Client updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.7.2:
  • An audio pack selector has been added under = X that allows switching between sound and music packs on the fly. It will read packs from all folders that are placed in lib/xtra and start on "music" or "sound", eg "TomeNET/lib/xtra/musicyay".
  • Audio packs (sound/music) now support a meta data section labeled "[title]" that consists of "packname=", "author=" and "description=". This info is displayed in the audio pack selector (=X).
  • Guide chapter search improved.
  • Auto-inscriptions: Wildcard '?' changed to '#' symbol.
  • New colour codes (lamp light and darkened lamp light).
  • Unified capitalization and spacing of skill/spell names, fixed spell names, tiers and descriptions in the guide.
  • New chapter search keywords 'bpr', 'spells', 'dung', 'dung typ', 'ac'.
  • Many keys will show up human-readable in the macro list (%i) now.
  • no_shriek_sfx has been changed to quiet_shriek_sfx. Removed no_am_sfx and no_store_bell as these can be set via =n.
  • New client options: diz_unique, diz_death, diz_death_any, diz_first, that show fluff text on first kills/death.
  • sound.cfg/music.cfg: Allow linewrapping via " \" (space and backslash) being the last two characters in a line.
  • Max samples and songs per audio event increased from 32 to 100.
  • sound.cfg/music.cfg: Line length increased from 2048 to 4096.
  • music.cfg now supports declaring songs of an event as 'initial' by prefixing a '!' symbol. One of them will always be played first, then the rest is played.
  • music.cfg now supports referencing events via '+' symbol, skipping all initial songs in that reference but allowing to make the reference itself initial.
  • New music events have been added.
  • New option 'mute_when_idle', which will mute music, weather and ambient sfx while idle and in town.
  • The audio mixer (CTRL+U) now has a new hotkey CTRL+R that will reload the currently active audio packs. Useful for live-testing changes you made to the audio packs, without need to relog.
  • sound.cfg now supports sample names in quotes, same as music.cfg already did, for filenames that contain spaces.
  • Guide: Added chapter (6.5b) Class titles.
  • Files <trait>.prf and <trait>.ins will now also be auto-loaded on login, like it already happens for race/class/charactername specific prf and ins files.
  • Daytime dependant lighting added. Depending on the time of the day/night the world surface will have different kind of lighting that varies in intensity and colour (eg reddish sunset). This can be toggled via new client option 'palette_animation'.
  • Chat message history improved: Duplicate subsequent messages will only get added to message history buffer (CTRL+p/n) once.
  • Client chat: Allow pressing CTRL+C to search message history buffer.
  • Client chat: Added horizontal scrolling with correct colour coding.
  • Guide chapter search: Add a string in all upper-case to force it to match only the very beginning of a line. Use this to search for item flags such as LUCK for example.
  • 'Disease' is now its own status effect and no longer linked to 'Poison'. It will still drain hit points for a while, similar to poison, but cannot be countered by poison resistance. Holy Curing skill of 30+ and Constitution stat can reduce the effect. All races except for vampires and maiar can contract a disease.
  • Client has been updated to allow logging in to 'IRONMAN' type servers.
  • If you're on Linux and don't have basic 9x15, 8x13 etc fonts, try installing xorgs-fonts-misc or linux-fonts-misc packages.
  • World mini map (~0) improved: Now shows own coordinates and allows manual pinpointing of any sector to find out its coordinates.
  • Iron Teams can now be 'closed' in SHIFT+p menu or via /pclose slash command. Closed teams no longer allow adding new members. This is irreversible.
  • New character mode 'Soloist' added. It's same as 'Unworldly' (one life only) but additionally prohibits any trading with other players.
  • New option 'id_selection'. When using identify or *identify* magic, the list of items will only show items that have not yet been identified (or *identified* respectively).
  • New spell school 'Unlife' has been added to Occult schools. It is meant primarily for Death Knights to add a bit more variety. However, asides from adventurers of any kind it can also be accessed by Vampire Istari as a specialty.
  • Option 'flash_player' is now enabled by default.
For server-side changes see ... 6101#p6101
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client changes in 4.7.3:
  • Huge Runecraft rework by Kurzel (runecraft now requires at least this client v4.7.3 to work).
  • The client will no longer hang in infinite loop on login when fed with wrong crecedentials as command-line args.
