I've gotten a Windows server set up on my local LAN, and while the basic config files are easy enough to parse thanks to the comments, I'm not familiar enough with things like the Ego Items or Monster syntax to feel comfortable editing those.
Is there a helpfile or tutorial someone can point me to, so that I can do basic things like change what can destroy a spellbook, or the rarity of certain monster egos?
How to understand the config files?
Re: How to understand the config files?
There is practically no admin doc except for code/data file comments.
Item flags that grant protection from destruction by elemental attacks are IGNORE_xxx (where xxx is the actual element), look in src/common/defines.h for these, for example. ALL flags are actually defined in this file. In general, not all flags can be used in all *_info.txt files, but for IGNORE_ flags you can add these in both, k_info.txt (base items) and e_info.txt (item ego powers).
*_info.txt files mostly have an explanation at the beginning or the end, where each line type in the form "X:..:..:..." is listed with the meaning of each parameter.
As for rarity, in general "W:" lines contain rarity, for monsters or artifacts, while A: lines contain rarity for basic items, in k_info, where W-rarity is always 0 there - it's a bit confusing maybe.
Usually the rarity is 1/n for the W-line value n (same for A-lines for base items), with the exception that "0" means "doesn't get generated at all" (these items/monsters can sometimes be spawned in special circumstances such as events, deeds for winning an event, or maybe are just for admins to test stuff). So 1 is always most common and any higher value reduces rarity.
If you edit re_info.txt (monster ego powers), for example N:1:Skeleton has "W:+5:13:..." so the rarity is 13. This does not mean that 1 of 13 monsters of any fitting type is a skeleton, there are other factors. But it does mean that if all of the other factors pass, there will be a roll of 0..12 (rarity minus one, basically) and if it isn't 0 then the ego will NOT be generated, ie a 1 in 13 chance to succeed. So if you want skeleton egos to become twice as rare, increase 13 to 26, making it a 1 in 26 chance to roll this ego.
Item flags that grant protection from destruction by elemental attacks are IGNORE_xxx (where xxx is the actual element), look in src/common/defines.h for these, for example. ALL flags are actually defined in this file. In general, not all flags can be used in all *_info.txt files, but for IGNORE_ flags you can add these in both, k_info.txt (base items) and e_info.txt (item ego powers).
*_info.txt files mostly have an explanation at the beginning or the end, where each line type in the form "X:..:..:..." is listed with the meaning of each parameter.
As for rarity, in general "W:" lines contain rarity, for monsters or artifacts, while A: lines contain rarity for basic items, in k_info, where W-rarity is always 0 there - it's a bit confusing maybe.
Usually the rarity is 1/n for the W-line value n (same for A-lines for base items), with the exception that "0" means "doesn't get generated at all" (these items/monsters can sometimes be spawned in special circumstances such as events, deeds for winning an event, or maybe are just for admins to test stuff). So 1 is always most common and any higher value reduces rarity.
If you edit re_info.txt (monster ego powers), for example N:1:Skeleton has "W:+5:13:..." so the rarity is 13. This does not mean that 1 of 13 monsters of any fitting type is a skeleton, there are other factors. But it does mean that if all of the other factors pass, there will be a roll of 0..12 (rarity minus one, basically) and if it isn't 0 then the ego will NOT be generated, ie a 1 in 13 chance to succeed. So if you want skeleton egos to become twice as rare, increase 13 to 26, making it a 1 in 26 chance to roll this ego.
Re: How to understand the config files?
Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for