8,+0) [+12] (+2)
2020-07-02 - Kaulath (28) sold Fiery Metal Boomerang of Accuracy {Kaulath,24}(2d5)(+25,+4){good}
2020-07-16 - Udz (29) sold a Blessed Dark Sword {Udz,24} (2d7) (+3,+2) (+2)
2020-07-22 - Aeytchauxiazzel (30) sold Elven Ribbed Plate Armour {Aeytchauxiazzel,28}(-4)[28,+10](+3stl)
2020-08-25 - Omgoshies (48) sold a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action {Omgoshies,14} [2,+12] {good}
2020-08-29 - Tardigrader II (12) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Jumping {Tardigrader II,15}[3,+4]
2020-09-10 - Ras (26) sold Hard Leather Cap of Seeing {Ras,11}[2,+8](+2srch){good-Smeagol}
2020-09-24 - Mibbles (5) sold Smallsword of *Slay Demon* {Mibbles,18}(1d6)(+7,+3)(+1){good}
2020-09-27 - Neeumen (31) sold an Indestructible Adamantite Ring of Searching {Neeumen,5} (+4)
2020-09-28 - Scheherazade (10) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Demons {Scheherazade,12}(+24,+10)[+9](+3)
2020-09-28 - LovShoot (16) sold a Basillard of Westernesse {LovShoot,19} (1d8) (+7,+8) (+2)
2020-10-13 - Slaytor (14) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Jumping {Slaytor,14}[3,+5]{good}
2020-10-19 - Ikato (10) sold a Complicated Catapult Trap Kit {Ikato,11} (+19,+8) [+25] {good}
2020-10-22 - Melechesh (16) sold a Blessed Whip of *Slay Orc* {Melechesh,22} (1d4) (+6,+7) (+2)
2020-11-13 - Imir (9) sold an Awl-Pike of the Thunderlords {Imir,20} (2d9) (+7,+10)
2020-11-16 - JoshKwa (3) sold an Elven Frock {JoshKwa,16} [2,+14] (+2 to stealth) {good}
2020-11-16 - Crongus (5) sold Catapult Trap Kit for Evil {Crongus,10}(+27,+9)[+9](+3){good}
2020-11-16 - Immunolog II (21) sold a Hatchet of Aman {Immunolog II,24} (2d3) (+14,+11) [+1] (+1)
2020-11-21 - Nyahar (14) sold a Well-hidden Arrow Trap Kit {Nyahar,11} (+19,+9) [+5] (+6)
2020-12-23 - Shaam (7) sold a Sparkling Cloak {Shaam,12} [1,+11] {excellent}
2020-12-28 - Tummo (38) sold Set of Gauntlets of Free Action {Tummo,18}[2,+9]{good-Kavlax the Many-Headed}
2020-12-28 - Tummo (45) sold Fireproof Tainted Tome of Unlife {Tummo,21}{Saruman of Many Colours}
2021-01-08 - Kaulath (31) sold a Vampiric Scimitar {Kaulath,26} (2d5) (+12,+9)
2021-01-27 - AndyOfAnalogia (37) sold Fading Everburning Torch {AndyOfAnalogia,10}(0t)
2021-02-07 - Io (10) sold a Cloth Hat of Wisdom {Io,8} [1,+1] (+2) {good}
2021-02-10 - Koboldluvr (17) sold Hatchet of *Slay Dragon* {Koboldluvr,19}(2d3)(+6,+5)(+1){Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief}
2021-02-10 - Koboldluvr (17) sold Moonwood Long Bow {Koboldluvr,11}(x3)(+6,+7){good-Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief}
2021-02-10 - Koboldluvr (17) sold Acidic Wooden Boomerang of Slay Animal {Koboldluvr,22}(2d4)(+5,+2){excellent}
2021-03-09 - Kirat (29) sold Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Stealth {Kirat,16}[6,+8](+3){good}
2021-03-09 - Pixel (39) sold a Fireproof Astral Grimoire {Pixel,21} {Saruman of Many Colours}
2021-04-04 - Key (12) sold a Smallsword of Aman {Key,23} (1d6) (+6,+8) [+3] (+2)
