I am a newb to TomeNet, but not original Tome - played so many hours, but it's been a decade or so.
I understand the implications of realtime make team based play possible - but for now I just want to casually explore, without the panic of what key does what in a dungeon fight as I refamiliarise myself.
Is there a way to opt out for now, play turn based?
If real-time is the only option, is there a way to slow it?
NewB question - real-time
Re: NewB question - real-time
in PWMAngband or Tangaria you could start server locally and setup there "1 fps" option - and game will become turn-based. Not sure, is it possible in TomeNET
Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
Re: NewB question - real-time
I would advice against trying to play as turn based to familiarise with game… You will learn wrong habits having ability to press multiple keys in single turn…
Most of commands in real-time you want to execute as macros, to not waste time… Nowadays you have excellent macro wizard so you can prepare your macros pretty quickly for various common actions. So somewhat it reduce your time to learn "keys", because you can setup it yourself.
You can spend safely time in Training Tower to learn basic, before you became somewhat comfy with realtime.
and after that you can go to Borrow Downs, which is still somewhat safe at low levels…
Setting up your own server is probably not worth it, because item like jewellery, scrolls, magic device between your server and official one, will have different names, which can be somewhat confusing.
Dungeons will have different location too…
As one of first classes to try i will recommend druid… It have nearly all base mechanics, so you can learn a lot playing it…
If you become comfy, i recommend trying Dungeon Keeper event with new characters… nice rewards from escaping from labirynth/maze
Most of commands in real-time you want to execute as macros, to not waste time… Nowadays you have excellent macro wizard so you can prepare your macros pretty quickly for various common actions. So somewhat it reduce your time to learn "keys", because you can setup it yourself.
You can spend safely time in Training Tower to learn basic, before you became somewhat comfy with realtime.
and after that you can go to Borrow Downs, which is still somewhat safe at low levels…
Setting up your own server is probably not worth it, because item like jewellery, scrolls, magic device between your server and official one, will have different names, which can be somewhat confusing.
Dungeons will have different location too…
As one of first classes to try i will recommend druid… It have nearly all base mechanics, so you can learn a lot playing it…
If you become comfy, i recommend trying Dungeon Keeper event with new characters… nice rewards from escaping from labirynth/maze
Re: NewB question - real-time
I've added to Tangaria's FAQ:
Is it possible to play Tangaria offline?
Just run the server locally:
1) download latest package at https://tangaria.com/download/
2) (optional) in case if you want to play not in real-time, but in turn-based mode, edit mangband.cfg:
3) edit mangclient.ini:
4) run server: mangband.exe
5) run client: mangclient_sdl.exe
Is it possible to play Tangaria offline?
Just run the server locally:
1) download latest package at https://tangaria.com/download/
2) (optional) in case if you want to play not in real-time, but in turn-based mode, edit mangband.cfg:
3) edit mangclient.ini:
4) run server: mangband.exe
5) run client: mangclient_sdl.exe
Tangar's tileset, addon, guides & maps: English TomeNET page ||||||| Russian TomeNet page
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz
http://youtube.com/GameGlaz — streams in English // http://youtube.com/StreamGuild — streams in Russian
My chars @ angband.oook.cz