Client updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.6.0:
  • Note that Avast/Trendmicro antivirus software may wrongly report the NSIS installer framework (, which the TomeNET installer package uses.
  • Fixed a glitch in the GCU-client that prevented changing any options.
  • 'always_show_lists' option is now enabled by default to help out newbies a bit. You might want to turn this off if you're not a newbie.
  • Current dungeon/town name is now displayed in C screen and in character dump files.
  • Monster lore shows correct limbs now regarding aquatic monsters with tentacles: Those cannot wear gloves.
  • Fixed the 'bell' sound effect used by option 'ring_bell' (options page 2).
  • Added 'n' and 'N' submenus in the options menu ('='). Those allow for disabling specific sound effects or music instead of having to edit sound.cfg and music.cfg files manually.
  • Fixed a glitch in the macro wizard that could break combat stance switching macros (thanks Tangar for discovering this).
  • Fixed a glitch with items in macros that use @.. inscriptions: The letter after the @ symbol is treated case-sensitively again (so @a1 is not the same as @A1, oops).
  • Hybrid macros cannot trigger in menus anymore that require letter/text input and hence would render the macro trigger keys unsuable there.
  • Some C-h-h screen attributes have been fixed/improved.
  • The \wXX special macro action that adds a delay now waits correctly instead of allowing server-side requests to pass by too early. Note: The delay will actually be cancelled if any input-prompt request from the server arrives early. So macros like w1\w05t1 will actually work now, and you just need to set the delay high enough that it's greater than your network latency. Setting it too high won't do much harm in cases that wait for a server prompt (ie 'which item?' type of request) since as aforementioned the delay is now cancelled early as soon as the server's prompt-request arrives.
  • 'safe_macros' option now also results in automatically cancelling pending item prompts if an item isn't found. (Eg \e)q1 will not terminate with a 'Quaff which potion?' prompt still being up in case you do have potions but none of them is inscribed @q1.)
  • Macro menu: 'd' to delete a macro now correctly restores a key's predefined default behaviour.
  • Macro menu: 'W' and 'w' were replaced by new features 'I', 'G', 'C', 'B', 'U', 'A', which will wipe and reload your macros while skipping certain prf files.
  • Macro menu: 'p' pastes the currently displayed macro action into chat.
  • hilite_chat and hibeep_chat options no longer trigger if our 'name' is just part of a larger word, eg: "Heya" won't trigger it for player 'Eya' anymore.
  • Macro menu, suggested by Lightman: '/' command (use any item) added to macro wizard (under 'k' with target and 'K' without. Note that 'k' will actually work with items that don't use a target just as fine, so you could just use 'k' for everything here).
  • Lightman's contribution: Added the capabilities of enabling graphics (graphical fonts) (experimental).
  • Lightman's contribution: Added a 'minimap' window flag in = w (experimental, doesn't support big_map mode).
  • The CTRL+O scrollback buffer for important messages is now a dedicated buffer separate from the generic chat buffer. This just means that it won't suffer from combat message spam, pushing out the more interesting messages anymore.
  • Reduced bell sound volume (the one from option 'ring_bell').
For server-side changes see ... 2055#p2055
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.6.1:
  • After testing a key for a macro ('t' key), you can press 'a' to modify the existing macro action that is now displayed if that key had a macro. To do so, press CTRL+e first thing after pressing 'a', then the macro action becomes editable with the usual text edit keys. This actually works for all sorts of text input prompts, not just in the macro menu.
  • CTRL+e now correctly deletes a word.
  • exp_bar option is enabled by default.
  • If song files of different music events are identical (ie same file path, same file), don't fade out/in but keep playing the file continuously, as suggested by Goobernut.
  • The 'set up a monster trap' option ('H') in the macro wizard works correctly again.
  • =n and =N keys to disable certain sound effects or music now work correctly, at least on a Windows 7 test box and on Wine.
  • Artifact lore improved: Flag highlighting expanded and item symbol is now visible.
  • The Windows client now automatically remembers the account crecedentials you entered if your login was successful. To erase the saved crecedentials again, simply enter empty crecedentials.
  • The key to quit the game is now CTRL+q instead of CTRL+x.
