Server updates

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C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Changes in 4.5.7b (server-side):
  • Magic devices will now show their activation chance in examination screen.
  • Magic devices 'of plenty' now correctly display their activation chance and no longer a pointless 'may have hidden powers' notice.
  • Fixed possible rod recharging weirdness after they were used in device traps.
  • The EASY_USE flag for magic devices got its activation difficulty decrease reduced.
  • A few glitches have been fixed that could cause monsters to acquire odd high resistances (noticable if you played runemaster mostly) - thanks Tokariew for spotting this.
  • font_map_solid_walls option now works fine with X11 clients too.
  • Character world map positions should get remembered and displayed correctly in character overview screen now.
  • Solar Blades (and possibly very few other high-level monsters) no longer get stuck in shallow water grids.
  • Monsters' blink/teleport sound effect is no longer only audible by only one player but by all nearby players.
  • Some true artifacts were added (Bloodlust, Finwe, Dreadnought) or buffed (Soul Grip, Numenor). Mirror of Glory is now a shield instead of a body armour. Lebohaum now has an activation^^'.
  • Artifact traps had their weight adjusted (Merlion Karc's Demonbane had a silly weight).
  • True artifacts held by winners now time out at double speed.
  • Death Dragon Scale Mail no longer exists and was therefore replaced by Ethereal Dragon Scale Mail.
  • Rooms in Small Water Cave and Cloud Planes no longer have doors.
  • Frequency of artifact creation scrolls showing up in Expensive Black Market has been slightly increased once more.
  • A rare freeze bug concerning vampire bat movement on unusual terrain has been fixed.
  • Shields that obviously don't provide any magical abilities no longer need to be identified.
  • The '-' character now counts as delimiter in inscriptions, so "!k-doh" will no longer prevent you from 'd'ropping that item.
  • The '/who' command now tells you if you entered an account name instead of a character name.
  • Automatic changes to 'cursed'/'uncursed' item tags are now written properly.
  • Fixed an ancient glitch that results in "You cannot see" message when trying to cast a spell *right* after going upwards.
  • Guild creation is a noteworthy event now.
  • Various dragonkind were buffed slightly: Pseudo dragons (free action), Bronze (electricity resistance), Silver (acid resistance), Gold (fire resistance), Law (free action). These abilities were also added to Dragon Scale Mail and to Draconian lineages accordingly.
  • When inspecting a weapon, the number of blows/round is now coloured same as in the main screen's status bar.
  • Most summoning-type traps no longer have any effect in a no-summon dungeon (experimental dungeon at 26,14 - dungeon level 30..60). Trap of calling out still works.
  • Fixed a bug where monster traps could spawn (nothing)s or in turn random items. Note that monster traps now vanish after leaving them set up for about two hours.
  • Boomerang skill ratio has been increased for most classes.
  • Trap kits can now be generated for event rewards (if trapping skill is brought up to at least 3.000).
Magic mapping scrolls were added to Deep Supply store.

For client-side updates see ... 1860#p1860
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.5.8:
  • Traps can no longer summon monsters on NO_SUMMON floors (experimental dungeon only).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause monster traps to spawn 'nothings'.
  • Fixed a glitch that might cause some auto-retaliating while knocked out.
  • Some newbie hints added. Newbie hints now respect rogue-like key map.
  • Boomerang skill ratio increased for almost all classes.
  • Fixed a bug with tele-to that would increase a monster's chance to successfully teleport the player.
  • Spell descriptions of detection spells improved.
  • Level static time reduced from depth x 3 to depth x 2 minutes. Sauron's floor is special and only stays static for an hour now.
  • Correct messages when unable to fire a ranged weapon.
  • Some shading improvements for the corresponding 'view_..' client options.
  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause a server freeze when a player character is moving randomly.
  • Fixed memory leaks.
  • Arena Monster Challenge /evsign command will now parse the monster and ego type correctly.
  • A rare display glitch has been fixed that would claim that an item has an immunity when it actually hasn't.
  • Added more axe-type weapons and artifacts, renamed some, adjusted some weapon type rarities (axes are more common now).
  • Buffed Durin's axe, buffed weapon dice of some polearms and blunt weapons, modified some weapon dice, changed some 1.5h weapons to 2h.
  • Trapkits can now be event rewards if 'Trapping' skill has been trained.
  • The algorithm generating event rewards has been improved slightly and might spawn certain useful items that previously would not be generated.
  • Highlander tournament rewards can now go up to 150000 Au in value (dungeon keeper rewards stay limited to 100000 Au).
  • Fixed a glitch that could temporarily prevent teleportation scrolls being generated in the black markets.
  • Some items that don't have enchantments got EASY_KNOW flag added and cannot be cursed (some trap kits and shields).
  • Players logging in on a small dungeon level that was previously large should no longer have a good chance to get stuck in permanent walls.
  • The minimap should now display all stores, doors and jump gates with correct priority.
  • The luck bonus from artifact sets is now n * (n+1) / 2 instead of n * n.
  • Adjusted magic device skill again so that there are less large gaps between the classes and not so proficient classes have it a bit easier.
  • Fixed a crash glitch when inspecting flavoured items in player stores.
  • Magic devices that drain life now deal at least 1 point of damage.
  • Guild keys carried in your inventory are no longer destroyed on death.
  • Boomerangs no longer have a chance to get destroyed just from using them.
  • Randart boomerangs can no longer get +speed mod.
  • New monster ego types have been added, submitted by Lightman.
  • Experimental: Martial arts users can now wield boomerangs.
  • Ego power 'of Velocity' added for boomerangs, which gives an extra "shot", same as the 'of Extra Shots' ego power for other ranged weapons.
  • Flasks of oil can now be shared between character modes too.
The amount of vaults that are generated has been lowered a bit compared to non-IDDC dungeons.

For client-side changes see ... 1884#p1884
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

4.5.8a has been released, server-side changes are:
  • Newly added monster ego types tweaked a bit.
  • Using /note commands to players online will apply private-message-beep and ignore-list settings properly.
  • Rune prices halved.
  • Classes that don't have mana no longer receive low-mana-warnings if enabled.
  • Blank books can always be activated at 100% success chance.
  • Doomed Grounds spell has been buffed, rods of drain life do the same as wands, annihilation and hp return were slightly reduced.
  • 'of plenty' magic devices that naturally come with very few charges should more often come with noticable higher amount of charges than their non-ego counterparts.
  • Many more race/class combinations are choosable now (almost all except for some very contradictory ones).
  • Monsters can attack players that are inside dungeon stores in close combat too.
  • Event reward creation algorithm tweaked somewhat.
  • Event reward creation further tweaked in that if it generates a piece of armour that can provide a random high resistance, it will try to mostly generate one that fits your character. This is done in two ways: Runemasters get one that provides backlash-resistance to possible high elements they can conjure, however, if the character already has that resistane covered (eg Draconians) it will mostly not be generated.
  • Event reward creation will try to not create items with high resistances that we already possess (Draconian lineage).
  • Monsters' 'Drain Mana' ability buffed, low-level mobs using it should be somewhat more annoying now.
  • Rod of Healing buffed to max 400 heal, Curing rod/staff buffed by it clearing hallucinations too, Staff of Healing scales more with Magic Device skill.
  • Secret Black Market now offers rods more often, making it feasible to scum it for very powerful rods.
  • AI_ANNOY monsters will now attack in melee too (provided they actually have a melee attack) when cornered.
  • Half-Trolls (player race) get intrinsic HP regeneration flag now (same as the one acquired from items, so they don't stack).
