Borrowing ideas from Titan Quest/Immortal Throne

Ideas for cool stuff in the future.
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Borrowing ideas from Titan Quest/Immortal Throne

Post by LittleMe »

I picked up TQ and the IT expansion this year for real cheap and played it quite a bit. There are some good ideas in TQ that TomeNET might benefit from borrowing. The action-rpg's borrow from the roguelikes so returning the favor is only appropriate!

For example, the skills pages on this site have some good ideas. Click a skill on the left side and then select a skill from the right-hand column. Here are some examples:

Some of the skills would be nice to have in TomeNET for example:

* War horn - The triumphant call of your war horn temporarily stuns enemies.

* Shield smash - A shield fighting technique that inflicts damage with both the weapon and the shield.

* Battle standard - Throw down a mighty standard to emoblden the hearts of nearby allies.

(area effects for party play would rock!)

* Tumult - A Dual Wield technique that hits up to 3 adjacent enemies.

* Counter attack - Provides a chance to counter attack an enemy after being hit

There are several skill masteries in the game. Defense, Dream, Earth, Hunting, Nature, Rogue, Spirit, Storm, Warfare.

Another idea TomeNET could borrow:

* Armor sets

The game has a nice loot/eq system also. Definitely worth trying the game. Got the gold edition for $5 on steam a while back, and there are sales every now and then.
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