  • A 'reply to private chat' macro is now set to the ',' (comma) key by default.
  • New sound effects added: A gong on event start, fanfare on success, crash on failure. An little pop when a monster suicide-explodes (fireworks reused). Anti-magic field disrupting a spell cast attempt (can be disabled in the audio options). A 'swooshy' summon sound effect, remotely similar to the teleportation sfx. Flashbomb noise.
  • Enter '@' symbol in ~2 (monster list) to display all learned forms (for Mimicry-users).
  • Added missing '%' reincarnation option in two steps of the character creation process.
  • Music pieces have been swapped in the official music pack: Paths of the Dead theme was replaced with the Forcedown/hellish theme, which was replaced with the Ironman theme, which was replaced with the original Paths of the Dead theme.
For server-side changes see ... 2308#p2308
C. Blue
Posts: 412
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Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in 4.6.1a:
  • CTRL+G (roguelike: CTRL+Z) now picks up just 1 item from a pile of same type of stacked items.
  • safe_macros option now also works with mimic powers.
  • Ocean Soul and Soul Reaver now show up correctly in ~6.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
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Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client-side changes in v4.7.0:
  • (4.6.1a) CTRL+G (CTRL+Z rogue-like) picks up exactly one item off a stack (eg use when you want to pick up one *rc* scroll from a stack of those in your house).
  • (4.6.1a) 'safe_macros' option works with mimic powers now.
  • Windows 7 and higher cause file access trouble when the client tries to write userdata to the folder where TomeNET is installed. Instead, user data needs to be in the system-specific user home folder (usually "C:\users"). Because of that, on first launch the Windows client now copies the lib/scpt and lib/user folder to the user's home path and then uses that copy instead. If you use an older Windows version and/or know what you are doing, you can edit TomeNET.ini config file and set "DontMoveUser" option to "1" before actually launching the client to prevent this behaviour.
  • After leaving the game or failing to create a character (for example because the name was already taken) the client doesn't terminate but brings you back to the account screen instead. You can quit with CTRL+Q, this also works in account screen. When the client asks you if you want to save chat log, you can also press CTRL+Q (instead of ESC or 'n'), so you can effectively return to account screen by tapping CTRL+Q twice.
  • The C-h-h screen has been updated and is not backward compatible, so it will not be displayed correctly on older clients. Antimagic field % is displayed as 1/10 instead of 1/5.
  • Mimicry: Setting/checking/clearing 'preferred immunity' no longer works with older clients.
  • Fixed some artifacts not being displayed in ~6.
  • Options can be toggled directly by pressing shift+letter (starting from 'A' for the top-most option) instead of having to navigate to select the desired option.
  • The equipment screen also displays armour weight without counting your shield, useful for calculating your armour weight limit regarding mana-pool-reducing encumberment.
  • For first time users, some odd character creation choices are not displayed (fruit bat, pvp-mode..) for the first character they create. They can still be picked though if the player presses the correct key. :p
  • Polymorph into: Enter -1 to polymorph back into the previously used form.
  • Recharge duration of activatable items is now properly reduced by player's magic device skill.
  • It's now possible to use consumables and activate non-directional magic devices while fire-till-kill is ongoing without cancelling it.
  • If a macro for using a magic device finds an item that is currently charging it will continue to look for another, non-charging match (for rods distributed over multiple inventory slots).
  • Rods and activatable items will now recharge everywhere, not just in player inventory (rods) or equipment (activatable items).
  • The .tomenetrc config file for X11/GCU clients and the TomeNET.ini config file for Windows clients now support CSS-style colour remapping, colour indices range from 0 to 15. X11/GCU example line for the first colour (index 0) aka black: "colormap_0 #000000". Windows example line for that colour: "Colormap_0=#000000". The first 2 digits designate red, the 2 middle ones green and the last 2 digits blue. The numbers must be specified in hexadecimal format and range from 00 to ff.
  • Lua script file updates have been greatly accelerated.
  • Login and character screen as well as character creation screens have some ascii-art animation. Login screen has music with the usual music pack.
  • Lots of new dedicated music supported that can be used by custom music packs. Including login screen, account screen, tombstone screen, the two IDDC towns, in-game events, taverns, seasonal events, sickbay and winner (defeated Morgoth) music.