  • Suiciding/retiring a character will now properly produce a '-death' or '-retirement' chardump file.
  • When a dungeon boss is killed, the unique kill message is displayed with light-umber coloured asterisks (stars), and the player getting credited receives a message about having conquered that particular dungeon.
  • No-ghost deaths are logged at level 40+ instead of 50+ to 'noteworthy occurances' (in the mayor's office).
  • Life/death potions also restore stamina.
  • Automatic death/victory character dumps now always display the player as an '@', for better visibility.
  • Detection staves/rods no longer produce an "absence" message that gives away their purpose even though they might not yet be known to the player.
  • Being undead halves drowning damage from water.
  • Inspecting ranged weapons could display wrong damage numbers, this has been fixed.
  • Teleportation has been improved for small levels. If he map has only few free grids, it should fail much less often now.
  • Terraforming from magic spells has been added/improved. Most notably, fiery and acidic attacks and their relatives can destroy more types of grids (eg spider webs). Ice walls should now be meltable with some effort.
  • Trueart mage staves had their weight corrected. A new one was added. Hellfire now activates for hellfire.
  • Mage staves no longer come with negative boni by default.
  • Activatable items that do not fall in the normal "magic devices" categories of wands, rods and staves, are much easier to activate now (eg elemental rings).
  • Object detection spells had their radius increased.
  • Normal character slots can be used for creating slot-exclusive mode characters now (eg you can create 9 IDDC-mode characters if you want to).
  • Mushrooms of disease/unhealth will no longer pseudo-id as 'good'.
  • Some axe types had their weight and base price adjusted.
  • Maia runemasters get x1.7 skill modifier now instead of 2.0.
  • The '/who' command has been expanded slightly, now showing race+class too.
  • Teleporting other players in town should no longer place them in deep water or lava where they could get hurt.
  • Martial arts shape changers should see more distinct changes in damage and greater damage boni for high-damage forms in general, depending on the monster form, much closer to what weapon-users get. Eg the damage bonus difference between Maulotaur and Jabberwock should be more noticable now and Jabberwock will give a greater damage bonus than before.
  • Angels do not "die" but are "destroyed".
  • Morgoth received missing resistances 'sound' and 'light' that his crown actually provides but he was lacking.
  • Very high level ego items, especially double-ego items, get their level toned down much more.
  • Sound, confusion, light and darkness damage inflicted on monsters that resist them results in somewhat higher inflicted damage now (about 1/3 on average instead of about 1/4).
  • Runespell damage for bolts and for certain high elements has been lowered.
  • Floor staticness tweaked. Even shallow floors should stay static for 2 minutes now, giving you time to relog on disconnect.
  • No more 'imminent danger' feelings.
  • Non-static dungeon towns (1k, 3k) get randomised every 24h together with the rest of the IDDC theme layout.
  • Logging back in to a (meanwhile changed) dungeon town will avoid starting on lava/water grids that may hurt you or your items.
  • (experimental) Dungeon bosses have a 100% spawn chance on eligible levels.
for client-side changes see here: ... 1930#p1930
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

4.5.9 released. Server-side changes:
  • Rune spell damage tweaked depending on spell/damage types.
  • Bloodletters of Khorne may not get summoned in packs anymore to prevent instant k.o. situations.
  • Reduced Mormegil weight.
  • Missing extra-might message for Crossbow skill of 37.500 added.
  • Trap kits generated as Dungeon Keeper rewards don't always turn out as 'Arrow' type anymore.
  • Lebohaum got resistance to confusion, sound and fear added.
  • /xorder command (/xo for short) will now display the remaining time too.
  • Some dragonrider types had their hit points slightly reduced to remain in line with great wyrms' hit points.
  • Account file format has been updated. Trailing spaces will be removed from account names now.
  • Characters that ghost-die have their name reserved for 24 hours for that player account to allow the player to reclaim it.
  • A bug that could crash Highlander Tournament event has been fixed.
  • (Admins only: Force-unstaticing a sector will no longer cause players to enter/leave a dungeon in that sector.)
  • Fixed glitches in char/attr-checks in the quest framework.
  • Fixed a bug crashing custom servers, that resulted from too small memory reservations for item arrays.
  • (Admins only: Evilmeta is no longer built since it's deprecated.)
  • (Admins only: Meta-server addresses have been modified to allow future migration of the meta server to a different hostname alias, but still pointing at the same IP.)
  • Events now get their final announcement 5 minutes instead of 4 minutes before they start.
  • Monster action messages (messages telling you that a monster is performing a certain special action) are now only displayed if the player actually has line of sight to the monster.
  • /convertexclusive command can now be used on characters that have more than 0 experience, if they are already in the IDDC.
  • PvP-mode characters may buy one house.
  • Race/class descriptive texts on character creation have been updated and fixed.
  • A glitch has been fixed that could crash the server on entering certain very long chat messages.
  • Boomerangs no longer get melee-only brands (those are the brands acquired from aura skills).
  • When you pick up an object from a pile, the next object you see below it will be displayed in dark grey if your character mode is incompatible to it and hence you can't pick it up.
  • Several classes had their Dodging skill ratio increased.
  • Martial arts users of level 15 or higher will only get a warning message once per login when equipping a weapon or shield instead of every time they wield it.
  • Traps, monster traps and runes are no longer affected by lighting/shading (view_lite_extra) to ensure they're always perfectly distinguishable by colour.
  • It is no longer possible to create account or character names that are extremely similar to an already existing account name.
  • A rare glitch has been fixed when inspecting un*identified* items that would not display the 'It may have hidden powers' message even though it should.
  • Option view_lite_extra will now light/shade some more additional grid types (that means wall/floor types).
  • Wall/floor lighting/shading has been polished some more. Also check out view_lite_extra option for lighting/shading overkill, maybe it's your cup of tea.
  • The !X inscription can now also be used on spell books. It is eligible for Identify, Greater Identify and Recognition. It does not work with Ancient Lore because that spell is a pure 'bag id' type of spell (technical reasons for now).
  • Missing item activation code and info has been added, magic device skill has much more influence on recharge times (especially of artifacts) now.
  • Added 2 more static potion flavours: Salt water is now always 'cloudy', chauve-souris always 'orange'.
  • Potions should now appear in a much more sorted fashion in inventory, for example the 4 grades of cure insanity potions.
  • Fountains of blood can no longer be accidentally generated as 'normal' (blue/white-coloured) fountains.
  • Vampires/Ents should always receive proper nourishment from blood/water fountains now.
  • Experimental: It's now possible to /fill bottles at fountains of blood.
  • Mindcrafter spell crystals are coloured yellow now (as item on the ground).
  • Items in inns can no longer be picked up by players of lower level than the item's level.
  • Ego-weapons 'of Aman' now show in their item name again (when *identified*) whether they provide extra attacks.
  • Rugby ball handling and game piece handling has been fixed.
  • New command "/self" added, which is a local version of "/me", similar how "/say" relates to global chat.
  • The "/untag p" command now properly removes "uncursed" inscription.
  • It's now possible to purchase a stackable item from a player store even though the character's inventory is full, as long as the item can be stacked with an existing similar item.
  • Nevrast is slightly cheaper, Thror slightly more expensive.
  • Monsters cannot block or parry anymore while confused, paralyzed or asleep.
  • The city of Gondolin has opened its east gate.
  • A glitch with Draconians has been fixed that would cause team mates' ESP vision to flicker up in their own view sometimes when using the locate ('L'/'W') command.