  • Nomenclature: Mimic 'Frost' immunity renamed to 'Cold', 'Lightning' to 'Electricity'.
  • Mimicry power 'Ball Toxic Waste' renamed to 'Toxic Waste Ball'.
  • SP (spell points) renamed to MP (mana points).
  • Temporary buffs to speed, HP, stats or BpR will change colour from light green to light blue.
  • Can now screenshot within monster/artifact lore.
  • New command-line option '-x' added to skip saving of any chat/messages on quitting.
  • In the main window, temporary buffs now colour various stats light-blue in most cases: Stats, AC, HP, Speed and BpR.
  • Chat history search is now case-insensitive.
  • Pasting items from stores now adds a power-inscription.
  • Normal/hard mode characters can now see remaining # of lives on the character sheet.
  • Login crecedentials auto-saving improved.
  • Number of characters per account increased from 9 to 11.
  • It's now possible to reorder your characters in the character screen. (Can also be done via /setorder command.)
  • Reincarnation glitch fixed when choosing a character from normal server on ironman server (infinite loop).
  • Pseudo-ID inscriptions can now trigger auto-inscriptions.
  • Fixed a glitch when trying to ID items that wouldn't show all eligible items.
  • Added command '/ctime' that returns your local date and time (client time).
  • 'x' (swap items): Dual-wielded weapons of same @x inscription will now be swapped.
  • CTRL+Q is by default now a hybrid macro, so the text-editing CTRL+Q works.
  • SHIFT+L ('Locate') format changed from [y,x] to [x,y].
  • Rogue-like keyset modified: W <-> CTRL+W, CTRL+A <-> S. Note that for 'T' (take off) the inscription must still be '@t'.
  • The " key now correctly works to load a prf file at an absolute path.
  • The Knowledge menu (~) has new options to quickly open specific TomeNET folders or websites, especially the player store.
  • New option 'keep_bottle'. When quaffing a potion, you will retain the resulting empty bottle.
  • Added 'macros_in_stores' option that allows macros to get parsed while inside a store.
  • New options: hp_bar, mp_bar, st_bar, find_ignore_montraps.
  • The hilite_chat/hibeep_chat options now ignore roman numbering of your character for convenience.
  • Lightning visual fx added. Can be turned off via 'disable_lightning' option.
  • 'hilite_player' option is available again.
  • New option 'item_error_beep'. Turn off to not beep when an inventory item selection fails (especially for safe_macros).
  • 'quiet_os' option added to prevent any page/beep/warn sfx being played through the OS mechanisms.
  • In-game guide: Invoke by ?? too, same as ~g.
  • In-game guide can now be directly invoked at a specific topic via /help <topic> or /? <topic> command, eg '/? fire'. Also accepts all-caps for special search.
  • In-game guide: More keywords added and searching fixed/improved, especially all-uppercase searching.
  • Easy guide shortcuts for info on Maiar/Draconians: '/? enl', '/? cor', '/? trait'.
  • In char dumps the [Surroundings] map is only 79 columns wide now to prevent odd line breaks on ladder.
  • The history of sent chat messages now persists across logins (chathist-<account>.tmp in user folder).
  • The players list '@' automatically updates while it's being displayed.
  • HP/MP/ST bar view improved by adding shaded half-steps like for the XP bar.
  • Taking a screenshot when palette_animation is enabled will no longer crash the client.
  • The GCU client automatically disables palette_animation and will no longer crash.
  • A glitch fixed that caused X11 client to flicker (thanks JeZeK).
  • Fix crash when viewing macro list with special keys and occasional screenshot crash (thanks JeZeK).
  • Message windows now keep messages between relogging instead of getting cleared.
  • Skill screen remembers last position.
  • Stat point distribution screen also shows your BpR with lightest weapons of each type now.
  • In 'linear stats' mode the stats will be shown with full accuracy too now.
  • Options menu now remembers last position.
  • Screen may now keep updating during prompts/menus that would usually freeze the screen until finished.
  • Client now has specific colour blindness and colour-customization options in = C menu, making it unnecessary to edit config files by hand.
  • X11 default fonts initialised via XListFonts instead of xset, should now work eg on Fedora (thanks Tokariew).
  • Screenshot filenames now use a date+timestamp instead of continous numbering. Can be toggled via new 'screenshot_format' option.
  • Fixed a display glitch in the monster and artifact lore screens.
  • Mimic power 'Breathe Lite' renamed to 'Breathe Light'.