  • Artifact lore (~6) now shows levels.
  • Two new rogue techniques: 'Perceive Noise' is a monster detection ability. 'Apply Poison' temporarily brands your weapons with poison, you need to have a potion of poison in your inventory to do this.
  • New ranger technique: 'Track Animals' is an animal detection ability.
  • Correctly list limbs in monster lore (~7).
  • Fixed a glitch that prevented some monsters from being list in monster lore (~7).
  • When you are waiting for another character of yours to time out (not logged out in town area), the client will display the remaining waiting time when you try to log in too early.
  • Buffed tombstone screen. Make it one of your favourites!
  • It's possible to take a screenshot (CTRL+T) in the account screen.
  • Spell levels below 1 (ie of unusable spells) are now displayed properly when browsing books.
  • Song/sample amount per event in music.cfg and sound.cfg has been increased from 3 and 8 respectively to 32 for both.
  • New option 'topline_no_msg': Incoming messages will not be displayed in the main screen top line but only in the according message window(s).
  • New option 'shuffle_music': When enabled music will not be auto-looped but switch to a different song if available once the current song ends. Since each music event in music.cfg can have multiple songs this allows for some variation even if we're just hanging around on the same floor all the time.
  • New option 'permawalls_shade': This will display permanent walls in a more distinguishable colour than bright white.
  • New option 'targetinfo_msg': All targetting/looking feedback messages are displayed in message window too instead of just in the main screen's top line.
  • New option 'live_timeouts': Redraw timeouts of items on every tick.
  • New option 'flash_insane': Flashes your player icon on the map in the same colours as your sanity stat when you're turning 'insane' or 'mad'.
  • Macro wizard: When prompting for you to enter a direction you can also use the number keys of the numpad.
  • Macro wizard: Add 'prompt for direction' to targetting methods.
  • Macro wizard: When chaining macros, automatically suggest inserting a delay (\wNN) when the previous command probably requires one for the subsequent command to work.
  • The macro wizard and quick'n'dirty macroing will now create command macros for CTRL+A trigger key and warn for manual assignment to other trigger types, since that key can cause glitches, opening random, unwanted menus instead due to the way CTRL+A is internally handled by the keyboard input layer.
  • Client stores account crecedentials in its config file after first time successful login, allowing for easy auto-login the next time it's fired up.
  • Client message history remembers twice as many messages now.
  • Doubled message history displayed in character dumps (last 100 instead of last 50 lines).
  • Fixed and improved sound/music toggling in =n and =N respectively.
  • The 'BpR' indicator on the bottom of the main screen will now also indicate 'Wraith' status when under wraithform effect.
  • Fixed a glitch on initializing 'big_map' mode (screen would change back to small size unwantedly).
  • New feature: Access the TomeNET guide from within the client by pressing ~g. The 'c' chapter search supports different inputs: Specify a chapter number such as "1.3b" or enter a race name ("human"), class name ("rogue"), skill ("combat"), technique ("sprint"), magic school ("wizardry") or magic spell name ("fire ball"). (Not for Runespells or Mimic spells, lookup the corresponding chapter number instead.) You can also specify certain event names, try "dk", "hl"/"ht", "amc", "halloween", "xmas", "nye", "iddc" or "xo" (or write them out more properly if you wish - some partial search terms are recognized too).
  • When swapping ('x') weapons or rings, client checks equipped items to possibly pick the secondary slot over the primary one if the item in it carries the same @xN or @N inscription (N being a number from 0 to 9).
  • When swapping ('x') items with @xN or @N inscriptions or by item name, the client will try to use an alternative match instead of a match that seems to be very similar to the one equipped. (Example: You have a stack of 3 teleportation rings in your inventory and 1 protection ring, all inscribed @x0. Now you certainly don't want to replace the teleportation ring you're wearing with another one from the inventory, but with the protection ring instead.)
  • Option 'idle_starve_kick' is enabled by default again.
  • Option 'alert_offpanel_dam' will alert in all situations where you aren't looking at the actual game screen, for example when you're looking at the message history or are busy in some menu.
  • Better map location/dungeon names displayed in some screens.
  • Client no longer consumes an unusual amount CPU time for no apparent reason in specific situations.