  • Salt water is said to speed up melting processes.
  • Adrenaline properly provides temporary STR/DEX/CON boni.
  • Potions of berserk strength actually greatly increase your strength temporarily, making it easier to bash or tunnel.
  • Precision Shot now always hits provided the target is visible to the player.
  • Reduced mana cost for mindcrafter spells Confusion and Hypnosis somewhat.
  • Noteworthy occurances now shows characters reaching Menegroth or Nargothrond.
  • A second IDDC-exclusive-mode character slot has been added.
  • It is no longer possible to trade items that come from outside the IDDC, before reaching floor 5 (-250ft).
  • The corridor-carving algorithm in transitional levels (between two themes) has been fixed so it should no longer generate lots of impassable corridor parts.
For a list of client-side changes see here: ... 1953#p1953
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Several dungeon locations have been changed to fit theme of dungeon/wildernes or lore better.
Some lower-level dungeon might now be easier reachable from Bree.

The Helcaraxe 34,49
The Small Water Cave 18,0
Erebor 42,17
Mount Doom 58,44
The Mines of Moria 28,6
Mirkwood 40,27
The Land of Rhun 51,31
Nether Realm 13,52
The Sacred Land of Mountains 45,48
The Old Forest 46,14
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.6.0:
  • !X on spell books will now attempt to re-cast the spell until it succeeds or you're out of mana. Use with care.
  • PK (declaring war/making peace) has been disabled by default. PvP-mode and Blood Bond still work as usual.
  • Gondolin walls are lit correctly with all special lighting options are enabled in the client.
  • Floors will stay static for depth x 2 minutes now instead of depth x 3 minutes. (The usual exceptions for special floors apply, see ~d in game.)
  • Fixed a crash for passwords that contain illegal characters under certain circumstances.
  • More sound effects have been added (see forum Announcements -> Audio Packs).
  • 'alert_offpanel_dam' option behaviour fixed.
  • Level 30+ rogues and mindcrafters can see through 'shadowed' and 'master thief' ego monster powers which usually conceal the monsters presence.
  • Characters continue to suffer from timed damage effects while in a store (eg poison/cuts).
  • Characters won't get a message for most monster actions that happen out of line of sight.
  • 'Reflection' ability for players has been buffed by increasing the chance to reflect attacks.
  • Characters can now always switch place with other characters who stand right in front of a shop, to avoid them blocking the shop entrance if they're afk.
  • Messages when quaffing from (water) fountains have been corrected.
  • Using forms with random movement will no longer result in accidental world map sector switching when moving along the edge of a sector.
  • The warning messages that tell a player on logon that one of his characters is about to expire soon are now displayed in both message and chat window.
  • On logging in a character, you will see a message telling you about events that are about to begin soon (less than 5 minutes remaining).
  • Death messages now always show the real killer instead of hallucinated one or insanity.
  • Monsters can no longer interfere with player actions if the player is a ghost or shadow-running.
  • Sauron can now fly and thereby pass certain obstacles.
  • Monsters who cannot be confused (NO_CONF) or stunned (NO_STUN) will also take somewhat reduced damage from confusion or sound attacks respectively.
  • Intermediate weight armour worn by martial arts user will not get that much of a +AC penalty compared to light weight armour anymore.
  • Martial arts damage increased and hit chance increased a lot.
  • Martial arts don't give as much extra AC bonus (ie the bonus you get for unused item slots) for equipment slots that actually have armour items in them.
  • It is no longer possible to create characters or accounts that are too similar to existing names of other players.
  • It is no longer possible to create guilds that are too similar in name to already existing guilds of other players.
  • Mimic powers under fire-till-kill mode will stop when out of mana.
  • Runecraft time backlash has no drain effects anymore if player resists time.
  • Runecraft bolt damage now depends correctly on spell modifiers again.
  • Removed !R inscription for runes.
  • 'Telekinesis II' had its weight limit increased a bit.
  • 'Remote Vision' spell now also detects the minds of shop keepers and no longer gives temporary ESP. Note that Remote Vision can detect invisible monsters, but not monsters with empty mind.
  • 'Recognition' and 'Remote Vision' spells had their fail chance reduced, Recognition's mana cost reduced.
  • 'Psi Storm' damage increased.
  • 'Release Souls' mana cost reduced.
  • 'Resurrection' spell fail chance reduced.
  • Holy Curing school level 50 boni improved: -5% exp loss on death (caps at 30%, so a priest with max Holy Curing reviving another priest who also maxed it won't result in only 25% exp loss - does work with instant resurrection though, reducing its penalty from 50% to 45%) and melee attacks get branded with SLAY_UNDEAD.
  • Slay-mods are applied correctly in pvp-fights (including blood bond). So far only brand-mods (elemental) were applied.
  • Fixed a bug that could wrongly flag items with negative pval as 'broken' when the player who carries them logs out and back in.
  • Melee-oriented characters will start out with lighter weapons if it gives them at least 2 BpR instead of just 1.
  • Items the player drops can now land on staircases, preventing some critical item loss in special situations where there is no available space except for a staircase.
  • (Fruit) bats can now wear body armour.
  • Fixed a glitch that might result in a loss of money when dropping money piles of greatly differing value on top of each other inside a house.
  • Reworked money pile flavours: More flavours (money colour, ie copper, silver, gold..), especially new gem types added and improved scaling.
  • Inspecting boomerangs should return a correct damage estimate now.
  • Items on the world surface and especially in dungeons time out slower (45 minutes for basic items in the dungeon instead of 30 minutes).
  • The random item loss that may occur on death now somewhat tries to keep magic devices, spellbooks and grimoires alive (may still poof if unlucky though).
  • Item activation code fixed in special circumstances: If an item is an artifact and has a special activation that differs from it's base-type activation, use the artifact special activation instead (true art DSMs!).
  • For private LANs: 'persistent_artifacts' and 'players_never_expire' options added in tomenet.cfg.
  • A glitch has been fixed that can cause true artifacts to no longer timeout in certain (rare) circumstances.
  • Event reward generation code will accept 'Critical-strike' skill as a replacement for 'Sword-mastery' to try and generate a sword-type weapon.
  • Event reward generation code will avoid super light armour for characters who don't really aim at that, eg no more cloth hats/tunics for non-MA paladins.
  • Randart lamps no longer have outrageous level requirements.
  • Spellbooks and grimoires had their weight reduced, now same as tomes and greater crystals.
  • Gnomish shovels are now somewhat lighter than normal shovels.
  • Speed boots price was increased a bit.
  • Sickles (which are the lightest polearms even before spears) are now offered in town weapon stores.
  • Mage staves no longer get negative (+hit,+dam) enchantments by default.
  • The 'Stone of Lore' no longer hurts vampire (or undead-form) characters.
  • Bloodscourge damage buffed slightly.
  • Removed CURSE_NO_DROP from The One Ring.
  • Til-i-arc can now only drop from the White Balrog (dungeon boss in the Helcaraxe).
  • Monsters using (non-magical) ranged attacks have the correct sound effects now.
  • The commands /note and /notec have been combined to just just /note.
  • The /draw command messages have been corrected.
  • New command /dun added. Displays the name of the dungeon you're currently in.
  • The commands /partymembers and /guildmembers now also show account names.
  • Added /knock command. (It's the same as doing h k on a house door.)
  • Knocking at a house door will now sound equally loud to everyone inside instead of getting quieter over distance, and produces a notification message too.
  • A glitch has been fixed that prevented correct experience distribution when a much higher level player casted a buff spell on another player.