  • 'safe_macros' now works correctly for trapping macros and skill-activation macros.
  • Macro Wizard 'p' (change equipment) fully works now.
  • ESC in Macro Wizard now goes back one step instead of quitting.
  • Macro Wizard: Added 'n)' to enter slash commands, while custom action has been moved to 'N)'.
  • Macro Wizard: Fixed targetting method 'd)', now works with 'prompt for direction'.
  • New sound effects and music added to the official audio packs.
  • Audio packs now allow meta information 'packname', 'author' and 'description' in their [title] section.
  • Installing audio packs via = I when audio was already in usw should work now.
  • Jukebox correctly restores music when leaving it.
  • The jukebox sound menu =n now supports setting custom volumes via 'v' for each sample. (Note that this does not affect paging or weather sfx.)
  • Jukebox menus allow easier scrolling with 'p' and ' ' for page-up/down.
  • Among the new sfx is a roar emitted originally by the devastating H.E.C.T.O.R from the song of the norwegian band Ultra Sheriff who were so nice to send me the voice sample for free use when I asked. :)
For server changes see ... 6565#p6565
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side updates in 4.7.4:
  • EvgenijK aka Faraday has implemented an auto-looting feature: It uses the auto-inscription list to automatically pick up or destroy (piled) items. Slash commands /apickup and /adestroy added to toggle, same as new options 'auto_pickup' and 'destroy_on_auto_pickup'. Also 'destroy_all_unmatched' ('/daunmatched') to auto-destroy all items that don't match any rule in & list, or use '#' wildcard in & list and set it to destroy. He made a video that shows it in use:
  • Multi-hued draconians can choose their breath now in 'm' and in the macro wizard under 'M)'.
  • Macro wizard has new functions: m) common commands, M) Pick breath element (Draconians) and q/r/s/t/u) for some directional actions.
  • A default shooting macro is placed on F1 in freshly installed clients, for newbie archers/rangers.
  • Compilation without sound support (USE_SOUND_2010) fixed.
  • PvP mode maiar can choose their trait during character creation now as they start at level 20.
  • The ';' key now has a guide topic quick-search macro on it instead of the 'walk' command.
  • Guide search improved in various details. Bookmark feature added (b/B).
  • New option no_house_magic that will prevent casting spells or using magic devices while inside a house.
  • New option no_lite_fainting added that will disable the faint-shading effect when they start to run out of fuel.
  • Client options were reordered a bit so that all lighting/shading options are on the first page.
  • Guide has now chapter (0.1b) Photosensitivity / Epilepsy issues.
  • Guide quick search via "/?" command improved.
  • Guide search shortcut "/? tab" for racial boni/mali table.
  • A bunch of shop-action related sound effects was added. Although no new sfx were added, the sound pack now contains the updated sound.cfg file that lists all the new effects. Most are in use and re-use existing sounds.
  • While in chat prompt you can now copy/paste to/from the OS clipboard with CTRL+K/L (on Linux/X11 this requires xclip to be installed).
  • While in message recall (CTRL+O/P) you can now copy the bottom-most shown message to the OS clipboard with CTRL+K.
  • Draconians with multi-hued lineage can now set their breath element in 'm' menu instead of just breathing randomly.
  • Search topics added: '@@', '@@@', 'DEMOL', 'race/class bonus/boni/malus/mali/tab', or just 'tab/table' (table of boni and mali for races and classes).
  • Guide search offers r/R for regular expression search ('R' is case-sensitive).
  • Troubleshooting can be fast-accessed via chat-command '/? PROB n' where n is the problem number.
  • Infra-vision will be displayed in light-umber colour at 200 ft to indicate that it's effectively maxed out (MAX_SIGHT range reached).
  • Houses can get tagged in the houses-list (~9) now, via h 5, for easier management which house contains what.
  • Character sheet now also shows boosted to-hit/to-dam and infra-vision as well as ac and bpr in light blue colour. A glitch in ac display has been fixed.
  • Character sheet correctly shows +LUCK from cloaks.
  • Option 'alert_offpanel_dam' is now on by default (was off).
  • Option 'easy_disarm_montraps' added, same as /edmt command.
  • In =f pressing l now lists all available font names.
  • X11 clients can now auto-detect installed PCF fonts in =f too (eg Tangar's Linux fonts).