  • The \wNN macro directive for inserting a delay is now prematurely ended when the server signals that it's okay to do so. Example: A macro wants to polymorph and then use a spell of the form we polymorphed into. So a delay must be added between polymorphing and spellcasting, until the server has finished polymorphing us and also sent us back the spell information of the target form. If we set a high delay such as \w10 aka 1 second, the server however sends us the spell list after just 50 ms, the client will recognize this and cancel the delay, allowing us to act again without having to wait in a frozen state for another 950ms.
  • 'rogue_like_commands' option: Fixed looking ('x') at specific grids ('p') - it uses x key now instead of l.
  • The 'Locate' and 'Map' command can be exited not just with ESC but also by pressing 'L' ('W' for rogue-like) and 'M' once more, respectively.
  • New feature: Commands that prompt for item will now suggest "+ for newest" if you just picked up an item. This option will disappear again once you drop or lose any item. Example: You pick up an item and it gets auto-identified. You decide you don't need it and press 'd' to drop it, client asks you which item, you press '+' key.
  • Chat mode: CTRL+T shortcut to switch to party chat has been changed to CTRL+Y, as CTRL+T takes a screenshot now.
  • Character dumps and xhtml screenshots have been fixed regarding font_map_solid_walls option and custom fonts.
  • 'hilite_player' option no longer works in its current state, since it was interfering with custom fonts and had to be disabled.
  • When switching the font of the main window (and on client initialization), the client wipes all previously loaded font mapping information and tries to auto-load a custom font mapping file named 'font-custom-FONTNAME.prf' from lib/user folder. If such a file doesn't exist, it falls back to try loading 'font-SYS.prf'. (SYS being your system type, 'win' for Windows, 'x11' for X11.) Example: You have a font lib/xtra/font/21X31L.FON, and add a custom font defintions file lib/user/font-custom-21X31L.prf. Now when you switch the main window font to 21X31L.FON the according font-custom-21X31L.prf file will be applied automatically. For details about custom fonts see the new guide chapter (2.5a).
  • X11 clients (Linux and OSX) now auto-scan the system's bitmap font folder for basic fonts to be used in =f menu. Also a file 'lib/xtra/fonts-x11.txt' is supported that allows the user to add further system fonts to be listed in the =f menu. This file supports commenting out lines with '#' character at the beginning of a line.
  • X11 clients support a user-edited file 'lib/xtra/fonts-x11.txt' where you can enter arbitrary names of your system fonts. These will then be available in the font config menu (=f).
  • Client will warn and ask for confirmation if you hit ESC in stat point distribution screen without having distributed all spare points yet.
  • The / key will now handle trap kits and runes correctly.
  • Annihilation damage caps at 1200, drain-life damage caps at 900 (returns 25% of damage as hit points, as usual).
  • C-h-h screen updated and reordered/regrouped, plasma resistance removed (as it no longer exists), vorpal weapon flag added again. Antimagic field calulation fixed (for dual-wielding especially).
  • Undocumented macro menu function: 'S' saves to global.prf.
Lightman, Tangar and Kimsoonsung made new fonts (.FON files in lib/xtra/font folder) for the Windows client:
Lightman and Tangar worked on the one ending on L and T, Kim on the one ending on K,KB,KS.
All of these are medium to large fonts.

For a list of server-side changes see ... 3520#p3520
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Client 4.7.0 has been hotfixed without a version increase.
To apply it, simply download the 1.9MB ZIP and overwrite existing files, the only file you really need to replace is the TomeNET.exe actually.
  • Client gives lua error (purple text after logging in) about "DETECTINVIS" spell when it was installed over an older version client instead of a fresh installation.
  • Chatting/(un)inscribing in the in-game guide browser breaks scrolling.
  • Possible to take screenshots in the in-game guide browser.
  • Ensure that inventory display is reset when switching characters.
C. Blue
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Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.0a released:
This is a hotfix needed for handling the new spells correctly.
It also includes all previous hotfixes and script updates of course (see previous posting).
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.0b client-side changes:
  • Updated the guide (added casino rules (4.5a2) and 'teleport resistance'), info files and spell files.
  • Macros on + and - keys are usually created as command macros.