  • Partyable players should consistently have their level displayed in light blue colour in @ list now (there was some glitchiness).
  • The /tag command syntax in the guide has been completed.
  • Using smileys ':D' and ':3' in a sentence no longer attempts to send the message to a party.
  • Telekinesis spell now uses server-side item request. This means that it only asks for an item if the cast actually succeeded. However, if you had it macroed for specific items, you'll need to insert \wXX to wait for the 'Teleport which object?' request to make it work again.
  • Weapon/ammunition branding (runecraft) will cease if you unequip them or equip a secondary weapon, requiring you to re-cast the spell to brand them again.
  • Havoc rod damage types reduced to more in-style elements, which are also less likely to get resisted. (All base element types have been excluded.)
  • Monster attack sounds are now also audible to players nearby (at reduced volume) who are not the actual target of the monster.
  • Expensive Black Market offers slightly worse discounts now while Secret Black Market now offers discounts, and better ones than the XBM.
  • Staves of curing cure hallucinations as their description states.
  • Scrolls of wilderness mapping are now actual pieces of the world map: Reading one will reveal a random world map sector to you, including dungeons there, if any.
  • Command /f can be used as shorter version for /flip.
  • Mindless/nonliving monsters won't get sped up from aggravation spells.
  • It's no longer possible to intercept elementals (including '*' type monsters) or vortices.
  • Players reaching -3000ft and deeper will have a boosted chance to find a speed ring from high-level monsters. This will revert back to normal once they find one.
  • Since true artifacts can be kept for a while after winning, winners will not be able to recall after defeating Morgoth. They have to make it through the whole dungeon.
  • Automatic server updates that usually wait for all players to leave the dungeons now skip IDDC characters that have been idle for 10+ minutes.
Forum changes:
A new subforum "Trading" has been added.

For client-side changes, see ... 2056#p2056
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in 4.6.1:
  • Fallen winners now have an option to re-king solo, without the need for someone else to assist, by visiting 'The Mirror' in Lothlorien. See guide (4.5a) for details.
  • ID spells triggered by !X are now interruptible by movement/hitting space bar.
  • !X on final ID scroll of a pack identifies the correct item now.
  • Improved item descriptions (inspect with SHIFT+i).
  • Maia race: /ex command shows information about your way to initiation.
  • Setting/disarming monster traps now only takes half a turn. For disarming, this requires the player to have a trapping skill that matches the one of the player who set the trap.
  • Some trap kits had their weight reduced.
  • Trapping skill increases damage and radius of traps (more).
  • Trap kits that don't use ammunition can have ego powers again. (Ego powers were disabled for those.)
  • Event reward creation improved. Traps are now guaranteed ego items too.
  • IRC command '?who' added, same as /who in-game.
  • A bug was fixed that wouldn't apply boomerang stats correctly under some circumstances.
  • Stat increase/decrease effects on monsters improved/fixed (weakness potion in fumes trap etc).
  • In all towns except Bree players who are instantly resurrected will spawn in a sickbay area next to the temple, which is protected from monsters.
  • Black Dogs are no longer eligible for 'pack leader' ego power.
  • Fixed a glitch that could crash the server when firing ammunition without a target.
  • Guide (6.7c) suggests some more forms for Shamans.
  • The online help (? key or /help command) now shows a command key overview, as suggested by Lightman.
  • Vampires have much less mana in bat form than in their humanoid form.
  • Vampires are now immune to Black Breath.
  • Vampires take only half the exp drain from equipped items.
  • Vampires may equip heavily cursed items (except for 'nothingness' weapons!). All negative bonus numbers on these weapons will flip to positive ones, with some being reduced perhaps, making Morgul weapons and several heavily cursed artifacts usable for them. The boni will revert when taking the item off.
  • Vampires no longer burn from sunlight while inside a player house.
  • Vampires got 'Vampiric Mist' form added which has some special perks.
  • Shiver/fear auras have been buffed (trigger rate mainly).
  • Removed TELEPORT flag from Camlost to make it useful for vampires.
  • Removed WRAITH flag from the Long Wword of Angmar to make it useful for vampires.
  • The Iron Crown of Beruthiel and the Phial of Undeath are now heavily cursed.
  • Stormshield block rate improved.
  • Thunder Axe 'Dawn of Hope' renamed to 'Twilight'. Lotharang is now a Tomahawk instead of a Battle Axe.
  • The artifact list (~1) now displays colours, indicating the item types same as is used in inventory/equipment.
  • Weapons that give Black Breath will actually resist Nazguls same as artifacts/stormbringer do (1 in 1000 chance to get destroyed on hitting).
  • PvP-mode characters can no longer enter the party menu, since they cannot form parties anyway.
  • PvP-mode characters will now by prefixed with 'Gladiator' title on login.
  • It's now correctly possible to switch place with players standing right in front of a shop.
  • Dungeon exploration records use more consistent terminology.
  • Freesia can now respawn for kings, while Farmer Maggot's dogs are still exempt.
  • More items have been made useful for using them in a trap: Rune scrolls, darkness staves, PfE and various light-casting items.
  • Double-immunity increases the value of randarts more.
  • When pasting an item from a player store, the house colour will be reflected in the paste message (colour of the '+'), as suggested by Dj_wolf.
  • Experimental new spell system: Spells have fixed mana cost and in turn some spells have been split up into different tiers, enumerated by roman numbers. The damage of lower tiers scales up somewhat with further school skill increase. When a spell is cast without a tier number, it will automatically try to use the highest available tier. So in theory you do not need to change your macros.
  • Mindcraft spells have been tiered.
  • Holy school spells have been tiered.
  • Book store capacity has been increased to accomodate for spell-tiering.
  • All kinds of book stores now change their stock more frequently.
  • Disenchantment bolt is now a beam, called 'Disenchantment Ray'.
  • Hellfire deals more damage to certain monsters.
  • Players may write up to 6 pending notes instead of 5.
  • Vapour spell damage increased by 60%.
  • Water Bolt spell added to Water school.
  • Ice Storm renamed to 'Frost Barrier', has now radius 1.
  • Nature school's 'Healing' spell has been adjusted to match the one from Holy Curing.
  • Holy Offense and Holy Curing is very slightly harder to train for paladins than for priests.
  • Exorcism has been adjusted. It now dispels demons only.
  • Martyrdom now only lasts 8 seconds for non-priests (15s for priests).
  • Dispel-type spells deal halved damage while under the effect of Martyrdom.
  • Dispel-type spells now correctly have halved damage output while in wraithform.
  • Holy Sense Monsters has been changed to Detect Evil.
  • Holy schools are no longer affected by Spell-Power. Orb of Draining damage has been increased.
  • Release Souls has been renamed to 'Redemption'.
  • Mindcraft AK3, Revelation and Astral Relocation cannot be cast while blind anymore.
  • Willpower is now castable while confused, so it could be chained with Clear Mind spell.
  • Kinetic shield duration improved, notifiers added similar to disruption shield.
  • Extra Growth fail rate reduced.
  • Holy school *remove curse* is now level 35 instead of 40.
  • Specialty: Charm spell uses Charisma to determine fail rate.
  • Swimming skill: Half-troll nerfed, kobold boosted, vampire nerfed.
  • Ents cannot train 'Climbing' skill anymore.
  • Inspecting magic devices and other items whose damage depends on magic device skill will show the damage interval from 0 to 50.000 'Magic Devices' skill.
  • Bolt damage was buffed for many rods, bolt/ball damage of magic devices was buffed in general.