  • Fonts in =f are now sorted by size (first width, then height).
  • New optional file for X11 clients in 'xtra' folder: 'fonts-x11-menuscan.txt': If this file exists it may contain a line starting on 'REGEXP=' that defines the regular expression used to autodetect installed fonts.
  • Temporary base/poison/mana-resistance and full-esp indicators in main window on the left when in big_map mode (thanks EvgenijK and Jezek).
  • Custom auto-inscriptions now has 5 pages a 20 inscriptions.
  • Experimental: Brighter rain colouring during day than night.
  • The art spoiler ~6 now shows activation details.
  • GCU-client will disable palette_animation and set disable_lightning instead of crashing.
  • In stores, 'c' command is now shown as an option like any other store command.
  • Description how to install fonts on linux has been fixed/improved.
  • Added (6.2b) Demolition charges, contains all recipes and more.
  • Added (7.3a) When you are stuck.
  • Slang: Added 'Ironman'.
  • REFLECT (player) vs REFLECTING (monster) cleaned up.
  • Correctly explain how Martial Arts special moves are rolled.
  • Added tip to guide under '/dis' how to keep {good} items too.
For server changes see ... 6997#p6997
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side updates in 4.8.0:
  • Added /cver (4.7.4a).
  • Improved drawing performance.
  • Macros: Added \Wxxxx which waits for a 4-digit number of deciseconds (eg \W0001 = 0.1s).
  • Macro wizard: WoR also offers manual destination input (4.7.4a). Common commands now also offers 'throw {bad} items', especially for use with unknown potions.
  • Various new music events available (for custom or future music packs): ghost, wilderness_spring/summer/autumn/winter_day/night, specialunique_slain, Nazgul_slain, all_Nazgul_slain, tomb_insanity.
  • Client message scrollback: Tap CTRL+K twice to extract an URL from bottom-most message and copy it to the OS clipboard.
  • CTRL+L clipboard pasting inserts at current cursor position instead of replacing the chat input.
  • Character creation process: Pressing '?' key during various steps invokes the guide at the relevant chapter for that step.
  • Copying to clipboard and pasting to chat correctly handles multiline messages now.
  • All private notes you receive via /note command will be stored in a file notes-<accountname>.txt in your tomenet user folder.
  • Specifying minimum level in "monsters killed/learnt" list now works correctly.
  • Guide chapter search further improved, more keywords/abbreviations recognized.
  • Guide search minor detail: 'am' expands to 'anti-magic'.
  • Guide bookmarks can now be accessed via chat command "/? <letter>" eg "/? a" for the first bookmark (a).
  • '[' key now has a default macro to "repeat last chat input".
  • New option 'equip_text_colour' to display equipment indices/weights in yellow instead of white.
  • Added slash commands to set client options: /opt[v](y|n|t) <option name>, eg /optvt big_map
  • (EvgenijK) Monster lore: Display monster symbol with currently selected font.
  • Pasting items from stores while blacklisted indicates the increases price by colouring.
  • Store-pasting / power-inscribing handbooks or custom books now lists their spells too.
  • Auto-inscriptions: '!' prefix replaced by 'f' key toggle. Regexps can be specified via leading '$'.
  • Auto-inscriptions: Match lenght increased, tag length decreased. Fixed loading, especially files with Windows-style linebreaks. Empty inscriptions are not applied anymore (for auto-pickup-only entries). Navigational keys PgUp/PgDn/Home/End are now supported.
  • Auto-inscriptions: Increased amount to 200, allow regexp matches (prefix match with a $ to enable).
  • Commandline client: Fixed remaining palette-animation crashes.
  • Screenshotting: After taking a screenshot, pressing ~ twice (knowledge menu -> ~) will convert the last xhtml-screenshot to a PNG image file. This function utilizes an installed browser, either Chromium, Chrome or Firefox (in headless mode, aka it doesn't show up but just renders the PNG file in the background unnoticably). This will not work if you have none of these web browsers installed.
  • Since some 2020 update of mingw-gcc (the cross-compiler which we too use to create the Windows client from within pure Linux development environments), mingw-gcc would create executables that trigger false positive warnings from Windows Defender and other virus scanners (even a simple 'Hello World' program would trigger these). This was true for the test clients released meanwhile, but is hopefully alleviated now in this release by choosing better compilation parameters.
  • Initial big-map (double screen size) setting should now be correctly remembered and applied.