2021-04-20 - Dalimar (25) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Free Action {Dalimar,13}[3,+9]{good}
2021-05-03 - Bob (34) sold an Adamantite Rod of Illumination of the Istari {Bob,18}
2021-05-03 - Vaerys (7) sold a Frostwoven Cloak of Stealth {Vaerys,16} [1,+7] (+3)
2021-06-18 - Swank (28) sold Iron Helm of Infravision {Swank,13}[5,+5](+4){good-Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai}
2021-06-18 - Daecollu (10) sold a Mage Staff of Mana {Daecollu,17} (1d4) (+0,+0) (+1)
2021-06-21 - Chikkuri (28) sold Dwarven Chain Mail {Chikkuri,20} (-2) [14,+11] (+3) {good}
2021-08-02 - Gobu (18) sold a Hard Leather Cap of Concentration {Gobu,7} [2,+6] {good}
2021-08-02 - Torfin (25) sold Small Metal Shield of the Avari {Torfin,20}[17%](+2){Angamaite of Umbar}
2021-08-02 - Mairon (46) sold a Fireproof Tome of the Impenetrable Earth {Mairon,22}
2021-08-09 - Spurtus (19) sold a Sling of Extra Might {Spurtus,16} (x3) (+7,+14)
2021-09-18 - Nexus (39) sold a Jewel Encrusted Crown of the Magi {Nexus,34} [0,+16] (+1)
2021-09-18 - Vemgod (31) sold a Fur Cloak of Stealth {Vemgod,13} [3,+4] (+1) {good}
2021-09-18 - Vemgod (26) sold a Set of Gauntlets of Slaying {Vemgod,19} (+10,+7) [2,+9] {good}
2021-09-18 - Kaish (33) sold Vampiric Broad Sword {Kaish,23}(2d6)(+8,+6){Adunaphel the Quiet}
2021-11-03 - MukoDruid (14) sold a Magic Trap Kit for Animals {MukoDruid,11} [+9] (+3) {good}
2021-11-03 - Grodak (65) sold a Cast Iron Rod of Lightning Balls of the Istari {Grodak,38}
2021-11-03 - Grodak (65) sold a Fireproof Tome of the Blowing Wind {Grodak,31}
2021-11-03 - Solitaire (11) sold a Fumes Trap Kit for Animals {Solitaire,10} [+9] (+3) {good}
2021-11-14 - Deramos (50) sold a Fireproof Tainted Tome of Unlife {Deramos,26}
2021-11-14 - Aroadan (25) sold a Pick of Digging {Aroadan,7} (1d3) (+4,+3) (+1) (+3)
2021-11-30 - Taoron (47) sold a Fireproof Tome of Physical Lore {Taoron,21}
2021-12-22 - Kirat (33) sold Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Free Action {Kirat,19}[6,+5]{good}
2021-12-22 - JeZeK (38) sold an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {JeZeK,16} (+1)
2021-12-27 - Y2kate (18) sold a Fumes Trap Kit for Dragons {Y2kate,17} [+9] (+3)
2021-12-27 - Slaytor (31) sold a Fireproof Tome of Translocation {Slaytor,20}
2022-01-21 - Greenlean (13) sold Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Stealth {Greenlean,11}[3,+1](+1)
2022-01-28 - Juice WRLD (8) sold a Martial Arts Frock {Juice WRLD,13} [2,+9] (+2)
2022-03-04 - Niche (7) sold Brass Lantern of Infravision {Niche,11}(7500t)(+1)
2022-03-31 - Komari (11) sold a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Free Action {Komari,13} [3,+6]
2022-04-26 - Nil (8) sold a Cloak of Stealth {Nil,6} [1,+3] (+3)
2022-06-08 - Logos (11) sold a Fumes Trap Kit for Animals {Logos,9} [+9] (+3)
2022-06-28 - HeadShot (22) sold a Metal Cap of the Noldor {HeadShot,11} [3,+6] (+2) {good}
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Expensive items found by characters of level 1-20

Post by C. Blue »

And here are "expensive" items found by characters up to level 20.