  • Fixed guide search and improved chapter search. Cities, dungeons and the word 'Lineage' are now chapters too.
  • Improved 'newest item (+)' functionality to be available in most situations.
  • 'safe_macros' now also stops anything in 'm' menu (skill activations).
  • Macro menu (%) now offers 'w' to switch the macros of two keys with each other.
  • It's now possible to invoke chat/inscribe/uninscribe/inspect/drop/destroy command from within 'i' screen (inventory).
  • It's now possible to invoke chat/inscribe/uninscribe/inspect command from within 'e' screen (equipment).
  • The message of the day is no longer shown on every character switch, but only once on initial login.
  • Updated/added Tangar's custom fonts (Windows-client).
For a list of server-side changes see ... 3858#p3858
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.1 client-side changes:
  • Guide search (~gs) has been fixed. New: Shift+S resets the current search back to where we were before starting it.
  • Guide chapter search (~gc) has been fixed, improved and extended (try 'line', 'depth', 'boss', 'dung', 'stair' or 'typ', 'ma', any dungeon), can also search for chapter titles.
  • Artifact and Monster lore (~6 and ~7) highlighting improved.
  • This client correctly displays spell details for some Astral spells (update was required, or it'd just be blank).
  • Equipment overlay window no longer compacts in weird ways when live_timeouts option is enabled.
  • Client can now handle different spells with same name ('Fire Bolt' and 'Chaos Bolt' in Hereticism vs 'Fire Bolt' in Fire and 'Chaos Bolt' in Shadow/HOffense).
  • When taking an xhtml-screenshot the client will try to decode custom fonts. This may or may not work well depending on how the font is coded: If multiple feats are mapped onto the same symbol, the client will just pick the first one.
  • Entering a character name: ENTER on blank line will create a random name, ESC will cancel character creation.
  • Options 'last_words' readded, 'disturb_see' added.
  • It's now possible to destroy an item in your inventory while you're in a store.
  • 'alert_offpanel_dam' option modified: Client now doesn't issue warning beeps from life-drain effects (equipment that has life drain, or vampiric sunburn) anymore.
Sound pack updated:
  • Sound effect for throwing snowballs added.
  • Sound effect for new /applaud command added.
For server-side changes see ... 3969#p3969
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.1a client-side changes:

This is a client-only "maintenance release", so it's meant to just fix a couple of problems and bring some improvements, but not introduce any new features or such.
  • The TomeNET-Updater had a fourth button added for updating the guide.
  • 'safe_macros' option has been fixed for missing inventory items.
  • A macro glitch with 'safe_macros' option has been fixed, which would sometimes cause the player list screen (as if '@' key was pressed) to pop up.
  • Quick'n'dirty macros and the macro wizard quick'n'dirty now create all macros that are bound to normal letters (a-z and A-Z) or numbers (0-9) as command macros instead of hybrid macros. This is to ensure that all menus and submenus (eg inside "~") remain accessible.
  • Guide search (~gs) has been fixed, chapter search greatly improved, help screen added.
  • Guide updated with all spell tiers in complete detail.
  • Sound and music selection menus (=n and =N) improved. The music menu now has a jukebox, allowing to play any music of the installed music pack while within the menu.
  • Audio mixer: Up/down keys affect volume, not the on/off switch.
  • Improved formatting when pasting monster/artifact lore to chat. Highlight IM_PSI and IM_TELE too.
  • Runecraft pseudo-resistances for certain high elements labelled correctly.
  • Fixed Gimli boots not showing up in artifact lore.
  • Skill screen mentions '/undoskills' command.
  • 'm' menu has been renamed from 'Use a skill' to 'Use an ability'.
  • The death message 'Press '0' to continue' is no longer invisible when 'topline_no_msg' option is enabled.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Client updates

Post by C. Blue »

Test client users might notice that they cannot login or the client exhibits erroneous behaviour.
This is due to a protocol update that will be coming in the next release.
So for now, test client users need to update their test client to today's "release" of it, then everything should work ok again.

With today's test client version, in the game you might want to disable = 3 "palette_animation" if you are on Windows, as the Win client seems to have a flickering issue with this new feature (smooth day/night cycle lighting transition).
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