  • X11 client should correctly restore window positions even when using devilspie to undecorate windows.
  • "Subinventories" added (read the new (3.4) chapter!): Alchemy satchel to store chemicals for Demolitionist perk, trap kit bag to store monster trap kits, antistatic wrapping for non-directional magic devices (all staves, some rods), emptied chests to store a few items. Only one of each bag type can be used at any time. Items picked up that fit into a subinventory container are moved into it automatically. To use items in subinventories, it's best to use call-item-by-name, which is what the macro wizard actually does.
  • The ~ menu (knowledge) can now also be invoked by typing the client-side command "/know" in chat.
  • The "100% off" auto-tag has been changed to say "unsalable".
  • In screens that provide any information and are scrollable, such as @ list or uniques-slain list, a text search can now be performed with s/d/D (search/next/previous).
  • Temporary stat boosts are now marked (light blue) in C screen/term window too.
  • On the character sheet (SHIFT+C) you can press up/down and "?" key to invoke the guide on various stats and details of your character.
  • In the skill screen (SHIFT+G) you can press "?" key to invoke the guide with information on the currently selected skill.
  • Hitting max attainable level, experience points or gold will indicate this in the main window or C screen accordingly, for example in special colour or with special symbols.
  • exp_bar and exp_need options are now both on the same options page (2).
  • Added sandstorms for desert terrain, replacing rain for those.
  • Grave stone centers correctly when displaying a large number of exp.
  • Players can now drop up to 2E9 gold at once, and specify the 'G' (or -for QoL- 'g') in amount requests which stands for 1E9 (in addition to the usual k/K for 1E3 and M/m for 1E6). As always it can be prefixed too, eg G150 for 150 million Au.
  • Rod activation behaviour for multiple stacks/rods has been fixed to work properly as expected.
  • Monster lore: Searchable by level range via '$' key in ~7, type in "$020-030" for example.
  • Knowledge menu order modified a bit: Inserted 'Recent Deaths' list at ~d.
  • Linking problem(66)+solution by Tokariew on Fedora when crosscompiling added to the guide.
  • pcf Font installation path difference on Fedora resolved by Tokariew, added to the guide (2.5a).
  • (EvgenijK/CBlue) Items that obviously won't disclose anything by *identify* (for example items with such ego powers that cannot spawn any randomized mods) will no longer be selectable when invoking *Identify* (includes shop services).
  • In message scrollback screens (CTRL+O/P) searching/marking with / and = key works now. Note that the search is reverse, starting from the bottom-most line displayed and going upwards to older lines.
For server-side changes see ... 7223#p7223
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Small ninja-update to restore total inventory weight display in "i" screen, just use the "update game client" button in the tomenet-updater to fetch this if you have already installed 4.8.0:
  • Show total inventory weight in 'i' screen again at the top.
  • "a" in the guide screen marks search results on current page.
  • Can always hit "?" on "Body:" line even if it's the normal "Player" form.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
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Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Another small ninja-update to fix \Wnnnn macros, correctly using 4 digits, and no longer colliding with CTRL+Z key (which is important in roguelike key set). Just use the "update game client" button in the tomenet-updater to fetch this if you have already installed 4.8.0:
  • Fixed \Wnnnn macros, now correctly using 4 digits.
  • CTRL+Z key no longer collides with \Wnnnn.
  • Tombstone screen music correctly falls back from tomb_insanity to tomb.
  • Guide search: Added 'A' that works like 'a' but allows entering a new string to mark.
  • Macros no longer get disabled in in-game guide screen.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

And another one:
Draconian breath element-picker menu crashed. This has been fixed.
Also, a glitch has been fixed that preventing unstowing items after index a) if your inventory was near-empty.
Either use the tomenet-updater or just download the 3MB zip and overwrite your TomeNET.exe file, done.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

The 4.9.0 client migrated from SDL 1.2 to 2. Note that you need at least SDL2_mixer version 2.6 if you compile it yourself
4.9.0 client changes:
  • Graphics tiles support, finally, thanks to jEzEk, including support for two tile masks:
    Foreground mask determines which pixels are drawn in 'attr' colour (aka colour attribute of the tile, eg monster colour): These are masked by magenta (#ff00ff).
    Background mask determines which pixels are drawn at all: These are masked by black (#000000) or magenta (#ff00ff).