  • Added +MANA and acid resistance to Olorin's staff.
  • Boni mentioned in races.lua during character creation process have been corrected.
  • Maiar can now train Swimming skill if they want.
  • Antimagic field can now suppress DG_CURSE effect.
  • Saving throw (and therefore antimagic shell) can now suppress TY_CURSE effect.
  • DG_CURSE and TY_CURSE effects now trigger less frequently.
  • Reward item creation has been improved (see (8.5)).
  • Monster confusion (scrolls and runecraft) has been buffed to last for several hits instead of just the first one.
  • Spotted master thief ego monsters no longer appear as dots but with their actual symbol.
  • C-h-h screen improved: Correct +HP bonus displayed (up to +3 in total). Correct IV bonus displayed.
  • Pseudo-id inscriptions can now trigger the auto-incription feature.
  • Poison brand is now correctly applied in PvP.
  • Drinking from a fountain will now tell you if that was the last sip.
  • It's now possible to clear pending notes to characters who no longer exist, oops.
  • Account-wide house limit implemented: Up to 30 houses on all characters added together. Also shown in the /ex command.
  • The character menu has been expanded by one generic slot, allowing creation of up to 9 generic characters.
  • A bug has been fixed that interfered with getting massive pieces of wood from hacking down trees.
  • Inspecting an item while inside one's house will display the player store appraisal value.
  • Unmagic has no effect while under the effect from Martyrdom.
  • The shop-theft blacklist now continues to run out even while AFK (at same speed).
  • /roll, /d and /die are synonyms for /dice command.
  • When a player store sells an item, the seller will get a live message if he is online, even if it's on a different character.
  • A timing bug has been fixed that could lock up clients in certain situations (eg when actively searching for doors/traps while rods recombine in the inventory. The lag-o-meter would go red and the client not react to commands anymore).
  • Runecraft: Darkness damage reduced. Sigils fixed. Runes are required for more kinds of action and especially to prevent dangerous backlashes.
  • The secondary weapon gets visually greyed out in the equipment screen if the character's armour weight is too much to allow dual-wielding (flexibility encumberment).
  • IRC command "?help" added that lists all available IRC commands.
  • Party members may try to steal from each other in town, if caught they'll get send to jail even if the jail is not enabled otherwise (for swearing).
  • Invulnerable targets now have their health bar displayed in bronze colour (light brown)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Bloodletters from spawning normally.
  • Highlander amulets stack correctly now.
  • Mindcrafters and vampires resist the shock effects of encountering an ELDRITCH_HORROR greatly. Undead/weird/empty mind forms somewhat.
  • Each point of Mimicry skill above 35.000 will reduce shapechange energy cost (duration) by 5%.
  • Each point of Mimicry skill above 30.000 will increase mana by +5.
  • The /dis command (without a or b parameter) will now also destroy cheap, known, non-ego shields, but will never destroy dragon scale mails anymore.
  • Shard damage tears up scrolls/parchments on the floor.
  • Speed ring levels have been increased by +2.
  • A town elder is standing in Bree, ready to give directions to newcomers.
  • Quest info file: 'A-line' fixed, auto-acceptance added, allow ego monsters. 'Talk-only' quest type added that doesn't occupy a quest slot of the player. 'Log' added (x-lines).
  • Command /que can now be used to display a short quest log. Command /qdrop has been added to drop a quest, which /que no longer does.
  • Golem creation adjusted and fixed. Golems may only have exactly two legs, not less and not more. Arms and legs now spawn from +5 to +15 and directly reflect +damage dice sides and +speed. Golem melee damage has been sanitized. +Speed items can no longer be added and +Life items cat at +3 total.
  • It's now possible to drop items onto stacks of the same item owned by a dead player and have them merge automatically, provided one's own character level is higher than the item level of the dead player's stack.
  • Wilderness map pieces now reveal a 3x3 worldmap sector patch (can be smaller if on the edge of the map) instead of just a single sector.
  • Death now cancels Word-of-recall, avoiding a sad cascade.
  • Removed redundant 'You gain <....ability....>' style messages, eg an Ent Shaman "learning" to see invisible at 20 (shaman power) although he already knows it because he's an ent.
  • Some more newbie warnings added (drained stats/exp on entering a town; iron/noup/forcedown warnings on stepping onto such a dungeon's staircase; warning on dropping a boomerang; warning_bash for doors; warning_inspect when finding a ring or amulet).
  • Commands /sayme (or /sme) added that works like /say (or /s) but for emotes (same as /me does in global chat).
  • Ice damage no longer has a sound-damage property, it's just a mixture of cold and shards damage now.
  • Plasma resistance implies fire, lightning and sound resistance. Breathers will have all these and transfer them to mimicry users accordingly.
  • Toxic waste breath gives poison and acid resistance to the monster, which will transfer to mimicry users accordingly.
  • Wall breathers will correctly transfer sound resistance to mimicry users.
Runecraft (maintained by Kurzel):
  • Force element and Runes of Force have been replaced with the Ice element (cold/shards/sound) and Runes of Ice.
  • Shards (Nexus/Mana) and Time (Nexus/Nether) skill combinations have been swapped (Nexus/Mana now produces Time), ask for a reskill if your build was affected.
  • Glyph is no longer a basic spell type, elemental glyphs now occupy the Enhanced Sign (Glyph) type; be prepared to carry runes in order to set any glyphs at all!
  • Glyph spells now avoid cost and backlash if the placement is invalid or if no rune is available to be consumed.
  • !R inscription now prevents the last rune of a stack in your inventory from being consumed by a spell, causing the spell to fail instead (Sigil, or when placing a Glyph).
  • Sign type spell list compressed, effects have been moved, improved, added, altered or removed (especially experimental or class-specific effects). Check the guide!
  • -Teleportation (Nexus Sign) effect range now varies much more between modifiers, to allow for a range of effects anywhere from 'Phase Door' to 'Teleportation'.
  • -Branding messages improved to be similar to resistance messages; temporary branding requires a wielded weapon and applies only to melee attacks.
  • Rune tables simplified and expanded in the guide, descriptions for Sign and Enhanced types added, element damage weighting and effect interaction summarized.
  • Enhanced spell types now show appropriate names in the guide and in-game menus (eg. Enhanced Bolt now displays 'Beam' rather than 'Bolt').
  • Enhanced Sigil (Boon) item boni (per element / equipment type) table updated, a few effects moved or duplicated (eg. Anti-Teleportation or Vorpal).
  • Sign and Enhanced spells now require a rune of the appropriate element to be present in your inventory in order to be cast at all (as with spellscrolls for non-rune spells).
  • Runes consumed when placing Glyphs may now be retrieved for no cost and at no chance of backlash by casting another Glyph spell while standing on an elemental Glyph.
  • Burst spell type added, peviously was Enhanced Ball; compared to ball spells, this type has a reduced radius and damage that does not diminish with radius.
  • Two new Enhanced spell types added:
  • -Swarm (Enhanced Ball) fires a volley of 2-4 radius 1 minimized balls adjacent to your target, usually half damage each but occasionally full damage on a direct hit (~3 in 9 chance).
  • -Flare (Enhanced Burst) fires a high damage non-reflectable bolt, but the caster suffers 33% spell backlash even on a successful cast. Failure deals regular, full backlash as normal.
  • Spell damage caps and costs were tuned to be competitive between types (Beam/Bolt damage increased, Ball damage lowered) and to appproximate spell damage from non-rune spells.
