I've noticed that Dragonriders have been replaced by their "draconic" counterparts, but not as actual monsters. Just a reminder: PernAngband was taken down by copyright claims, and we're lucky TomeNET hasn't been discovered yet. To prevent this possibilty, it would be wise to remove the last remnants of Pern references in the game. Check ToME 2.35 monster list for replacement suggestions.
Re: Dragonriders
so I can't even use word 'dragonrider'? lol what a nonsense this copyright law. @#$%^&&(WQ*%&)$%& !!!!
Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
Re: Dragonriders
It may be a good idea, but Pern is not the only fantasy setting to have (British English generic compund word) ‘dragon-riders,’ i.e., (US English generic compound word, or a British one when it becomes more used) ‘dragonriders.’ If the site is in the US (and look at the URL, it's not... and FTP.SUnet.se still has PernAngband because Sweden has different laws, as probably still EU does,) it'd be good to remove all references to ‘Pern’ and its unique names/monsters in the public code, but the rest is debatable.
Re: Dragonriders
Good point. Actually I like how Darkgod changed Tome mythology to his own design... It would be great if TomeNET could also do the same one day and go live at steam greenlight (dreams, dreams...).
Btw, anyone knows when Tolkien legacy would become public? Maybe at least our grandchildren would be able to play TomeNET at steam?
Btw, anyone knows when Tolkien legacy would become public? Maybe at least our grandchildren would be able to play TomeNET at steam?

Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
Re: Dragonriders
With current rights Tolkien legacy should go to public domain in 2043. But the problem is that some words from mythology are trademarked…
Hmm should we change hobbit to halfling??
Hmm should we change hobbit to halfling??
Re: Dragonriders
2043.. 26 years to wait. I'll be 57 years old. @#$% !!!
Considering halflings - good idea. Actually I belive it's possible to change all copyright names to the very similar, so real meaning would still be there. Gandalf could be The Grey Mage; Sauron - The Nameless Enemy & etc.. Universe is saved, copyright is gone. Why not?
Considering halflings - good idea. Actually I belive it's possible to change all copyright names to the very similar, so real meaning would still be there. Gandalf could be The Grey Mage; Sauron - The Nameless Enemy & etc.. Universe is saved, copyright is gone. Why not?

Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
Re: Dragonriders
in Russian dragon is drakon. Sound quite close and looks pretty cool. Maybe rename Dragonriders to Drakonriders? or Drakeriders.. and problem solved 

Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
Re: Dragonriders
No: game's free, so Tolkien estate doesn't care, and for year/decades is generic science/biology term for real/prehistorical ancient short humans.
Unnecessary, as I explained in 2017: she coined word 'dragonrider', not generic words 'dragon-rider', 'dragon rider', in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) covers/rules/sets ('D&D: Master Rules', 'Advanced D&D: Council of Wyrms' have dragon riders (not on AD&D cover, but I've read)).

No reason to change anything unless threatened, which won't happen: Anne McCaffrey never threatened legitimate/non-plagiarism dragon-riders (opposed Pern fan-fiction... copyrighted her world, but no one can copyright generic fantasy concepts, and she's deceased several years), and Tolkien estate never threatened free fan-fiction (literature, games).