  • Lots of X11/Win/GCU client related internal improvements and fixes by jEzEk, you can now toggle subwindow visibility without having to restart the client. Also the big_map option will not bug out on client startup anymore.
  • Client now shows live ping times to all listed servers in the meta server list on startup.
  • Meta server list is auto-refreshed every 9 s.
  • Lots of guide improvements/additions and guide-search improvements (interpretations). Allow uppercase search for terms starting on '*' eg '*REMOV'.
    Guide search shortcuts for '/?' command or 'c' (chapter search) can be viewed here, ripped from the code: ... rtcuts.txt
  • Someone reported not being able to use the in-game guide. Extensive error messages have been added to the guide-loading process, please report them to us.
  • Default macros added to F2-F7 (q1/q2/q3,r1/r2/r3), F11 (throw {bad} item) and F12 ("/1" with optional targetting, for magic devices found).
  • Quick'n'dirty macroing fixed for some instances that were not creating the correct macro (mimicry).
  • Macro wizard: A glitch with %zg was fixed. Added %zm 'use item [targetted]' ("\e)*t/1-"). Allow chatting from anywhere.
  • In skill chart (G) it's now possible to search for a skill's name with 's' or '/' key.
  • Chat input history: Searching with CTRL+R visuals fixed. Added '*' wildcard support (eg "h*w*4" finds "oh wow, got 4 arts").
  • Chat input history: Searching with CTRL+R now also allows CTRL+F to go back to previous search result.
  • Chat input history: While searching, CTRL+P/N are now working correctly.
  • Message history (CTRL+O and CTRL+P): Searching with / fixed, also offers searching with 'r' for regular expressions.
  • Jukebox (=N): Added 4/6 (left/right) to skip in 10s steps; also display current playtime; added 's' to search for a song name; added 'c' to jump to currently playing song; ENTER plays song even if mixer toggles are currently off, up/down to adjust volume in steps of 10%.
  • Audio mixing now covers a wider range in the low volume area (1..128 total volume scale instead of previously 13..128) and is finer scaled.
  • Sounds and music in =n and =N: Allow setting custom volume per sfx/music with 'v' key in percent, up to 200%.
  • Chh screen (character sheet -> flags/stats table) now offers 'v' for to toggle horizontal view, emphasizing which abilities each item (or player) possesses.
  • Hunger states renamed: 'Starved' instead of 'weak'.
  • The tombstone screen sometimes has weather effects.
  • Fixed a visual weather glitch.
  • The 'Blind' status indicator now also displays 'Hallu' when hallucinating. Blindness state takes priority though.
  • Added client option 'colourize_bignum' in = 3 to make long gold and experience point numbers more easily readable.
  • Added fighting technique 'Throw Dirt' to temporarily blind a target (rogues, adventurers, runemasters).
  • Colour changes in =c become active immediately.
  • Character sheet resistances and abilities (Chh) is now also attached in character dumps.
  • stack_allow_wands option renamed to stack_allow_devices.
  • New option 'positional_audio' causes most (non-combat) sfx to be played panned to their x-position relative to the player.
  • Added options 'clone_to_stdout' and 'clone_to_file' that clone all messages + chat for evaluation purposes.
  • Some wall visuals with font_map_solid_walls fixed for non-X11-/non-windows-clients.
  • In knowledge menu, new point "Spoiler files" (~l). Allows browsing/searching the *_info.txt game data files.
  • In knowledge menu, new point "Edit current config" (~C). Launches default editor with currently used tomenet config file.
  • Added option 'equip_text_colour' which displays equipment slot indices in yellow instead of white.
  • Added option 'equip_set_colour' which displays equipment slot indices in colours depending on if they grant a set bonus (equal artifact names, for luck).
  • The Unique Monsters list in ~3 now allows choosing: All / alive-only / bosses only (include Nazgul). You can jump to your highest-level slain unique with '!' key.
  • Opening the player store search with ~P or the tomenet website with ~W will automatically switch to your current server info (EU vs APAC).
  • Guide searches via /? command will automatically search for more plain results if no chapter/topic was found.
  • The wilderness map (~0) now allows scrolling with directional keys.
  • Now supports season-dependant town music, for the four seasons (day and night each). If defined it overrides basic day/night town music.
  • Now supports terrain-specific (worldmap sector type) day/night music. If defined it overrides season-specific wilderness music (support for which was added in 2021).