Again very rudimentary logging, only items of 150k+ Au value classified as "expensive", except for amulets and rings which start at 30k Au.

Code: Select all

2017-02-28 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {15} [+16] found by Tyron_priest(lv 16) at 31,25,-4 (floor)
2017-04-08 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {10} (+1) found by Dieyoung(lv 8) at 32,32,-6 (floor)
2017-04-15 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Die(lv 19) at 31,25,-5 (floor)
2017-04-30 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by FieryBat(lv 15) at 31,25,-5 (floor)
2017-05-08 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {14} (+2) found by Mojo(lv 15) at 30,34,-11
2017-05-13 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {45} (+10) found by Draco Meteor(lv 10) at 31,25,-1 (floor)
2017-05-26 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {15} (+2) found by Feint(lv 16) at 31,25,-1
2017-05-26 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Calis(lv 13) at 30,34,-7 (floor)
2017-06-06 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {15} (+3) found by MadisonTrent(lv 17) at 32,32,-11 (floor)
2017-06-12 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {39} (+4) found by Realhero(lv 4) at 32,32,-4 (floor)
2017-06-14 - Indestructible Calcite Ring Extra Attacks {13}(+1){Robin Hood, the Outlaw} found by S(lv 15) at 31,25,-4
2017-06-21 - an Indestructible Quartz Ring of Speed {38} (+3) {Smeagol} found by Serbuch(lv 13) at 32,32,-9
2017-06-27 - The Alexandrite Ring of Barahir {30} (+4) found by Alec(lv 20) at 32,32,-13
2017-07-04 - Indestructible Calcite Ring Extra Attacks {12}(+1){Robin Hood, the Outlaw} found by Kiash(lv 15) at 32,32,-12
2017-08-29 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by PoorRunie(lv 15) at 31,25,-3 (floor)
2017-09-14 - a Zircon Ring of Invisibility {12} found by HessuHobo(lv 15) at 31,25,-1
2017-09-14 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Botis(lv 14) at 30,34,-12
2017-10-02 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {41} (+6) found by Volodja(lv 16) at 32,32,-9
2017-10-03 - The Emerald Elfstone 'Elessar' {34} (+7,+7) [+10] (+4) found by Tonnin Seteli(lv 17) at 26,5,-1
2017-10-16 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Gadget(lv 18) at 30,34,-14 (floor)
2017-10-24 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {13} (+1) found by Ocmal(lv 19) at 31,25,-11
2017-10-30 - an Indestructible Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {29} (+7) found by Uba(lv 5) at 32,32,-2
2017-10-30 - an Indestructible Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {24} [+17] found by Phaith(lv 17) at 32,32,-3
2017-10-31 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {24} (+2) found by Nimrod(lv 9) at 32,32,-1
2017-12-23 - a Zircon Ring of Invisibility {12} found by Stroder(lv 19) at 31,25,-5
2017-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {19} (+1) found by Botis(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2018-01-09 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {14} (+1) found by Oberon(lv 13) at 31,25,-5
2018-03-03 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Tesean(lv 17) at 31,25,-7
2018-03-05 - The Shining Necklace 'Nauglamir' {34} (+3) {Lagduf, the Snaga} found by Ibalisean(lv 17) at 31,25,-4
2018-04-17 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by MadDruid(lv 15) at 31,25,-4 (floor)
2018-04-17 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Sevaywin(lv 16) at 32,32,-8
2018-04-17 - an Azure Amulet of Rage {19} (-4,+1) [-2] (+1) found by Yeet(lv 17) at 32,32,-11
2018-04-17 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {40} (+5) found by Manhunt(lv 20) at 31,25,-5 (floor)
2018-04-17 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Beleg(lv 20) at 31,25,-11 (floor)
2018-05-20 - an Indestructible Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {18} (+5) found by Igorian(lv 14) at 31,25,-2 (floor)
2018-05-30 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Shovel_knight(lv 14) at 31,25,-4 (floor)
2018-06-28 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {41} (+6) found by Juno(lv 12) at 31,25,-3 (floor)
2018-07-08 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Pie'oh'Pah(lv 17) at 30,34,-10 (floor)