  • Elemental damage caps now weighted precisely to be consistent with pre-existing monster damage, with the exception of Ice and Plasma elements, which lean toward base elements.
  • Cloud damage reduced slightly for lower levels, but increased for higher levels, base maximum radius reduced from 4 to 3.
  • Auto-retaliation improved; incorrect inscriptions are now ignored, while damaging sign spells (Illumination/Annihilation) are now viable selections for retaliation.
  • Runespell buffs now use a randomized duration as with similar non-rune spells, resulting in less duration overall (eg. Haste, Resistance).
  • Minimum skill level for bolts has been increased to 4 and for beams, balls and clouds to 5.
  • Darklings and Candlebearers now occur from level 10 to 20 instead of 12 to 20.
  • The granted speed ring (starting from -3000 ft) varies now from +8 to +10 instead of +7 to +10.
  • Seasoned Traveller trap effect has been toned down in IDDC.
  • Killing a dungeon boss displays the correct conquer-message.
For client-side changes see ... 2307#p2307
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Server-side changes in v4.7.0:
  • !L also works for boomerangs.
  • New ego item: Boots of Jumping, activate for phase door.
  • Thunderlord ego items no longer teleport you.
  • Priest hit dice buffed from 4 to 5.
  • Priest has become better at blocking and parrying, runemaster slightly worse at blocking.
  • Priest, Mimic, Mindcrafter had Interception skill buffed.
  • Characters expire after 1 year (bumped from 6 months) of inactivity.
  • Quest keywords can contain '*' wildcards. Entering '?' for keyword displays a short help.
  • Firework scrolls may drop almost everywhere during new years eve.
  • Added a way to spot cloaked and invisible players in winter.
  • Auras may affect unique and powerful monsters too now.
  • Auras work in PvP now.
  • Since auras are Blood Magic, they feed from your blood, slowing down your Hit Point regeneration.
  • More slay flags work in PvP now.
  • Spell diz correctly states now that cleansing light damages undead.
  • Arena monster challenge: Monsters completely ignore players hiding in the corners.
  • Events that hand out reward items may also hand out dark swords now if you have sword-mastery and antimagic skills trained.
  • Troll 'king' ego monsters received DROP_GREAT flag.
  • Checking items for appraisal value now works in list houses too.
  • Extremely low elemental damage will no longer harm items in the inventory.
  • Priests of level 35 and Enlightened Maiar can instantly sense curses. Priests below level 35 can sense them the faster the closer they come to 35.
  • Corrupted Maiar can take off lightly cursed items at will.
  • Some detect spells now also correctly detect other players.
  • Player ESP has been fixed for hard mode and for ESPing other players correctly depending on their type.
  • Various spells were adjusted, mostly holy school spells receiving buffs in some ways.
  • New feature: Item orders. Hit o key in a basic town store to order a specific, basic (non-ego) item. Ordering piles takes longer. Cannot order items that a shop doesn't ever sell. In the Rune Repository and Book Store you can simply just type in the spell name or rune element instead of the full item name.
  • Randart versions of rings that come in their base form with one of the four basic elemental resistances are especially likely to obtain the according immunity as randart.
  • The traps pits, trap doors and chasms can no longer drain sanity.
  • Items inside inns can no longer stack to form piles, this works now similar as inside houses. Don't drop items in inns when there is no free space nearby.
  • Traumaturgy skill: Fixed a bug that caused it to be always as efficient as if it was at level 50.000.
  • Light damage hurts fallen and corrupted angels with full damage.
  • Characters that can train Interception skill or that have trained Martial Arts skill will gain a basic interception chance depending on their character level (caps at 50) or their Martial Arts skill respectively (whatever is higher), even if they didn't train Interception skill explicitely. Training the Interception skill will add to this, but less than it previously did. This means that training the Interception skill is somewhat less urgent now for melee characters. Also, druid get pseudo-interception this way thanks to their Martial Arts skill.
  • Added /yell command, same as /shout.
  • Archers can train antimagic skill as easily as warriors.
  • Various tome/handbook colours were changed.
  • Word-of-recall state correctly survives logging out.
  • Server settings (~d) made more precise.
  • Items: IGNORE_ACID flag implies IGNORE_WATER, even if not shown explicitely.
  • Mace of Disruption had SLAY_UNDEAD flag replaced by KILL_UNDEAD and it's average damage enchantment somewhat increased.
  • Scythe of Slicing had its slay flags replaced by VORPAL.
  • Thunder Axe had electricity resistance removed (this reduces internal point cost when turning it into a random artifact) and had IGNORE_WATER turned into IGNORE_ACID (which implies IGNORE_WATER).
  • Demon Hammer had SLAY_DEMON flag replaced by KILL_DEMON and IGNORE_ACID flag added.
  • Scourge of Repentance now slays both undead and demons and ignores acid and fire.
  • Various static magic school boni were modified.
  • Martyrdom level has been increased from 40 to 45.
  • Training both Antimagic and Interception skill will result in diminishing returns, allowing a maximum combined spell suppression chance of 83%, which in other words means "1/3 less spell casts than with only one of the two skills maxed".
  • Elemental Dragon Scale Mails had their breath activation damage buffed.
  • There is said to be a legendary Go master who sometimes visits the casino.
  • Mage staves are now white. Three piece rods same colour as quarterstaves.
  • Healing spells no longer cure status ailments, use Curing spells for those.
  • Fire-till-kill can now be used with wands and directional rods, enable it by inscribing the item !K.
  • @O inscription will now cause fire-till-kill to stop and instead auto-retaliation to start when a foe enters melee range.
  • Monsters interfering with your shooting attempt will no longer cancel ongoing fire-till-kill.
  • More item types received a descriptive text (displayed when inspecting the item).
  • Antimagic field effects on mind-based spells ('Mind' school) reduced to get in line with the Mindcrafter schools.
  • @S player-store inscriptions may be terminated by a space too instead of only by a dot.
  • Player stores: Speed rings, artifact creation scrolls and randarts use their base price as minimum, unlike all other items which use 2x their base price.
  • The One Ring and Bladeturner do not time out at double speed when carried by winners (characters with a royal title) unlike other artifacts.
  • Players who have slain Sauron can no longer find The One Ring.
  • Monsters who are hurt can teleport out of vaults, unless those are no-teleport vaults.
  • The /xo command is usable inside the IDDC. Outside of it you need to visit a town hall or seat of ruling to get an extermination order.
  • When dungeons are discovered, their detailed information will be viewable by every player in the Mathom House, such as location, depth and boss.
  • 'Holy' ego animals no longer take damage from holy-based attack.
  • Ranger class gains tree-passing and swimming at earlier levels.
  • A notification message will be displayed when an item finishes recharging.
  • Inscribing a rod !C will give you a notification when it finishes recharging.
  • Used real physical specs for certain occurances of and interaction with materials/metals in the game (your Mithril piece never got realer..).
  • Inspecting an item will also tell when it hasn't been identified yet - which means that it could display additional info if IDed. Items that never require ID (EASY_KNOW) will not display this message.
  • Golems no longer attack non-hostile players.
  • Potions of life can no longer occur in fountains, so vampires won't get instakilled.
  • Mimicry forms: Cats, ninjas and rogues receive a stealth bonus. Priestly fast caster forms will give WIS bonus instead of INT.
  • Mimicry spell 'Poison Ball' had its damage increased.
  • Mimicry: Setting/checking/clearing 'preferred immunity' no longer works with older clients.
