I want to play an unbeliever

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I want to play an unbeliever

Post by valuial »

ShenLong wrote:Lol, I've found the easiest way to not get summoned on is Anti-magic.... if 75% of spells are failing, then it gets much more simple. On the other hand, when you get used to not being summoned on you get lax and complacent. All-in-all, I like it when I kill powerful magic casting enemies and don't receive a scratch because of that favorite line of mine... "*****'s attempt to cast was blocked by your Anti-Magic Field."
I know. Unbeliever looks easy - pick any warrior, skill swords and antimagic...
But I like a few more details what skills and strategies go well. As you don't have any Wands/Staves how do you work ranged problems, which classes/Stats are important (Wil for the saves?). Go dual-wielding? Shields? 2-h weapons? Skill some archery? And so forth...
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Re: I want to play an unbeliever

Post by ShenLong »

Good luck on building your AM warrior. The skills I use are Combat, Swords, AM, and Sneak (extra are going into health). I've had an AM with necro before, and while it's very useful, it's really only good against pits of live mobs. A few good abilities you should have when playing AM is reflect and AM shell. Another good thing to do is get as many res's as possible. Currently Shen has all but water and is missing Acid and Fire Imm's. Your Darksword will of course be your most important piece of EQ, but truthfully they can be hard to find. However, if you make an EL AM warrior I do have a houses that have tons of Darkswords of every type. You'll be carrying alot of pots and scrolls. That being considered Str will be crucial towards your survival. Dex and Con will be your next, then Wis (saving throws). I carry Heals, Speed, Res, and Restore Life Levels pots at all times. The scrolls I use are Tele, Recall, ID, Magic Mapping, Trap Detection, Trap/Door Destruction, and Satisfy Hunger. Once you get to the point you need to kill the RW's you'll need a randie/true art weapon (try for a Darksword as they have a better chance of not being destroyed by them). Ranged attacks will be your main downfall, at least for my build. You'll need lots of speed to survive, and HP's. Try to get a very high AC and you should do fine.

Edited cus the keyboard on the laptop deleted some info while typing.
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