2018-08-12 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {13} (+1) found by Morgana(lv 17) at 31,25,-1
2018-08-25 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {13} (+1) found by Kalancha(lv 14) at 31,25,-1
2018-09-10 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Pebbles IV(lv 11) at 30,34,-7 (floor)
2018-09-13 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {10} (+1) found by Sanmalibu(lv 11) at 32,32,-6
2018-11-20 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Kalanchas(lv 18) at 31,25,-2
2018-12-07 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {13} (+1) found by Marksman(lv 17) at 31,25,-1
2018-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {22} (+2) found by Zveroork(lv 14) at 32,32,0
2018-12-28 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {26} (+7) found by Manhunt(lv 5) at 32,32,0
2019-01-06 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by MaDKnighT(lv 15) at 32,32,-12
2019-03-03 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {15} [+12] found by Ako(lv 20) at 32,32,-14
2019-06-21 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {13} (+1) found by Kalancha(lv 19) at 31,25,-6
2019-06-21 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {14} (+1) found by Th1nk(lv 17) at 31,25,-5
2019-06-21 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Skull(lv 16) at 32,32,-11 (floor)
2019-06-21 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {14} (+1) found by Lilthrin(lv 16) at 31,25,-4
2019-06-21 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by QQx_(lv 20) at 31,25,-1 (floor)
2019-10-12 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {39} (+4) found by Dog Lover(lv 12) at 31,25,-1
2019-10-12 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {13} [+12] found by Whurgur(lv 9) at 32,32,-8 (floor)
2019-10-12 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Maks(lv 9) at 32,32,-3 (floor)
2019-10-12 - an Azure Amulet of Rage {18} (-5,+2) [-2] (+1) found by Morcash(lv 13) at 31,25,-3
2019-10-12 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Daecollu(lv 16) at 31,25,-5 (floor)
2019-10-31 - The Lordly Protection 'Turambar' {38} [+21] found by Sunshine(lv 20) at 31,25,-3
2019-10-31 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {27} (+2) found by Serana(lv 19) at 31,25,-3
2019-11-02 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {27} (+3) found by Samhein(lv 9) at 31,25,-1
2019-12-24 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {37} (+2) found by Fledermausmann(lv 17) at 31,25,-8
2020-01-03 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {16} (+1) found by Reaper(lv 16) at 27,13,-1
2020-03-17 - an Indestructible Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {16} [+16] found by TheTruth(lv 20) at 31,25,-14
2020-08-13 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {10} (+1) found by Kiko(lv 9) at 32,32,-4 (floor)
2020-09-10 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {10} (+1) found by Min_33(lv 18) at 32,32,2 (floor)
2020-09-10 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {16} (+4) found by Birdo(lv 18) at 30,34,-16
2020-10-13 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {14} (+1) found by Serenity(lv 18) at 31,25,-7 (floor)
2020-10-19 - a Mithril Amulet of Weaponmastery {14} (+1,+1) [+2] (+1) found by Gesuino(lv 11) at 32,32,-4 (floor)
2020-10-19 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {11} (+1) found by Chrysophylax(lv 14) at 31,25,-4 (floor)
2020-10-22 - The Shining Necklace 'Nauglamir' {34} (+3) found by Isterio(lv 15) at 32,32,-12 (floor)
2020-10-22 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Samhein(lv 20) at 31,25,-9
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+2) found by Hammerwreck(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Azure Amulet of Rage {28} (-4,+6) [-5] (+2) found by BroForce(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {24} (+3) found by Istarkins(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+1) found by Istarkins(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+1) found by BroForce(lv 3) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {22} [+21] found by Rupert(lv 3) at 32,32,0
2020-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {24} (+2) found by Rupert(lv 3) at 32,32,0