  • New audio options 'play_all' (loops over all available songs in each music event) and 'first_song' (always plays the first song entry of a music event first, if several are available) added.
  • Taking a screenshot with CTRL+T will in some cases auto-crop it to the appropriate size, eg when in item-inspection screen (for better distribution on Discord etc).
  • /dress and /bed added to macro wizard, as their functionality has been improved (see server changes).
  • Added a new chapter (6) about monsters to the guide, moving previous chapters 6 to 8 down one to become 7 to 9; rearranged some chapters.
  • The guide has become too big (25000 lines+) to be processed by older clients. This may result in 'Bad socket filedescriptor' when trying to log in with a character. A client update is therefore required or you'd have to delete the TomeNET-Guide.txt file or replace it with an older, shorter version (less than 25000 lines).
  • The PDF versions of the guide now have page numbers and better formatting; a DIN A5 sized version was added (half page size of DIN A4).
  • Based on Virus' idea, 3 options have been added: mp_huge_bar, sn_huge_bar, hp_huge_bar to display huge tracking bars for mana pool, sanity or hit points. These are only visible in big_map (double-sized main window) mode.
  • The '-P' command-line option to change the lib folder location arbitrarily now works again.
  • A lot of information lists (in knowledge menu and message history for example) can be searched now with 's' or for regexps with 'r'.
Again thanks to all contributions on github: ... s%3Aclosed

For a list of server-side changes see ... 7488#p7488
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.9.0a maintenance release:
  • Guide searching buffer overflow fixed; guide searching improved/fixed some collisions and bad results. Guide updated too, accordingly.
  • lcrypt no longer needed to build the client.
  • sound.cfg/music.cfg syntax more flexible regarding whitespaces.
  • Server port fixed for when pressing Q in the meta server list.
  • Visual glitch fixed resulting in wrongly cleared screen when perusing info screens.
  • Visual glitch fixed when leaving the mini map too quickly.
  • WinXP visual glitch fixed that resulted in blank the meta server list.
  • WinXP visual glitch fixed that resulted in missing pings in the meta server list.
  • Rare Win 10 LUA bug fixed that gave a lua error on first time client startup, preventing the meta list from showing up.
  • Visual glitch fixed with top-line messages containing colour codes.
  • Option 'flash_player2' added for short-range teleports (phase/blink), also accessible via /flash command.
  • Jukebox 'c' fixed (jump to 'c'urrent song).
  • Font mapping bug fixed that required players to re-load custom fonts manually once after login, to actually display them instead of the default fonts.
  • Pressing | shortcut key for viewing the unique monster list no longer asks for further specifics (such as ~3 does) but just displays the standard type of list (as it used to do).
  • Fixed a display glitch in subinventory (special bags) when logging between characters, that left 'ghost' items in there that didn't really exist on the other character.
  • Weather-based lightning flashes no longer flash text/UI elements but only the actual game map.
For a list of server-side changes, see ... 7506#p7506

This maintenance release doesn't update anything regarding sound or music packs over 4.9.0, so if you already had 4.9.0 with everything up to date then you only need to update the client binary (the client executable file) and the guide. You can do this easily with the TomeNET-Updater, or manually by grabbing the 5-6MB downloads, for example.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.9.0b maintenance release:
  • Excess character from very long item names cleared in inventory/equipment window.
  • big_map removed from options. Instead it is now a client-global toggle at = b that is account- and character-agnostic and is only saved in the currently used .ini (Windows) or .rc (POSIX) TomeNET config file. This will remove the current confusion around .opt files regarding big_map.
  • Manual screen resizing of the main screen window via mouse-dragging now snaps intuitively/correctly to allowed window sizes, toggling big_map accordingly.
  • POSIX client options -i and -f clarified, fixed and improved.
  • (Windows) Font switching in Windows in = f via - and + keys fixed.
  • Guide chapter search improved: 'macro' or 'macros' now leads to chapter 3.6 about basic macro creation, and some other improvements.
  • Guide /? command allows searching for all main screen UI elements.
For a list of server-side changes, see ... 7508#p7508

This maintenance release doesn't update anything regarding sound or music packs over 4.9.0(a), so if you already had 4.9.0(a) with everything up to date then you only need to update the client binary (the client executable file) and the guide. You can do this easily with the TomeNET-Updater, or manually by grabbing the 5-6MB downloads, for example.
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