  • Martial artists may wear the most basic body armour (up to 2.0 lbs, eg robe, tunic, gown) right away at level 1 without getting penalized, so they don't have to go naked.
  • Probability Travel will now skip floors that have other players on them which aren't in your party.
  • The casino can still be used even if the character is currently blacklisted.
  • Throwing stat-decreasing potions has more effect on monsters.
  • Spell-power calculations are more fine-grained now, ensuring proper application of the skill.
  • Wyrms of the base elements and metal ones are now coloured distinguishably (flickering) from ancient dragons.
  • Potion of Self-Knowledge also identifies all items.
  • All mithril and adamantite armour pieces and dragon helmets have an increased chance of having ego powers.
  • Holy Offense school's static SLAY_UNDEAD bonus (at 30) will make mundane weapons deal effective damage vs Nazgul again. Note that this doesn't affect the chance of the weapon to get destroyed though.
  • True artifacts will be less often generated out of depth, this goes both ways: Rarely high level artifacts on shallow dungeon levels and rarely low level artifacts on deep dungeon levels.
  • Several low level true artifacts have a higher chance of being generated.
  • Martial Arts now applies to-damage bonus before applying critical hits, increasing the overall damage if the player deals critical hits.
  • Randarts: SEE_INVIS is no longer a type-dependant flag. VORPAL flag can now spawn on randart swords.
  • New magic school group added: 'Occult'. It consists of 'Shadow' and 'Spirit' school.
  • Added 'Dispel Magic' to Holy Defense, added 'Earthquake' to Holy Offense, moved 'Drain Life' to Shadow (Occult).
  • Istar school spells have been split up into tiers, completing the spell tiering as the last bunch of schools that were still untiered.
  • Spell 'Fireflash' split up into 'Fire Ball' and 'Fireflash'. Spell 'Frost Ball' added. Spell 'Water Bolt' added.
  • Renamed 'Magic schools' to 'Wizardry', 'Holy schools' to 'Prayers', 'Druidic schools' to 'Druidism', 'Mindcraft schools' to 'Mindcraft', 'Necromancy' is no longer a parent skill but belongs to new dummy parent skill 'Blood Magic' as all its former subskills do now.
  • !X inscription now also works on perception staves and rods, activatable items and spellbooks, including bag-identify spells.
  • Fixed a glitch in Herbal Tea that occurred between spell level 20 and 24.
  • Meta school has been disbanded and spells moved to other schools, 'Project' spell was scrapped completely: 'Wizardry' (formerly 'Magic schools') spells now all auto-project.
  • Monsters that resist time are unaffected by stasis effects.
  • Charming/Possessing are grid-bolt attacks, meaning they don't require a free line of fire to the target (they do need the target to be in line of sight though, just that other monsters can be inbetween).
  • 'Elemental Shield I' is now a shared spell (Fire/Water school), 'Elemental Shield II' is shared between Fire/Water/Air/Earth - since it's a level 20 spell that means you need 80 total skill value, for example: 50 fire, 30 earth. Or 20 in all four schools.
  • Rogues can no longer access Divination and Air magic, but Shadow (Occult) instead. They can still access Conveyance.
  • Shamans and adventurers can access all Occult magic (Spirit and Shadow school).
  • Priests can access Shadow (Occult) magic.
  • 'Holy Light I' spell had its damage increased and spell info displayed properly.
  • Gold Dragon Scale Mail can no longer be melted by acidic attacks.
  • Druid: Giant Roc, Winged Horror, Firebird (and The Phoenix) had their speed slightly increased. Sasquatch has now less AC than War Bear.
  • The Anchor of Space-Time gives time resistance.
  • Some dungeon bosses had their HP increased and some give more experience now.
  • Player may teleport onto grids that have items on them (was previously not possible).
  • Recognition spell is now shared between Attunement and Mental Intrusion.
  • Spell handbooks can spawn in black markets.
  • Items with negative enchantments which still have a great ego power will no longer be pseud-identified as something bad.
  • Unique monster list (~3) now shows monster levels.
  • Monster list (~2) is now sorted by levels.
  • /wh shortcut added for /whisper command.
  • Holy Fire can destroy dead trees.
  • Some monsters which previously couldn't pass mountains can climb now.
  • Bloodthirster rarity decreased somewhat.
  • Gorlim may drop his helmet.
  • Basic monster summoning (S_MONSTER monster spell) can no longer summon angels.
  • Certain player races get intrinsic AC bonus due to their tough skin: Half-Trolls +2, Ents +5, Draconians +4, Metallic Draconians +8.
  • Monster buffs: Shambler is now immune to electricity and had extremities added. Keeper of Secret has a torso now. Bloodthirster level reduced from 55 to 50 and received fire immunity. Star-Spawn, Great Unclean One, Bile Demon and Gelugon had their limbs (inventory slots for mimicry) increased. Elder Vampire speed buffed from +10 to +20. Low/mid level angels had their HP buffed. Various top-tier 'p' monsters were buffed.
  • Go in the casino: Increased time limit per move from 30 to 60 seconds (experimental).
  • A cutlass deals slightly more damage and costs more.
  • Monsters that have NO_CUT flag take reduced damage from shard-based attacks.
  • Monsters drop item types that obey their loot table (treasure classes) and that also are more in theme with the monster in some cases, eg if a Swordsmen drops a weapon it'd be a sword rather than a whip, axe or polearm.
  • Monsters correctly obey their treasure classes all the time now, a glitch has been fixed that would cause monsters to drop wrong loot types in some cases.
  • Vampires cannot use holy fire spells (Fireflash).
  • Witan Boots always retain their -2 to stealth, even as randart. This means that they can get more than +5 to speed now, same as all other boots.
  • Earthquake diggers no longer cause quakes from light stuff like bushes or spider webs.
  • New feature: Merchant mail. Send an item or money to another player for a fee via the merchant guild (the "bank", usually nearby the local black market). COD mail is also possible. Note that mail that bounces more than once (nobody is picking it up) is lost without compensation.
  • Staves and rods now stack like wands: Their charges are all combined in the stack. Using them no longer unstacks them, saving inventory space.
  • New staircase sound effects added, requires a full client update or at least soundpack update.
  • Beholders now have UNMAGIC spell, according to the lore.
  • Picklocks can now spawn with varying +disarm values.
  • /empty command is available again to empty a potion from your inventory and receive an empty bottle that you can use to /fill at fountains for example.
  • Rod recharging fixed in all situations, wherever the rod may be.
  • Items with timeouts keep timing out no matter where they are.
  • Fixed rod behaviour in trap kits, firing properly now.
  • It's now possible to cast spells at hostile player-owned monsters (aka a golem of a hostile player).
  • Spell 'Thunderstorm' completely reworked and buffed, audiovisual effects added.
  • Spell 'Poison Blood' moved from Air to Nature school.
  • Spell 'Doomed Grounds' uses annihilation effect instead of drain life.
  • Ego items that have REGEN_MANA no longer have NO_MAGIC flag.
  • The Stone of Lore has REGEN_MANA now.
  • The temple priest also cures cuts now.
  • For unarmed melee attacks vampiric gloves will apply 100% vampirism instead of 50%. Rejoice, martial artists.
  • Purified undead doesn't give Black Breath anymore.
  • Simple EASY_KNOW items, such as climbing set, now automatically form a stack when dropping one to the ground where there's another one.
  • Added artifact 'Bastard Sword of Eowyn'.
  • Emote command /me now supports attaching apostrophe. Example: "/me's house burns" results in chat message "[Gandalf's house burns.]".
  • Hellish mode also reduces shots per round by 1 now.
