I did ‘make clean’ first, and nothing changed after make. Again, as someone wrongly assumed or misunderstood, I didn't change the PC's map position (don't even know where it is.) I'll prove that with this diff (temporary URL... is there a repository?)
DTomeNET diff (again, doesn't work yet, so don't download unless you want to help debug.)
All my changes are under whatever license TomeNET uses (some Moria/Angband/ZAngband/ToME and/or GPL license, as applicable,) in case you like any (apart for example, than increasing initial statistics points, as I said, for a ‘fun’ server.) For example, the female equivalents of druids, knights, lords, wizards are druidesses, dames, ladies, witches. I changed ‘Draconian’ to standard AD&D 2nd ed. term ‘Dragon-kin.’ A standard English term is ‘magician,’ not Dungeons & Dragons' (D&D) ‘magic-user,’ nor modern fantasy informal/slang version of Zoroastrian ‘magus,’ ‘mage’... perhaps that's neutral, and ‘magus’ and ‘maga’ specify each sex. In classic D&D, ‘Maga’ is the name level title of a female magician or (as ‘Lady Maga,’) elf. I also tried to change Halloween & Christmas to Samhain (pagan day for it) & Solstice, but the dates (slightly different) are obfuscated, IMO.