2021-03-09 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {15} [+18] found by Huma(lv 17) at 31,25,-4 (floor)
2021-04-13 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {39} (+4) found by Huma(lv 19) at 31,25,-7
2021-05-22 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {13} (+1) found by Mara(lv 17) at 31,25,-11
2021-06-08 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {15} [+13] found by Tyron_W(lv 20) at 31,25,-6
2021-06-18 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {39} (+4) found by Sunshine(lv 2) at 58,44,-1
2021-07-01 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {13} (+2) found by Logos(lv 14) at 31,25,-1
2021-08-02 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+2) found by NotStabby(lv 10) at 58,44,-1V
2021-08-02 - an Azure Amulet of Rage {28} (-7,+8) [-9] (+2) found by NotStabby(lv 12) at 58,44,-1V
2021-08-02 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {26} (+2) found by NotStabby(lv 12) at 58,44,-1V
2021-08-02 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {20} (+3) found by NotStabby(lv 12) at 58,44,-1V
2021-08-02 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {27} (+3) found by Omgoshies(lv 6) at 58,44,-1
2021-08-02 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {43} (+8) found by Omgoshies(lv 14) at 58,44,-1
2021-08-05 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {26} (+8) found by Omgoshies(lv 5) at 58,44,-1
2021-08-23 - an Indestructible Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {29} (+5) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-08-23 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {40} (+5) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-08-23 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {41} (+6) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1 (floor)
2021-11-03 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {14} [+15] found by Bortsimsone(lv 10) at 32,32,-7 (floor)
2021-11-03 - a Mithril Amulet of Weaponmastery {20} (+6,+3) [+3] (+2) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-11-03 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {26} (+3) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-11-03 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {42} (+7) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-11-03 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {26} (+5) found by Omgoshies(lv 7) at 58,44,-1
2021-11-30 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {44} (+9) found by AnotherTry(lv 15) at 58,44,-1
2021-11-30 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {24} (+2) found by AnotherTry(lv 15) at 58,44,-1
2021-12-22 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {12} (+1) found by Alien(lv 16) at 32,32,-16
2021-12-22 - a Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {13} [+16] found by Bikel(lv 19) at 31,25,-1
2021-12-22 - an Obsidian Ring of Critical Hits {15} (+1) found by Kromvel(lv 19) at 31,25,-12
2021-12-22 - Calcite Ring Extra Attacks {12}(+1){Robin Hood, the Outlaw} found by Focler(lv 11) at 31,25,-1
2021-12-26 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+1) found by Zodus(lv 7) at 32,32,0
2021-12-26 - an Indestructible Pearl Ring of Lordly Protection {21} [+22] found by Quarter33(lv 4) at 32,32,0
2021-12-26 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {24} (+3) found by Mirireli II(lv 20) at 32,32,0
2021-12-27 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {24} (+2) found by Mielinen(lv 5) at 32,32,0
2021-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {22} (+2) found by Norilot(lv 5) at 32,32,0
2021-12-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {21} (+1) found by Norilot(lv 5) at 32,32,0
2022-01-18 - a Mithril Amulet of Weaponmastery {16} (+1,+2) [+2] (+1) found by Pax(lv 11) at 31,25,-1
2022-03-11 - a Quartz Ring of Speed {40} (+5) found by Yunova(lv 18) at 31,25,-3 (floor)
2022-05-26 - a Zircon Ring of Invisibility {11} (+5) found by HumaDragonsBane(lv 13) at 31,25,-1
2022-06-28 - an Indestructible Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {22} (+2) found by HeadShot(lv 1) at 32,32,0
2022-06-28 - a Calcite Ring of Extra Attacks {20} (+1) found by FetaPhil(lv 3) at 32,32,0
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