  • Vampires cannot feed off certain monster types anymore: Insects, Quylthulgs, molds, jellies, icky things.
  • Sanity deaths in Training Tower will no longer produce a living vegetable but reset sanity to 0.
  • Items that got lightly pseudo-identified (eg very low Combat skill) can get re-pseudo-identified later when strong pseudo-identification has become available (eg Combat skill has been increased to 11+).
  • Half-elves gained a small Nature school bonus, elves gained a Water and a large Nature school bonus, high-elves gained a nature school bonus.
  • Anti-teleportation will now cancel Word-of-Recall effects instead of stalling them.
  • Martial arts consequences and weaponmastery boni are now applied correctly when wielding a weapon only in the secondary hand while the main hand is empty.
  • Items of incompatible mode have their names now displayed in dark grey when stepping on them.
  • Characters can now transfer house ownership to another character of the same account.
  • Characters can now enter houses whose owner is another character of the same account (provided they are of compatible character mode). The house door will be displayed in dark green to indicate this.
  • More spiders and poison/dark-themed monsters in Cirith Ungol.
  • Nazgul are now listed in orange colour in the unique monster list (~3).
  • Nazgul will put more effort into chasing you down now.
  • The Stormbringer (item) gained some AC malus. Doombringer gained +Extra Attacks.
  • Warriors, rogues, mimics, archers and mindcrafters can no longer access Necromancy.
  • Mimics can no longer access Traumaturgy.
  • Maiar cannot train Antimagic skill.
  • If Saruman cannot or will not drop the Star of Elendil, he will instead drop a guaranteed mage staff of wizardry.
  • Antimagic shell or skill prevents blood magic effects. Antimagic fields may disrupt blood magic effects.
  • Improved /bed command.
  • To-ac item enchantment limited to +30 instead of previously +35 to put more emphasis on the base armour class of an item. Monster hit chance has been adjusted downwards to match the now smaller total AC number.
  • It's no longer possible to float into the Training Tower as a ghost.
  • Some monsters who have WILD_ONLY flag can no longer spawn in the dungeon according to the flag's meaning.
  • Wielding a 2h-weapon will take off both weapon and shield or both your weapons if you're dual-wielding.
  • Wielding a shield will take off a two-handed weapon if you have one equipped.
  • Wielding a 1.5h-weapon will take off a weapon that was in your secondary hand.
  • Item recharge failure no longer always destroys the whole stack (except for very small stacks).
  • Lava will mostly damage boots, sometimes the cloak, but not other items when walking over it.
  • No-earthquake inscription (for Grond only) has been changed from !E to !Q.
  • Food and firestones belong exclusively to 'junk' treasure class now (instead of 'tools').
  • 'limit_chat' option also blocks IRC chat now.
  • True artifact amulets and rings have colours approriate to their lore now, where applicable. In turn, this means some other amulets or rings switched colour with them, so expect about a handful of them each to be different now.
  • Monsters' cause-wounds spell ('points at you and curses') now also applies cuts on spell levels 2 and 3 (it has 4 different spell levels). Players who have NO_CUT flag (mimicry) are immune.
  • Plasma resistance has been split up into the plasma components fire immunity (resistance for rune sigil), and resistance to electricity and sound. Plasma damage deals 50% fire compound and 25% electricity/sound compound each.
  • NO_CUT monster flag and also player flag (via mimicry only) protects against monster curses too (so far it only protected against GF_CAUSE, aka the player version of monster curse).
  • Smaug guards the Arkenstone of Thrain now, not the necklace Nauglamir.
  • This is not new, but maybe not known: Getting out of the Halls of Mandos will produce an entry in 'Noteworthy Occurances' (viewable at mayor's offices/seats of ruling).
  • Dungeon stores can no longer appear on the final floor of a dungeon.
  • Light source ego power 'of fading' is now a prefix: 'Fading'.
  • Ents get a large bonus to 'Nature' magic skill.
  • Spell failure rate changes in finer steps of Intelligence stat.
  • Necromancy skill at 50.000 will provide immunity to experience draining effects (ultimate life force hold).
  • It's now possible to add oneself cross-mode to an IDDC party, provided one's other character is currently in the IDDC too.
  • It's no longer needed to be in the IDDC to cross-mode add another character who currently is in the IDDC to one's party.
  • Players cannot infect others with Black Breath in Bree, in the Training Tower and in Valinor anymore.
  • You can set up signs in your shop by inscribing a piece of wood "@S:".
  • Using locate command will no longer clear the display of detected monsters.
  • True artifacts had their level requirements adjusted to better facilitate trading them.
  • A few more "hidden" gameplay features added (partially hard to discover, with one exception they have no real relevance on gameplay though, think easter egg).
  • Lots of bug fixes..
Specific runecraft-related changes (maintained by Kurzel):
  • Experimental: Cloud/wave/storm damage reduced at low level, damage now scales with level twice (like bolts).
  • 'Dispel' type renamed to 'Surge'.
  • Sigil boni updated to fully comply with randart boni limits (MHDSM, Shields, Boomerangs).
  • Runie annihilation now scales like wands (10-20%) and supports FTK mode.
  • 'Brief' runie annihilation caps at 600 damage per shot, otherwise the normal annihilation damage cap of 1200 applies.
  • Rune spells that require a rune now appear light red in the mkey menu and macro wizard if no rune is present in your inventory.
Specific Ironman Deep Dive Challenge-related changes:
  • A dedicated IDDC-mode character will receive flavour information randomly for on average 1/3 of all flavour types, saving ID scrolls. Journey with a buddy to rely on his flavour knowledge too, since it's probably different from yours!
  • A dedicated IDDC-mode character will receive at least a 50% discount (albeit the discount percentage is not explicitely shown on the item) in all shops in Bree (actually in any npc-store outside of the IDDC).
  • Even the smallest dungeon themes (The Maze) are expanded to full-sized floors.
  • Static floors unstatice after 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
  • Dedicated IDDC-mode characters can recall out of IDDC from the floor where they defeated Morgoth, instead of having to go on all the way to the bottom floor of the dungeon.
  • Characters automatically receive 20 scrolls of identify on entering the IDDC.
  • When an extermination order ends (failure or completion) the player can only get another one after being at least 3 floors further than the floor where he originally acquired the just finished order.
  • The monster level of extermination orders in IDDC no longer depends on player level but on floor level.
  • Hidden Library sells codices too now.
  • Potion store inventory size increased.
Audio pack-related changes (redundant with announcements in Audio Packs subforum):
Music pack updated:
  • Tomb screen goes baroque. Make it your new favourite screen!
  • Several unused music events have been added for custom modders to use, open the music.cfg file with a text editor to check and remove the '#' in the beginning of event lines to use them.
Sound pack updated:
  • Added various form-specific staircase sfx.
  • Fireworks launch sfx.
  • Disarm sfx, played when a monster successfully disarms you.
  • Sfx when getting imprisoned.
A list of all mimic spells has been added to the TomeNET Guide, forming the new chapter (6.8a).

For a list of client-side changes see ... 3521#p3521
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

Version 4.7.0a released:
This is a hotfix needed for handling the new spells correctly.
Also, Warriors, rogues, mimics, archers and mindcrafters can access Necromancy again.
C. Blue
Posts: 412
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:28 pm

Re: Server updates

Post by C. Blue »

A ninja update has been applied to the server's source code, fixing a particular Traumaturgy ratio and a few minor issues. The version was not bumped, but it is recommended to re-download the source.
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